Economy stonks v10, elections go up. or down. or flat.

i wish i could play options on this election, i'd IV crush so hard.

anyone miss kang gang? that was a fun month.

(gis for election stonks imgur)


@Tycho Brah
@Final Say
@Last Samurai


Only 3 choices!?
2 plug sell puts for next Friday at 18 strike price.
I'm going to wheel turn this bitch to the top!
2 plug sell puts for next Friday at 18 strike price.
I'm going to wheel turn this bitch to the top!

i miss plug. their weeklies were great for theta gang shit.

i've been out of them since like $9, though. if they crash after earnings, i might try to make moves.
i miss plug. their weeklies were great for theta gang shit.

i've been out of them since like $9, though. if they crash after earnings, i might try to make moves.

PLUG will do well long term especially with EV mania.
i miss plug. their weeklies were great for theta gang shit.

i've been out of them since like $9, though. if they crash after earnings, i might try to make moves.

Weekly contracts for $90-$100 for strike prices at teen levels. Yes very nice.
Weekly contracts for $90-$100 for strike prices at teen levels. Yes very nice.

i'd short some puts on them if if their er wasn't monday. i know it's extra iv, but so many stocks had run-ups to ER to get blasted regardless of results.

edit: you did mention wheeling them, though...
i'd short some puts on them if if their er wasn't monday. i know it's extra iv, but so many stocks had run-ups to ER to get blasted regardless of results.

edit: you did mention wheeling them, though...

WTF does any of what you said mean?! Teach me your ways stonks gods!
ended up selling a stupid shotgun blast of puts on adma and mvis.

apparently, i couldn't be bothered to pick strikes/dates, so i now have like 15/5 sets to micromanage and clean up next week or sometime.

@44nutman - apparently, i'm betting that a buyout won't happen before 11/20. if it dips before then, we might be brethren
I can't make sense of half the stuff you guys are saying. Calls, puts, decision making, etc.
If you buy a call, you're betting the stock will go up.

If you buy a put, you're betting the stock will go down.

Calls and puts go up more than the stock does so that's why people don't just buy the stock instead.
But careful, because they also go down more than the stock does, so they are riskier.

There are a million more details that I'm sure someone will post but I feel like it's best to learn small chunks at a time to keep your head from spinning.
lol pot stocks.
Had a shot at ACB after hrs while it was down almost 6%, pussied out making 1% and now it;s up 2% for a 8% swing -_-
Im in on VXX now. Cheapest it has been since March.
$GE popped its head over $9 pre market. Boomer stocks going to Boom.
Remember a couple threads ago I noted someone bought a shit load of calls at $9 for $GE and I was wondering what they knew. Well now I know.
1700 points!!!!!!!!!!!
lol my VXX not doing so well, but my tech shorts are happy.
Mad DKNG isnt up more.
Shouldnt have sold my pot stocks, it was the wrong thing to do.
I should have just bought all SPR when I made it onto Cramer lol thats up bigly.