Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

No, he's not a registered Democrat. He is registered as "unaffiliated" in North Carolina. Where is your source for him being a registered Democrat lol?

In 2016, he voted for Trump and then turned into a never Trumper, likely over Ukraine.

He has supported both Democrats and Republicans. He urged Nikki Haley and Vivek to keep running against Trump.

The fact of the matter is that his political leanings were pretty inconsistent other than his support for Ukraine.

Edit: and tbf, the crazy dude could have lied about voting for Trump in 2016. Until I see credible evidence from a credible source saying otherwise, I got no reason to believe he lied about voting for Trump all those years ago.

He started donating to act blue and making anti-Trump tweets before the Russian invasion in 2022. If you are going to say that the war really started in 2014, what did Trump do relevant to that between 2016 and 2019 that would have changed his mind?
what specific rhetoric was this guy inspired by?

again, trump talked about this guys issue directly.

and rhetoric isn't just in a vacuum. the political discourse is in a broken state and it takes adults to change it. trump knew he had an opportunity after he got shot to soften things and he quite publicly and intentionally said, nah, i'm good being the same old me.........that was a lost opportunity for him to lead......whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt apparently.
The guy was clearly a nutter who had been radicalized by the constant leftist anti-Trump propaganda from the main stream media. He apparently voted for Trump in 2016 and was radicalized after this and became an increasingly anti-Trump and showed support for Biden in Kamala in his social media posts. Party affiliation is not a static thing, just because he voted republican before doesn't mean he hadn't been indoctrinated into the leftist cult. I do not know his current registered affiliation but have seen posts where they tracked down his donations to democrat PAC ActBlue which would infer he supports the democrat party. There is some strange things regarding this attempt. How did this guy know Trump would be out golfing that day when it was apparently a last minute decision to go golfing? Did he travel from Hawaii to Florida with an AK-47 with an obliterated serial number or was one provided to him in Florida? It seems strange that someone who didn't really have any connection to Florida was able to obtain a weapon there. I'd imagine there would be some serious red flags if he was going around asking random people to provide him with an AK-47. I know the FBI is on the case so these questions will likely never be answered.

Wouldn't it be more difficult to guess when Trump isn't out golfing?
1. Nope, not advocating for red flag laws or mandatory storage laws. I would be fine however with a law holding parents partially responsible for any violence a family member under the legal age to own a rifle performs with an unsecured rifle or pistol kept in the home. Why aren't more people asking why society is so quick to turn to gun violence these past couple of generations or why the unhealthy fascination with gun culture has grown steadily? Personally, I doubt reducing the number of firearms o rmaking them harder to get is going to change that. I think the problem is society, mostly entertainment and music has made guns and gun violence enticing, sexy and cool.

2. Totally putting aside specific gun law differences between us and any typical European country are there noticeable, quantifiable differences in the societies of those countries that might account for gun violence differences than simply availability of access?

3. If a student is making violent threats against the student body or there is serious concern that a student might be planning such due to specific suspicious behavior and that is reported to a teacher or counselor then it damn well is the responsibility of the school to inform the parents and law enforcement. If a potential threat of violence to the student body is reported to law enforcement it damn well is the responsibility of law enforcement to investigate. If the threat is credible and the investigation turns up there are firearms in the home I have no problem with law enforcement ordering them properly secured within a specific period of time or fining them on a follow up visit and notifying them of their potential criminal culpability should the firearms be used during the commission of a crime by a member of the family or criminal/thief if stolen.

Personally I just think its good firearm/tool/weapon stewardship to keep your firearms stored in a proper safe if not being actively carried on your person on within reach and under continual supervision if there are underage youths in the home or area.

Punitive measures that punish 3rd parties with responsibility after we’ve already counted up the corpses seems like it won’t make a dent to me. The idea is stopping them from getting the gun in the first place.

Why are people so quick to gun to guns as a resort? Because a capitalist approach has been taken to guns in our culture which perverted their uses and aimed to convince everyone to buy as many as possible and shoehorned them into too many aspects of our culture.

