Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

Of course, but you'll never, ever see my defending Republican rhetoric when they spew nonsense because influential figures words carry a lot of weight, and when those words are used loosely crazy people do crazy things. Jan 6 for example is an Exhibit A example of it. Some of the abortion ban support in extreme situations is another. If Trump simply just left saying, "man it sucks I lost, but I'll be back again", there's a 99.9% chance Jan 6 never happens. I'm sure we both agree on that right?

What I'm saying is, it works both ways. Trump is bottom barrel scum of the earth and does himself no favors, but no, he's not going to reinstate slavery, end the Constitution, or many of the other claims I have seen hurled by very prominent figures in politics and/or media personalities. When these things are repeatedly stated in the way they are over and over again, you radicalize nutjobs which is why he's getting multiple assassination attempts now. If he somehow won and these things continued to be said about him, there's a 0.00% chance he lives four years. There's a level of responsibility being dismissed there because we don't like the person, but if you're willing to be okay or dismissive about people being killed who you dislike you're not better than what you think of that person (not you specifically, but in more casual online settings there's people wishing he was shot).
Of course we agree that without Trump’s rhetoric, Jan 6 likely never happens. I think there are some things to note here.

Firstly, everything Donald Trump said about the 2020 election being stolen was a lie. And he knows it’s a lie. When I say he tried to disenfranchise millions of voters, that is a fact. I don’t really think all rhetoric is created equal here.

Secondly, in a democratic-based form of government, public discourse is vital as a means of persuading others to a particular point of view in order to elicit change. I think we have a responsibility to make sure all voters know exactly what kind of threat to our system Trump is, and how unfit for office he is.

You seem to be asserting that I have a further responsibility, which is to try and ascertain, or predict, how some mentally ill unhinged person that I don’t even know *might* interpret my words or react to them, and I disagree. I think I have a responsibility to not call for violence or hint at violence, I have a responsibility to condemn violence, and I have a responsibility to not engage in violence whenever possible. But I think my responsibility to call out Trump’s dangerous actions far outweigh any responsibility to predict how some unhinged person may react.

I am also aware that Trump is a sociopath would never give a damn about my life or health or safety.
Yes let's not be hypocrites and make false equivalencies here. The inflammatory rhetoric coming from the right comes from the very top, the unquestioned leader of the party who excises those that disagree with him. You don't see the same thing from the Democrats, hence Biden and Harris calling Trump to check in on him after the first assassination attempt while Trump mocked Paul Pelosi after the alter was attacked by a nutjob with a hammer.

I don't know how you can say this shit with a straight face. You should be fucking embarrassed.

Speaking of embarrassing the front page of reddit doesn't have a single post about it visible and I went in a few pages. I can only imagine if there was an attempt on Harris the first 50 posts would all be about it.

People like you and sites like reddit share responsibility for acts like this by normalising, justifying and vindicating this behaviour.
You're making an argument to say basically, "Trump is being referred to as Hitler because he always talks about him, so of course everyone will think he's going to be the next Hitler, and if you disagree, you must be a Trump supporter". I mean, of course he loves dictators, I've said it here multiple times. Dude was besties with Putin of all people.

The problem is you apply these weak rationales to reality. Saying "he wishes he was Putin and Hitler" is one thing, ranting non-stop about "he WILL BE Putin and Hitler" is completely separate. He could have a tattoo of Hitler on his left ass cheek, there's literally no chance he'll do anything even 1% of what Hitler has done. No chance as in literally no chance. Literally as in never, impossible. Yet people similar to yourself will argue until you turn blue that he'll suspend the Constitution or something ridiculous like that. There's no actual way for us to have a realistic conversation when we are so far apart on what is realistic and what isn't.

But you and I both know you're not gonna read any of that, so skip to the part where I'm actually a secret Trump Vance lover because I disagree so we can move on.

I have literally never argued that he will suspend the Constitution, rather that he has a clear disdain for it. You're right, there is no way to have a rational conversation with you about this because you are ignoring why these conversations happen in the first place.

If you can't admit WHY people compare his rhetoric to that of Hitler, then we can't have a real conversation at all. You are starting the conversation from a place of dishonesty and there is really no need to discuss this any further.

But yes, continue to dig your head in the sand and blame the media for talking about Trump's rhetoric and actions.

I, in the other hand, will continue to refer to him as a Mango Mussolini, because it's pretty obvious what the ass clown supports.
You don't hear the "very top" leadership calling him a "threat to democracy" and implying he'll be a dictator? I'm pretty certain that has been thrown around for quite some time. You follow more politics than I do so don't even try to pretend you don't know this. However, even not accounting for that nonsense in itself which truly is nonsense in the purest sense of the word, the media has been, let's call it "irresponsible", with their neverending reporting the last few years where even in this forum the videos/articles have been shared about reinstating slavery, becoming a dictator, suspending the Constitution, firing the liberal Supreme Court judges, arresting anyone who will oppose him, and the many many other absurdly ridiculous claims. Mainstream media that millions of people watch or read often becomes their reality, they don't research any further.

