SOUL upon entry: Make a deal with the devil [power/strength training log]

12/15/10 105 min

bw: ~216 lb on home scale in my boxers, 228 on gym scale in shoes/pants/shirt
-200mg caffeine tab

bw-10 reps
135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-3 reps...deep/paused
335-1 rep...deep/paused
365-1 rep...deep/paused
+open belt:
405-1 rep.......deep/paused
425-1 rep...went slightly below parallel without pause, much lighter
-warm up sets felt heavy as shit but got easier during heavier sets...form was off..

45-10 reps
135-5 reps
155-3 reps
185-3+0 reps....started using considerable layback on 3rd rep so called it quits there
205-1+0 reps...fml

Abs: Decline Sit ups: 3x15, Bicycle kicks on ball while holding on to bench with hands: 3x50
12/20/10 90 min

-200mg caffeine

bw-10 reps
135-5 reps....deep/paused
225-5 reps....deep/paused
315-3 reps... deep/paused
open belt:
365-1 rep...deep/paused

-loosened belt by 1 notch back to the old setting.

405-1 rep w/ open belt

closed belt: still fairly loose
425-2x1 reps...
315x10 reps....form was beginning to get to shitty...meh

bw-10 reps/leg
+45 lb plates held at sides: 10 reps/ leg

Supported bicycle kicks on ball: bw-3x50 reps
12/26/10 ~90 min

-265mg caffeine/250mg tylenol/250mg aspirin

few light warm up sets with a friend

135-5 reps
225-5 reps
+closed belt:
275-5 reps
315-7+0 reps/with liftoff
335-3+1 reps....friend jumped in early on 4th rep which I prolly had/with lift off

Supported bicycle kicks on ball: 4x50 reps
12/30/10 2hrs

-200mg caffeine

bw-10 reps
135-5 reps
225-5 reps
215-3 reps
360-1 rep
open belt:
405-1 rep
425-1+0 rep...GMed it
+closed belt:
445-1 rep...went considerably smoother
325-12+0 reps....depth was good, got some bounce a the bottom, had a bit issue with staying tight and balancing the bar

open belt:
135-5 reps
165-1 rep
195-1 rep
225-1+0 reps...a lot of layback

Incline Press:
135-5 reps
225-5 reps....ring fingers on outer rings.tough
245-6 reps...middle fingers on...
255-6 reps....middle fingers on ...
-no spotter so didnt push it

Decline Crunches:
bw-4x25 reps
Good to see your squats coming along DS.
1/3/11 1.5 hrs

-265mg caffeine/250mg tylenol/250mg aspirin
-bw-220 lb

135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-3 reps
405-1 rep
495-1 rep...grip started slipping
+chalk+open belt:
585-1 rep
+no shoes+straps+closed belt:
635-2+0 reps....maybe had 1 more ugly rep
-weight felt easier even though I woke up feeling meh

Leg Press:
3/side-10 reps
4/side-10 reps/explosively/dynamically
-jumped in with my buddy for the hell of it, was still pretty light

sit ups+25 lb plate behind head
2x20 reps/left groin area started hurting again meh

The strength that TS displays is off the charts. Damn dude. Keep up the good work.
Thanks guys.


I dont like personal training outside of helping my friends or rare solicited advice.


1/6/11 ~2hr workout

-265mg caffeine/250 mg aspirin/250mg tylenol
-planned the workout however woke up feeling meh and only went because i promised my friend
-I am beginning to think that grip is a decent indicator of how rested your cns and mine was still wrecked

-tried to do Steinborn lift with 135 but it was awkward especially since the plastic clamps dont prevent the weights from sliding down as I tilted the bar so I couldnt get in position...managed to get 135 up with plate on one side slid way over definitely need bulldog clamps to attempt this shit..
-finally 2 dbags doing shrugs with <3 plates left, leaving their shit

135-5 reps
365-1 rep
-jumped in with a friend to show form
-managed to slightly tweak some muscle in my right forarm

bw(220)-10 reps
135- 5 reps
225- 5 reps
315- 3 reps
365- 1 rep
+open belt:
405- 1 rep
425- 1 rep
+closed belt:
455-1+0 rep...bit ugly
335-8+0 reps...cns was wrecked, should have skipped this.....reps were ugly, was aiming for 10-12 but meh...

