Well after looking around i figured i'de finally start my own training Log so here goes nothin. I've basically been on a mission to gain as much size as possible for the last 8 months or so and so far i've gone from my original size of 5'7 140 pounds up to a current 161 pounds. I currently train BJJ about 1-2x per week and am on a 3-day split so here it is:
BB Bent Over Rows:
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns:
Wide Grip Straight Bar Curls:
Basically I work to failure on most movements (especially the big ones) and maintain rigid form. At the end of each workout i do 3 sets of heavy weighted ab excersises as well to keep that area strong as well. I have a high calorie/high protein diet and I hope to reach 170+ by the end of my winter bulk then shed down some pounds and then shred up some for the spring/summer season. Any feedback or constructive criticism is always welcome. I like to hear what people have to say to help steer me in the right direction.
BB Bent Over Rows:
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns:
Wide Grip Straight Bar Curls:
Basically I work to failure on most movements (especially the big ones) and maintain rigid form. At the end of each workout i do 3 sets of heavy weighted ab excersises as well to keep that area strong as well. I have a high calorie/high protein diet and I hope to reach 170+ by the end of my winter bulk then shed down some pounds and then shred up some for the spring/summer season. Any feedback or constructive criticism is always welcome. I like to hear what people have to say to help steer me in the right direction.