So Who Are You? For grapplers:

This guy has some skills but he fights really lazy and defensively most of the time and you think you have his number.
But on occasion when there's an audience or some chick watching he decides to bring his A game and you're in a world of surprise, the guy suddenly becomes Marcelo Garcia on the mats.
Man I'm like a transition between about 5 of these categories... My training partners must love me.
in hate to say it but i could be the excuses guy....but i have moved house and did start a new job and can you go easy on my right i definatley am,,fuck
This thread was a great read!!

For the ladies:

The Chivalrous Guy: (Usually new in class) Appears completely terrified and awkward to roll with a girl... Symptoms may resemble that of Rigamortis or Dead Opposum guy... When after being submitted by you, admits to taking it easy due to the fact that you are a delicate flower... Avoids you indefinitly, or for the 6 months he waits out his contract..
I have to admit, I avoid the girls at all cost. I have to be careful not to hurt some of the smaller guys. Plus, there's the whole boobie issue.
i don't mind rolling with the girls if they are a higher belt than me, otherwise it just feels awkward. i was rolling with a purple recently and it was cool. when i rolled with a blue it was not so cool.
I'm so much bigger than the girls I just will opt out of doing the drill unless they don't have a partner to do it with.
and I definetely won't roll with them
I'm probably a couple of those things, including Gentleman Gorilla (also because I'm pretty damned big) and positive reinforcement,

I'd like to add two from our group:

The Brick aka Stall King - Very little to no aggression, never tries too hard to get a tap, but no matter what you try, you can never catch him with anything. Be it abnormal strength or an unsweepable base, matches with him always go the full 6 minutes.

The Fungus - once he gets ahold of you, there is no way to get away from him. You pass his guard, he rolls with you, cartwheels, stretches his back to an inhuman angle, and you're right back in his guard.
I'm the guy that gets tapped very rarely. And part of the reason for that is because I have a horrible inability to admit defeat when I get caught. Needless to say, I'm a fucking idiot.

I have great sensitivity for my fellow grapplers. I know when I'm about to hurt them, and then I avoid doing so. I hardly ever try to finish someone with a slop technique.

But again I'm stupid. Whenever someone catches me in some bullshit, neck-crank, or awkward guillotine and I know I should never tap to this person, I tough it out and then fucking wreck myself in the process.

Just happened to me tonight, and I hate myself for being such an idiot. What's the big deal, just tap, even if it's slop? There will be another day. But now, my neck is fucked, fucked, fucked.

I was working with a white belt (I'm a seasoned blue-- I know that's not a big deal) and I caught him (as I should) like 20 times in three, five minute rounds, and then I toughed out a slop guillotine. He held it for like 20 seconds, I thought I was going to pass out. My neck was screaming "tell him to stop" but my mind was saying, "tonight is not going to be his first time tapping me." I listened to my mind, he gassed immediately after I got out of the choke and we ended training. Now my neck is jacked bad.

When will I learn?
I guess I'm one of the variations of the "tough old bastard"...

...that unfortunately goes hand in hand with being the "always injured guy". That's just an inievitability when you start closing in on 40.
definitely the "Dominic's Apprentice". Get my ass kicked all day, everyday
I'm the guy that gets tapped very rarely. And part of the reason for that is because I have a horrible inability to admit defeat when I get caught. Needless to say, I'm a fucking idiot.

I have great sensitivity for my fellow grapplers. I know when I'm about to hurt them, and then I avoid doing so. I hardly ever try to finish someone with a slop technique.

But again I'm stupid. Whenever someone catches me in some bullshit, neck-crank, or awkward guillotine and I know I should never tap to this person, I tough it out and then fucking wreck myself in the process.

Just happened to me tonight, and I hate myself for being such an idiot. What's the big deal, just tap, even if it's slop? There will be another day. But now, my neck is fucked, fucked, fucked.

I was working with a white belt (I'm a seasoned blue-- I know that's not a big deal) and I caught him (as I should) like 20 times in three, five minute rounds, and then I toughed out a slop guillotine. He held it for like 20 seconds, I thought I was going to pass out. My neck was screaming "tell him to stop" but my mind was saying, "tonight is not going to be his first time tapping me." I listened to my mind, he gassed immediately after I got out of the choke and we ended training. Now my neck is jacked bad.

When will I learn?

no need to learn sounds like your playing it right
That was awesome. Granted I only read it because I was bored, but it definatly was entertaining and so sad that there are actually people like that.
I'm probably the Crafstman. I dont know the name of many subs I do, but I somehow figure them out along the way

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