Say something nice/positive about the leader of the other side

None of the children who jerked away from their nipple rub were able to convince their parents to try and press charges. So joe is influential.
if you support Biden write something positive about Trump, and if you support Trump say something positive about Biden. No buts, no sarcasm, no backhanded compliments.

Ill start: Biden has been in politics for a long time, is well connected and must be competent at least. He also seems to have empathy.

* I am not from the US so my opinion doesnt really matter anyway.
Trump did good by getting tough with China. Previous admins didn't get tough because Corporate America wanted the gravy train to keep rolling. As a leftist I give Trump props for his China stance.

He really should have kept the TPP though, it would have hurt China, but since Obama passed it, Trump had to get rid of it.
Hes possibly the luckiest man alive and has an awe inspiring ability at failing upwards.
Both angles false, there. Crime bill didn't affect incarceration rates noticeably, and you can't give it much if any credit for the cratering crime rates.
I was trying to make Joe look good.
Do you agree the Bill, in general, was a good thing? And do you agree with his rhetoric?

I agree 100% with that video. It does not matter if a murderer or a would be murderer or mugger had a rough childhood or if he will get re-socialized in prison, he should be locked up so innocents do not get hurt. We can still focus on avoiding that to happen but the priority should be to keep people safe.
I think it's a good video to show that Biden is not some criminal loving, bleeding heart socialist.

Of course, there were already a lot of people in prison and he could only influence federal incarceration which accounts for 10% or so of the prison population, but at the very least, some more people stayed behind bars and more states could be or continue to be "tough on crime" due to federal funding.
From USA Today, asking if it caused mass incarceration:
Asked if the bill caused or largely contributed to it, Johnson says: “The bottom line answer to that is no. Was it a link in the chain? Yes. Is it the beginning of the chain? No.”
I'm following that line of reasoning.

About declining crime rates, I know it's false or inconclusive, but again, I was trying to make him look good and I'm sure the bill didn't hurt either.
In relation to his fanbase, he's quite slim.

He also had some great ideas about China but is such a bumblebutt of a human being he cucked his own supporters by making them welfare queens.
I was trying to make Joe look good.
Do you agree the Bill, in general, was a good thing? And do you agree with his rhetoric?

There were good and bad elements of the bill. I don't have a strong opinion on whether it was good or bad overall. I think the major defense and the major criticism of it are both wrong, though. The rhetoric sounds fine to me.
Joe biden seems like a nice old man. Genuinely. He will be a disaster of a president but that's moreso the DNC then it is Joe.
I like Joe Biden's tendency to get "old man angry" when he gets questions he doesn't like.
Biden is not a Narcissist. Also, despite his age, he still delivers much more conventional political speeches.
Trump could dress up as a flamboyant pimp and it would be pretty convincing
Can Canadians play?

He is extremely generous with other people's money, and convinced a nation that his racism is a chance for all of us to reflect on our privilege.
Trump made a comment that sounded sincere once, about 4 years ago, when Ted Cruz insulted “New York values” during one of the debates.
Enemies of europeans must be good, because they are winning

But in fairness huge % of europeans developed lemming gene

Still enemies of europeans must be at least half-good
I don't really consider it nice or a positive, but I'm a lot older than most of you here in the WR and that Joe Biden is nothing if not a long-time staunch segregationist. I'll give him persistence in that endeavor, anyway.
I didn't think he could win because of it, but he got all the woke vote in spite of it---so what are you gonna do, I guess.