Since barbell curls are acceptable on this forum now...


Creator Sustainer Destroyer
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
How much do you barbell curl?


I hit 110lb the other day.

I weight 140lb.
Oh, and then 30 min later I partially dislocated my right shoulder acting like an idiot in the swimming pool.

Dude, I don't know that shit. A barbell curl 1RM?

When did we start allowing that shit? I call bullshit. I call for ban.
ban this motha focker, its called a strength and conditioning forum for a reason
Madmick said:
Dude, I don't know that shit. A barbell curl 1RM?

When did we start allowing that shit? I call bullshit. I call for ban.

I did it 6 times, newb.

Im no fool.

i can barbell curl more then most ppl here squat

p.s. are barbells related to the dogs "boerboles"
just don't do them in the power rack when I want to squat.
you curled 110 @ 140 6xs, now keep in mind im only a whitebelt and what im about to type ammouts to blasphemy but oh well,

DaGREATkabookie said:
you curled 110 @ 140 6xs, now keep in mind im only a whitebelt and what im about to type ammouts to blasphemy but oh well,


Eh really, it's not like that world record area. Not sure why anyone would brag about curling power here though...
It's a good curl no doubt, but I would not be bragging about a "power curl" anyway.

Oh and you can't believe this is truly more than most people squat. You are not one of those guys with bigger bi's than thighs are you adrenaline?
I can only curl 40 lbs. dumbell ONCE. I'm a tank.
Hmm 110 pounds... With some quick conversion that would be around 40kgs right? Thats a good lift but not unbelievably big. If so its because your almost curling your bodyweight, which definitively is a good lift.

Im not sure why everybody needs to be hating on the curls, if not done extensively, it is atleast free weights...

A fun story that comes to my mind right now. Magnus Samuelson before he became a famous strongman was visiting a new gym he never had been at before. There was this "cocky" guy that was doing 8 reps on 120kgs in the benchpress. The dude was acting like he owned the gym and like an ashole. Magnus asked the guy if he could work in between his sets and after some grunting and acting the cocky guy said ok. Magnus then takes the bar with the weight that the cocky guy had been benchpressing, and starts to curl it for 8 reps. The cocky guy just simply walks out from the gym, never to be seen there again...

Just a funny little story, and the morals of it is, if you wouldnt call Magnus a pussy when doing his 120kgs curls, perhaps you shouldnt call the excersice pussy either...;)

(edited the story since I remembered it better, i had to add 10kg extra that the mighty Magnus curled, who am I to lessen the mans lifts. By the way 120kg is nothing special for Magnus to curl..)
If you can curl your bodyweight you'll need a license for those gunz of yours.
krellik said:
Hmm 110 pounds... With some quick conversion that would be around 40kgs right? Thats a good lift but not unbelievably big. If so its because your almost curling your bodyweight, which definitively is a good lift.

Im not sure why everybody needs to be hating on the curls, if not done extensively, it is atleast free weights...

A fun story that comes to my mind right now. Magnus Samuelson before he became a famous strongman was visiting a new gym he never had been at before. There was this "cocky" guy that was doing 8 reps on 110kgs in the benchpress. The dude was acting like he owned the gym and like an ashole. Magnus asked the guy if he could work in between his sets and after some grunting and acting the cocky guy said ok. Magnus then takes the bar with the weight that the cocky guy had been benchpressing, and starts to curl it for 8 reps. The cocky guy just simply walks out from the gym, never to be seen there again...

Just a funny little story, and the morals of it is, if you wouldnt call Magnus a pussy when doing his 110kgs curls, perhaps you shouldnt call the excersice pussy either...;)

lol... that actually happened at my gym too. but much less jaw dropped to the ground when i saw that.. less weight through.. more like 185 but still that a lot of fuckign weight to curl!

and agreed no fucking curling on the power rack!

(this is more of a fun thread, not one meant to be taken seriously.)
krellik said:
Hmm 110 pounds... With some quick conversion that would be around 40kgs right? Thats a good lift but not unbelievably big. If so its because your almost curling your bodyweight, which definitively is a good lift.

Im not sure why everybody needs to be hating on the curls, if not done extensively, it is atleast free weights...

A fun story that comes to my mind right now. Magnus Samuelson before he became a famous strongman was visiting a new gym he never had been at before. There was this "cocky" guy that was doing 8 reps on 120kgs in the benchpress. The dude was acting like he owned the gym and like an ashole. Magnus asked the guy if he could work in between his sets and after some grunting and acting the cocky guy said ok. Magnus then takes the bar with the weight that the cocky guy had been benchpressing, and starts to curl it for 8 reps. The cocky guy just simply walks out from the gym, never to be seen there again...

Just a funny little story, and the morals of it is, if you wouldnt call Magnus a pussy when doing his 120kgs curls, perhaps you shouldnt call the excersice pussy either...;)

(edited the story since I remembered it better, i had to add 10kg extra that the mighty Magnus curled, who am I to lessen the mans lifts. By the way 120kg is nothing special for Magnus to curl..)

I think its 50kg.

And a 120kg lb curl?


thats hardcore.
rickdog said:
You are not one of those guys with bigger bi's than thighs are you adrenaline?


look how long I have been on this forum.

Do you REALLY think im THAT dumb?