I'm close to calling it common sense that less mentally competent people or outright mentally ill people will buy all of it and perform extremist actions. If he was spoken about as the corrupt grifter he is there would be no abnormally high risk to his life. Tbh I think most people actually know this already, just secretly some people hope one of the shooters gets him. Social media has highlighted as much after both shooting attempts.

Also no need to say what "Trump did". You're not like a couple of people, you already know exactly how I feel about him lol. But I am also objective about what happens and why.
Why is it wrong to call Trump a threat to democracy when he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power last time he was in office? Why is it wrong to point out that on Truth Social Trump claimed he would suspend the Constitution? We can't criticize Trump for the things he does and says because doing so might radicalize people against him?
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I don't know how you can say this shit with a straight face. You should be fucking embarrassed.

Speaking of embarrassing the front page of reddit doesn't have a single post about it visible and I went in a few pages. I can only imagine if there was an attempt on Harris the first 50 posts would all be about it.

People like you and sites like reddit share responsibility for acts like this by normalising, justifying and vindicating this behaviour.
Ehh? It's all over Reddit.

Elon's statements on it are #2 on the front page right now. Trump jr's are #13.
Perhaps we should look at what the biggest, most certified neo Nazi in the US has to say:

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke says former President Donald Trump and Fox News host Tucker Carlson owe him credit after taking his racist ideas about "white replacement” to the mainstream.

lol at being David Duke to come up with that concept that is only not obvious to folks with their heads in the sand for the past decades.
lol at being David Duke to come up with that concept that is only not obvious to folks with their heads in the sand for the past decades.
Jews will not replace us!!!!

Of course we agree that without Trump’s rhetoric, Jan 6 likely never happens. I think there are some things to note here.

Firstly, everything Donald Trump said about the 2020 election being stolen was a lie. And he knows it’s a lie. When I say he tried to disenfranchise millions of voters, that is a fact. I don’t really think all rhetoric is created equal here.

Secondly, in a democratic-based form of government, public discourse is vital as a means of persuading others to a particular point of view in order to elicit change. I think we have a responsibility to make sure all voters know exactly what kind of threat to our system Trump is, and how unfit for office he is.

You seem to be asserting that I have a further responsibility, which is to try and ascertain, or predict, how some mentally ill unhinged person that I don’t even know *might* interpret my words or react to them, and I disagree. I think I have a responsibility to not call for violence or hint at violence, I have a responsibility to condemn violence, and I have a responsibility to not engage in violence whenever possible. But I think my responsibility to call out Trump’s dangerous actions far outweigh any responsibility to predict how some unhinged person may react.

I am also aware that Trump is a sociopath would never give a damn about my life or health or safety.

Yea, exactly, which is why I don't think we actually disagree "that" much. I'll use an analogy to explain in another way.

Yesterday I watched a lot of football. My wife was making dinner and realized I had to go to the store. Me, I'm like come on now the game starts in 30mins etc. She's like well you gotta go I'm cooking. So I said something like alright I'm gonna run like Barry Allen and be back. I went as fast as I could and got back before the game. Now in reality, did I run as fast as The Flash and return in a millisecond? Of course not. But I did return much faster than I would have if not speeding back for the game.

In Trump's "smoking gun dictator" comment, he made a comment about being a "dictator for 1 day" to Hannity. The media, mainstream media, ran with this to the moon. More proof that he's going to "make himself a dictator". If you look at the actual exchange, he's jokingly telling Hannity he won't be a dictator but will be one only for a day because he's gonna close the border and drill oil then he's not a dictator. It's a casual exchange between two friends that meant literally nothing, but, this exchange is still used to this day as proof that he's going to actually be a dictator when he takes over.

This is what I mean when I talk about nonsense. To me, this does MORE HARM than good, because it minimizes the things he actually does wrong or things he may ruin and replaces it with nonsense like this that makes it easier for his supporters to say he's being unfairly targeted. In the rage and dislike for Trump, things like this actually HELP HIM, which is the opposite of what should be happening.

@Islam Imamate for you too.
Reporter: Does Ryan Routh have any ties to Martin County?

Snyder: "The answer to my knowledge, the answer is no. I think what we're finding out he's not from this area...

""Which of course raises the bigger question, how does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?"

I have literally never argued that he will suspend the Constitution, rather that he has a clear disdain for it. You're right, there is no way to have a rational conversation with you about this because you are ignoring why these conversations happen in the first place.

