sex of an author

One thing that stands out, is if a female writes males in an unrealistic manner, I can usually spot it a mile away, if a male writers female in the same way it's harder for me to call and if I do it has to be in such a blatant manner that I wouldn't care for the writer to begin with.

Do you think a female reader might have a similar problem?
I dont read fiction so I barely ever come across a female author, now that I think about it.

Last one was Hunger Games, which only took a few days to read and was only mildly enriching.

OH, I just remembered, How to Blow Her Mind in Bed was written by a female also. That was a good read.
Do you think a female reader might have a similar problem?

I think so.

Or maybe the characters are written to appeal to the opposite sex, and are portraying them as an idealized version of what the writers thinks his or her audience wants to experience. Yet, these types of characters can be seen as nothing more than pandering from the same sex readers.

Doesn't matter. I just started reading this by a female author.
Just checked my bookshelf. Most of the authors are men, but there a decent amount by women. Most notable would be The Outsiders by SE Hinton, and Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe. There's a book by a nurse about her experience working in the Yukon 50 years ago. There's a book by a lady who built a cabin in the wilderness by herself. Another book about female explorers written by a woman.

If I start looking at the authors of my medical textbooks or emergency management textbooks, there are quite a few female names there as well.