squats - bench press - deadlift weight ratio

I'm pretty sure you should be able to squat more than you can bench. I'm not sure where I went wrong.
I'm pretty sure you should be able to squat more than you can bench. I'm not sure where I went wrong.

But as long as you don't curl more than you deadlift, we won't need to shoot you.
Bench Press - 1.
Squat - 1 +50lbs +25% (unless DL is 1.2).
DL - 1 + 100lbs + 50% - 10% of squat max.
I just started squatting, how awful is it that i can only 5x5 squat the same amount of weight that i can 3x10 on the bench?
I have always been self taught and never dl'ed or squats, can't dl still because my back is torn
I am 170 and can bench 220 but can only squat 175. I never workjed my legs be4 so it should be expected that me legs are weak.
I guess my question is should i ignore upper body for a while and only do leg/core exercises for a while?
I just started squatting, how awful is it that i can only 5x5 squat the same amount of weight that i can 3x10 on the bench?
I have always been self taught and never dl'ed or squats, can't dl still because my back is torn
I am 170 and can bench 220 but can only squat 175. I never workjed my legs be4 so it should be expected that me legs are weak.
I guess my question is should i ignore upper body for a while and only do leg/core exercises for a while?

No, don't ignore upper body work. You just started squatting, like you said. You need to develop the motor pathways for the squat, learn proper form, all those other minute things while starting to get strong. Your squat will catch up and eventually surpass your bench. I'd bet my food allowance on it.
Are you kidding me? A double bw squat is only 'strong' comparated to the general population? Gtfo. Have you seen the 'general population'? 2xbw squat for joe schoe on the street is 'superhuman'.

Irish people are genetically inferior.
Are you kidding me? A double bw squat is only 'strong' comparated to the general population? Gtfo. Have you seen the 'general population'? 2xbw squat for joe schoe on the street is 'superhuman'.

If you exclude the fat fucks it isn't superhuman. Anyone with under 15% bodyweight could probably squat at least their bodyweight (and probably more) with only a couple sessions to learn proper form.
Bench 1.5x your body weight
Squat 2x your body weight
Deadlift 2.5x your body weight.

That's considered "strong", relative to the general population.

Really? People ask me if I can deadlift over 200 pounds, and when I say yes (without saying how much) they go ape-crazy. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
I saw Bama's post and flipped out. Then I realized it was from 2008. Lame!
Deadlift should be higher than squat. My deadlift is higher than my squat. But both of mine arent that much better than my bench which is sad :(. But the situation is improving

I'm in a similar situation. I'm pretty sure I squat more than I deadlift (I've never maxed on either), which is not saying much for either one. My upper body WAY overshadows my lower, but I'm working on it!

I know, I suck.
I max dead lifted more than I squat maxed last time I checked

but my deadlift work out numbers are lower than my squat workout numbers
might be my way of making sure I keep a tight back on the deadlift because it seems to fatigue quite easily
(I squat at least 2x more often than I dead lift also , so that might be another reason my DL numbers are not going up as much)

normally your dead lift should be higher than your squat as far as I know

I really haven't payed attention to the dead lift in all my years of lifting
Squatting though, I've always been fond of since the start
I'm in a similar situation. I'm pretty sure I squat more than I deadlift (I've never maxed on either), which is not saying much for either one. My upper body WAY overshadows my lower, but I'm working on it!

I know, I suck.

Dude, if you've got half the potential in your lower body that you do in your upper, and you work at it, I expect to see some big things real soon. Keep it up.
Really? People ask me if I can deadlift over 200 pounds, and when I say yes (without saying how much) they go ape-crazy. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Yeah, I remember one time I told my friends I could deadlift 100kg (220lb) when I very first started lifting, and they were all like "whoa! that's strong!"
Heh, yeah I've noticed that too about the deadlift. People respect it.
Honestly, I think it has a lot to do with ignorance. People are like "WTF, 200 hundred pounds???"

Then they start deadlifting with like 185 and bust out 10 reps and quickly realize they need at least 200 pounds on the bar. This twig from my work started lifting with me in November. He was like 6' 130 lbs starting out and he went from buying a belt his first week, thinking 4 plate is absolute nuts, and deadlifting 225 lbs max to 335 max and a goal by the end of June of 4 plates.
Here are my lifts X my body weight:

Bench Press - 1.57x
Squat - 2.06x
Deadlift - 2.93x

I'd like to get my squat closer to my deadlift, but its tough. The more I squat, the more my deadlift goes up. I should be around 1.8x bench, 2.6x squat, and 3.1x deadlift by the end of the year.. hopefully.

At least my bench isn't higher than my squat, which it was this time last year.


BP: 1.45X
Squat: 1.76X
DL: 2.5X

It has been really hard for me to get my squat up. Now that the dl contest is over I will be focusing more on squats (and the new contest)