Media Sean Strickland claims Dominick Cruz and Khalil Rountree are part of a cult

Technically all religions are cults, so most of the world is in a cult.

Awww don't get mad guys just accept it. Cult.

After all, it's not like everyone can be right. Just one group at best, and more likely 0 groups.
I mean, you're factually, by definition, wrong. I'm not even remotely upset cause I'm not religious
Makes sense, Dom Cruz lacks some emotional IQ. As most people that love violence and fighting.
Also he is talking about that motivational and personal development stuff all the time.
Here we go again.

Strickland is fucking hilarious.
Dude will tell anyone who will listen how we're a society of low-T pussies, while in the same breath he will gossip non-stop and get emotional and cry publicly more than any person ought to.

One of my friends started working with Cruz for his fight camps. He got roped in to whatever this is for a while and kept asking our social group if we wanted to work on our "Emotional Intelligence" and eluding to the "work" he was putting in to himself trying to lure questions out of us to he could talk it.....

Until recently we all thought it was a wacky phase he was going through but now since this video came out the other day we all knew it was Dominick and Stephen trying to suck him in while he was training with them.