If you can't admit WHY people compare his rhetoric to that of Hitler, then we can't have a real conversation at all. You are starting the conversation from a place of dishonesty and there is really no need to discuss this any further.

But yes, continue to dig your head in the sand and blame the media for talking about Trump's rhetoric and actions.

I, in the other hand, will continue to refer to him as a Mango Mussolini, because it's pretty obvious what the ass clown supports.

When Trump goes to sleep at night he's far greater than Mussolini could ever be.

Then Trump wakes up, and realizes he'll never be even 0.01% of what Mussolini was on a bad day.
Yea, exactly, which is why I don't think we actually disagree "that" much. I'll use an analogy to explain in another way.

Yesterday I watched a lot of football. My wife was making dinner and realized I had to go to the store. Me, I'm like come on now the game starts in 30mins etc. She's like well you gotta go I'm cooking. So I said something like alright I'm gonna run like Barry Allen and be back. I went as fast as I could and got back before the game. Now in reality, did I run as fast as The Flash and return in a millisecond? Of course not. But I did return much faster than I would have if not speeding back for the game.

In Trump's "smoking gun dictator" comment, he made a comment about being a "dictator for 1 day" to Hannity. The media, mainstream media, ran with this to the moon. More proof that he's going to "make himself a dictator". If you look at the actual exchange, he's jokingly telling Hannity he won't be a dictator but will be one only for a day because he's gonna close the border and drill oil then he's not a dictator. It's a casual exchange between two friends that meant literally nothing, but, this exchange is still used to this day as proof that he's going to actually be a dictator when he takes over.

This is what I mean when I talk about nonsense. To me, this does MORE HARM than good, because it minimizes the things he actually does wrong or things he may ruin and replaces it with nonsense like this that makes it easier for his supporters to say he's being unfairly targeted. In the rage and dislike for Trump, things like this actually HELP HIM, which is the opposite of what should be happening.

@Islam Imamate for you too.
I don't deny that at times folks latch onto some of his words and make a mountain out of a molehill. You could say the same about the bloodbath comment, clearly wasn't referring to violence.

But to say he is a threat to democracy is accurate in light of the fact that last time he was in office his last major action was president was to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and to overturn a free and fair election. And he casually mused about terminating the Constitution on his own social media site in order to deal with the supposedly fraudulent 2020 election. Pointing these things out is not exaggeration, its a straightforward reading of the facts but if you do so people accuse you of TDS.
How many times did a right winger shoot at Obama?
How many times did Obama actually use Hitleresque rhetoric? I vividly remember going to gun shows back in 09' and almost every booth had "liberal hunting licenses", or merch with Obama, Hitler, Stalin and or Mao that essentially said "same differrence"
If Trump supporters get further radicalized by him (in the future) continuously saying Kamala will start WW3, looks what she's doing (some random thing), etc, say after she wins for 3 months, 6 months, a year, etc, then she's getting shot at because people think some ridiculous nonsense like she's going to start WW3, you don't think Trump has any responsibility with his rhetoric? Let alone the majority of responsibility for pushing it when he's so influential? I'd argue he absolutely does.
The difference is the rhetoric the candidates themselves are using. It's also proof that his supporters would not hold him accountable for that because they are massive hypocrites, as the deluge of bomb threats in Springfield after saying migrants there are eating dogs isn't his fault.

Trump says insane shit and uses rhetoric like "illegals are poisoning the blood of the country", hearing that and saying "hey that sounds like stuff Hitler said" is a valid observation. That is not in any way an excuse to assassinate him.

It certainly seems like people are more motivated by the words of the candidates than what their opponents say about them.

When you have Kamala's team going on air calling on their cult members to shoot Donald Trump it's no wonder why these things happen. The democrat party will stop at nothing to retain power, including murdering their political opponents. How anyone can support the violent extremist domestic terrorist organization known has the democrat party is beyond me. These people are truly mentally ill and unhinged.
Why is it wrong to call Trump a threat to democracy when he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power last time he was in office? Why is it wrong to point out that on Truth Social Trump claimed he would suspend the Constitution? We can't criticize Trump for the things he does and says because doing so might radicalize people against him?

Feel like I've repeated the same thing 5x already. Of course you can point all of that out, talk about it, anything. What I'm saying is pretending that it's going to happen is the issue.

X- Trump says he'll suspend the Constitution

I expect responsible people to talk about what he wishes he could do and how it's an insight to his character. What I don't like is playing ignorant like saying "If Trump wins he'll suspend the Constitution and become a dictator". No, he won't. You know it. I know it. If Trump says he can run 15 miles straight with no break, we'll pretty quickly call out how foolish and nonsensical his comment would be, right? So when he makes a comment about suspending the Constitution or something we should equally call out how ridiculous that is while also calling him out for saying it.

I don't feel this position is difficult to understand.