Sick of the crap

Well, since the topic was brought up. I'll bitch a little. I don't know how prevalent of a problem this is. But being of an Irish background it kinda pisses me off. Every single year whenever the St. Patrick's Day parade rolls around there's always a big controversy about the homosexuals marching in the parade. The problem isn't that they want to be a part of the parade but they want to be part of the parade as gays and not as irish folk. WTF. We don't hop in your :eek::eek::eek: march and wave shamrocks. If you want to march in the St. Pat's parade then fine but you do it without having to announce and flaunt your sexuality. It's annoying how they try to throw that in everywhere. Noone gives a shit. If you don't want to get bashed and harassed then stop fucking throwing it around to anyone that'll listen. I don't really have a problem with someone being gay but I have a problem if it interferes with me. Get back in the closet.
I honestly don't give the remotest shit, it doesn't affect my life so i say live and let live, trite but hey ...
fuckin gays. If I was to be a terrorist one day, I would go kill the bunch of :eek::eek::eek:g0ts promoting this show.
If your gay, thats fine. I don't think anyone would really make a big deal out of it if gay people didn't make such a big deal about it.

However, sometimes they bring it on them selves. Here in canada, there is a guy that wanted to take his boyfriend to the prom. Only one problem, HE GOES TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL!

So he takes the school broad to court and the court issues an injuction to allow him to go with his boyfriend while the case is being heard by the supreme court of Canada.

He chose to go to that school, he chose to become a member of the catholic reiligion. Far be it from me to side with a churches whoses preist moleste small childern and whoses ranking system is based on how big your hat is......but in this case they have a point.

People just need to stop being so fucking Policatly correct and become human beings again.

Thats why I love sherdog......I don't think anyone here knows the meaning of policatly correct :D :D :D
I remember one time I was busting at a club, and when I wear acap i don't look up to often, and I see this pait of legs in front of me dancing in leather pants and some high heels...

...I look up and it';s a fuckin man, I was freaked out cause he was trying to dance with me the focker.

Later on my friend who was DJing was like: haha u know that focker who tried to dance with ya, and he also asked me if I had any Kylie Minogue.

Oh BTW, I'm fine with gays, just don't keep slapping it in our faces that you are. It's like if you tell em to fuck off they think it's cause they';re gay, but actually it's because some of them are really annoying fuckers.

- m
It's absurd that something that's obviously abnormal is seeking the acceptance and labeling of normal. It's not normal. It's unnatural. This shit will just lead into degeneration of the kids who will be adopted by romos. It's fucking sad :mad: :mad:

Fuck :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s..
Originally posted by sharps
I'm sick and tired of all this gay shit, all these gay people pushing their ideals about how the gay life is just as good as a straight one.. after reading this I can't take anymore
I'm tired of the liberal 'gay is OK' mentality- ITS NOT OK
Its not ok for people to be gay but I'll tolerate it, I really don't give a shit about what they do in their own time but now the gays want to adopt kids and be gay parents - This draws the line, the homos have gone too far

I agree goddamnit! And all the jews and catholics while we are at it. Lets burn everyone who isnt fucking white or speaks english. Lets enslave everyone who cant pay their way through college. Man I cant wait till everyone is just like you!!!!!!

Get over yourself dude. You ARE NOT the only one in the world.

Before I forget..

Some of the posts here, in 8th words, reek of :eek::eek::eek:gage. Time to deromorize this bitch :D

Originally posted by FightTilYouDie
Before I forget..

Some of the posts here, in 8th words, reek of :eek::eek::eek:gage. Time to deromorize this bitch :D


She seems like she'd have a nice personality
Homophobia, like racism, is pure ignorance.

I guess hatred and intolerance isn't my cup of tea. I find life easier to live when I don't concern myself with what other people do behind closed doors.
You're missing the point. It's not about their annal preference, but about them adapting a child. That's not "behind the doors" anymore. They're exposing themselves, and above all the kid, to social interaction. The problem is how they're gonna deal with it, and how the kids are gonna deal with it when they develop their own consciousness. I think it's a receipt for disaster.
Originally posted by FightTilYouDie
You're missing the point. It's not about their annal preference, but about them adapting a child. That's not "behind the doors" anymore. They're exposing themselves, and above all the kid, to social interaction. The problem is how they're gonna deal with it, and how the kids are gonna deal with it when they develop their own consciousness. I think it's a receipt for disaster.

Thats exactly what Hitler said about the jew's.

First off let me say that when you start ona controversial topic its generally better not to simply toss around negative terms if you want to have a serious discussion. I personnally believe in the bible and what it says about homosexuality, but this means nothing to people who dont believe in the bible. Since most of us, even Christians, have compromized morally and bragged about it on the board to boot, lets approach this from a different angle. To me the key problem I have with the gay political agenda is that they are trying to expand a sex act into a veritable ethnicity, and pass it off as an inalienable right in this country. As a black man, I could never have the choice to simply "become white" (no Michael Jackson or Carlos Newton jokes please). However, if I chose to go and "become gay" tomorrow, it would not be a difficult proposition. This is a choice, and while some people may, and I stress may, be predisposed to homosexual acts, I dont believe this constitutes something that must be condoned and evangelized by the government, which seems to be what the gay community wants. Gay "rights" is an anachronism to me. Never have I seen any water fountains that say straights only or gays only, nobody is snatching gay people out of their homes and lynching them for what they do behind closed doors. If certain economic and social privileges are extened to gays, how can you justifiably stop there? What about polygamists, or better yet people who engage in group sex as a lifestyle? Shouldnt these people then be allowed to teach the values of their lifestyles in schools, or be granted the ability to raise children under the care of the group? And dont even get me started on pedophiles, a lot of them claim to have been "born that way" as well. As far as I know the government doesnt support these practises, and as such I see no justification for the things gay people seem to be considering as rights...
I think that's the most I've seen you put into a single post Black Lion.

Good call and I agree 100% my friend.

- The Jake