-did bench sets between last 2 sets

135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-8+0 reps....friend helped with unrack, did not attempt 9th as 8th rep was about a 9/10
335-4+1 reps....had a random guy give me an unrack/spot, got 5th about halfway and then hit the wall...

sipping pwo

Haven't checked here in a while. Deadlifted 800 yet?
Yep, apparently it's an IPA and at 9% pretty strong but well hidden....I usually dont like IPAs but this was quite tasty. I mostly stick to porters and stouts with occasional ales...


1/12/11 60 min

-200 mg caffeine

bar-10 reps
135-5 reps
155-3 reps
185-3 reps
+open belt:
225-1 rep
245-1 rep

Push Press:
closed belt:
275-0(missed about 2/3 up), 1 rep(very ugly coming up uneven with ton of layback)
open belt:
275-1+0 rep.....ugly and uneven....meh

-did it just to see if i could still hit it.....

Incline Press:
135-10 reps
225-10 reps...fairly easy...still had a few..
255-7+1 reps...had nothing on with unrack
-middle fingers on outer rings

Standing DB Sohp:
60s-8+0 reps
USC.... lol yes. I had 2 back to back injuries, 1 of which may ultimately require surgery. I then lost motivation to train and took a lot of time off.

1/19/11 90 min
-250mg tylenol/250mg aspirin/265mg caffeine

bw(220)-10 reps
135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-3 reps...deep
365-3 reps...rock bottom
405-1 rep...deep
+open belt:
425-1 rep..
+closed belt:
335-6+0 reps....tried to use decent form ...was aiming for 10-12+.....

135-10 reps
225-5 reps.
-terrible form...chest and arch kept collapsing..
+closed belt+help on unrack
315-6+0 reps...Sad

-been battling a cold last week or so and didnt sleep before gym...should do better next workout...

-did 1 lap around weight room area with 120 lb DBs, used a bit of chalk...had to set DBs down because i didnt grip the left one well and it started rolling off my fingers...and I have pussy grip...i probably should start doing grip training again...

-sushi buffet afterwards...
-been sick last few days with a cold...had the whole nonstop sneezing, runny nose, etc...and general feeling like shit.....been taking some OTC meds
-took 500mg tylenol/500mg aspirin/~200mg caffeine for cold....felt like total shit before taking it and prolly only reason i dragged my ass to gym today..

135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-5 reps
405-0 reps....something popped in my lower back as the bar was breaking off the ground...felt like simultaneous tightening/ripping in the lower back muscles on both sides...fuck....weight felt pretty good up to this point...

-went and foam rolled a bit which helped a bit however I wont know the extent of this until the meds i took before gym wear off...

-2x20 Standing GMs with 25 then 35 lb plate...

Incline Bench:
135-10 reps
225-10 reps
275-8+1 halfway on 9th...
-got lift off on all sets

Sitting Shoulder DB Press:
60s-10 reps
70s-10 reps
80s-8+0 reps
Sorry about all the injuries Devil. :icon_neut

I hope it's nothing too serious.
1/31/11 about 80 min workout minus the 30+ min break

-500mg tylenol/500mg aspirin/~200mg caffeine

bw(220)-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps
+closed belt:
335-12+0 reps...about 8 in difficulty with a couple sec of rest pause on last couple reps...still felt like i could have had upwards of 15 if i really pushed friend noted that 12th looked easier than 11th..
-30+min CNS was overworked...I was yawning and shit after 13 hours of
335-10+0 reps...about 9...
-glad i got some more work in but I was exhausted...

Standing Calf Machine:
300x10 reps

Sitting Calf Raises:
2-45s+25-3x10 reps

-have had a bad cold that doesnt seem to go away
-back has been feeling a bit better...I have done some EMS on it for 30-60 min and it helped.....
2/3/11 50 min

-500mg tylenol/500mg aspirin/130mg caffeine 3 hours before gym
-some cold medicine

Incline Press:
135-10 reps
open belt:
225-10 reps
closed belt:
275-9+0 reps...ass off bench on last rep
225-12+0 reps
225-11+0 reps

Sitting DB Shoulder Press:
70s-10+0 reps
75s-6+0 reps
-long break of 10-15 min
80s-7+0 reps