Ok so law enforcement investigates a threat and than what? If there are no red flag laws and storage laws what tangible legal actions can you take to a perceived threat in states like GA where there are no red flag laws, no storage laws, and laws that allow minors to possess rifles? These measures all seem toothless.
Middle guy gets it. Right, just like we can hold Trump accountable for his Jan 6th rhetoric being a huge contributing factor to what happened, is the same energy we should have in regard to the rhetoric tossed at Trump that is empowering nutjobs to make the "ultimate sacrifice" to kill him when we're saying he's gonna be Hitler or a dictator or nonsense like that. Let's not be hypocrites.
Yes let's not be hypocrites and make false equivalencies here. The inflammatory rhetoric coming from the right comes from the very top, the unquestioned leader of the party who excises those that disagree with him. You don't see the same thing from the Democrats, hence Biden and Harris calling Trump to check in on him after the first assassination attempt while Trump mocked Paul Pelosi after the alter was attacked by a nutjob with a hammer.
This type of rhetoric is part of the problem. Inflating Trump into a comic book-esque villain the likes of which Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Genghis Khan could never have aspired to be in their most savage ambition hasn't worked even a little bit in nearly a decade now. He's not Thanos. He does, however, feed on the fire the flames of which his opponents keep stupidly fanning with their misguided virtue signaling. His detractors need to just shut up, stand back, and let him sink his own ship. Instead, his detractors have ensured that he not only stay afloat but they often actively (and of course unwittingly) help him pick up steam. The whole Trump debacle that's inexplicably lasted nearly a decade has been the left's battle to lose and they've been losing it so spectacularly that you'd think losing was and is their fucking plan.

This is the most I've talked politics in years and I'm already annoyed. This thread just caught my eye at the right moment and in the right mood, I guess.
His detractors need to shut up? So the way to deal with Trump is to not criticize him at all and pretend he's not there in the hopes he goes away? The guy is running for president but we're not supposed to talk about him? We would never apply this absurd standard to any other politician, its only Trump and his followers who demand special treatment.
Due to battle fatigue resulting from repeated assassination attempts, Donald J. Trump is unfit for office. According to some Trump is baiting himself by using oratory voodoo as a means to salvage a floundering campaign.

"Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune." - Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Suppose we're speaking activation via rhetoric, weeks from that dissent, and multiple attempts on the subject's life. The world works in mysterious ways.
Yes let's not be hypocrites and make false equivalencies here. The inflammatory rhetoric coming from the right comes from the very top, the unquestioned leader of the party who excises those that disagree with him. You don't see the same thing from the Democrats, hence Biden and Harris calling Trump to check in on him after the first assassination attempt while Trump mocked Paul Pelosi after the alter was attacked by a nutjob with a hammer.

You don't hear the "very top" leadership calling him a "threat to democracy" and implying he'll be a dictator? I'm pretty certain that has been thrown around for quite some time. You follow more politics than I do so don't even try to pretend you don't know this. However, even not accounting for that nonsense in itself which truly is nonsense in the purest sense of the word, the media has been, let's call it "irresponsible", with their neverending reporting the last few years where even in this forum the videos/articles have been shared about reinstating slavery, becoming a dictator, suspending the Constitution, firing the liberal Supreme Court judges, arresting anyone who will oppose him, and the many many other absurdly ridiculous claims. Mainstream media that millions of people watch or read often becomes their reality, they don't research any further.

I'm close to calling it common sense that less mentally competent people or outright mentally ill people will buy all of it and perform extremist actions. If he was spoken about as the corrupt grifter he is there would be no abnormally high risk to his life. Tbh I think most people actually know this already, just secretly some people hope one of the shooters gets him. Social media has highlighted as much after both shooting attempts.

Also no need to say what "Trump did". You're not like a couple of people, you already know exactly how I feel about him lol. But I am also objective about what happens and why.
The mask is fully off. We are living through one of those crazy times when you look back and go 'yeah but how did the Nazis actually come to power.' This is the kind of rhetoric they used.

Perhaps we should look at what the biggest, most certified neo Nazi in the US has to say:

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke says former President Donald Trump and Fox News host Tucker Carlson owe him credit after taking his racist ideas about "white replacement” to the mainstream.

His detractors need to shut up? So the way to deal with Trump is to not criticize him at all and pretend he's not there in the hopes he goes away? The guy is running for president but we're not supposed to talk about him? We would never apply this absurd standard to any other politician, its only Trump and his followers who demand special treatment.
They certainly didn't apply it when "But her emails" was in its heyday. Or Hunter's dick pics.
Perhaps we should look at what the biggest, most certified neo Nazi in the US has to say:

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke says former President Donald Trump and Fox News host Tucker Carlson owe him credit after taking his racist ideas about "white replacement” to the mainstream.
