Media Stipe Miocic getting tagged HARD by Ngannou.

Man, no it’s not. He’s been KO’d and visibly rocked plenty of times. Prime Hunt had a great chin, Derrick Lewis, hell even Cormier if we’re being honest. Stipe has an average chin at best.

I have no idea what you mean when you say Prime Hunt. 10 fights and 4 years into his MMA career Hunt got KOed in 18 seconds by a middleweight.

How does a KO from DC take the shine off of Stipe? Because Stipe has only ever been KOed once. Rocked but still fighting, means your chin is holding up. I don't hold Stipe in very high esteem but his chin is as good as it gets at HW.
Hard to have good defense when your opponent is much faster than you. Even Jones got tagged quite a bit in the rematch against DC. And Jones went on record saying that DC is faster than him.

Jones had 59% sig.strike defence in the rematch against DC. 59% to Stipe's 32% against an older DC, huge difference.
I learned today that "chin" doesn't really refer to chin but to the ability to take shots to the head. I thought it really meant shots to the chin.......
The scariest thing about Francis is that not only does he have incredible power, he has a solid chin and can take a shot. If this guy can get it together, he can obviously knock out anyone and be champ. I don't know how that Derrick Lewis fight happened. Beating Curtis Blaydes twice is also scary, because that dude is easily one of the top heavyweights on his way up.
More like "How the hell can Ngannou generate enough power to shake Stiopic's head up like that with an arm punch while moving backwards?"
The one that got through and touched Stipe brought out the panic wrestler in him.
It's only "panic wrestling" when bitches like Conor do it.

Stipe doesn't pretend to be some rock em sock em dude who stands and bangs to show his machismo, he's a fairly complete fighter and one of his best attributes is mixing in his takedowns with his striking.

So take notes, when Colin does it = panic wrestling. When Stipe does it = high fight IQ.
Wow, 3 exchanges where Stipe didn't get hit, mindblowing. Stipe had 32% sig.strike defence in the DC rematch. Like I said, embarrasing punching bag.

If you like stat numbers so much, you should love the fact that before the DC rematch, Stipe ranked the best of all active UFC heavyweights in sig. strike defense. What's embarrassing is that DC couldn't win despite Stipe having such an off night.
second time they fight it will be a quick finish by Ngannou. Mark my words.
my sister kod most guys with a temple shot, so they are one of the worst imo ... but punches you dont see are the wost = 99,99999% KO chance haha.

most guys in my chin can take punches with ez but 1 temple shot'? holycrap ... your legs feel like spaghettis.

Has your sister ever considered fighting in the UFC?
lets be real: boxing + knowing how to get up carries a lot of weight (HW).

i would take ngannou down and school him, but hes at least 70lbs bigger than me.

dude is a whitebelt hahaha.
Well then get in there man ! What are you waiting for ? This is your chance for glory ! You can be #1 HW Contender in the most important MMA Org right now ! Will be rooting for you.
If you like stat numbers so much, you should love the fact that before the DC rematch, Stipe ranked the best of all active UFC heavyweights in sig. strike defense. What's embarrassing is that DC couldn't win despite Stipe having such an off night.


What a chin.

Roy Nelson'esque, Joe.

The only way to KO Stipe is to eyepoke him first... It's his kryptonite.

And yes he has a stellar fucking chin.
I can't believe Stipe is as successful as he is with as poor defense as he has. Plodding forward with his chin up and just eating shots. He has this problem nearly every fight. I thought DC cracked his chin for good but he managed to hold on to it in the rematch. It can't last much longer though.
He ate some bombs in that one.

He also did some nice slipping of a ton of shots. Took Ngannou to school.

Holy fuck he was ready to unload on stipe, stipe saved his life there with proper head movement
That was one of the most important fights of all time and a lot of people don't even realize it.
The heaviest shot Stipe took in this fight was 3min into the third round. This one was brutal, very good recovery by Stipe, lucky for him Ngannou didn't have the legs to follow.