Road to Amsterdam. MMA, S&C etc.

As I had promised the guys we did lots of drills today. It was a good session.

I found out today that I won't wrestle at the weekend - too heavy to do 165 and at 185 there's only greco - but I still didn't squat. Instead I warmed up with some easy work on the ellyptical. I was pretty tired by the end of training anyhow. I will probably just do my deadlift session Thursday or Saturday as I normally would.

I need to start being serious about my weight tho. Right now I'm way too light for 170 and far too heavy for 155.
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planning to stay at 155 or going up? I'm at quite same situation...
^^^ I dunno, my coach kinda convinced me to go back down. So that's what will probably happen.

Also I 'm really not mentally ready right now. I still feel very much tied to Japan and shooto and going up in weight would feel like permanently shutting the door on that dream.

I'm in a delicate transitional period and I dunno where it'll take me. So I still want to at least know I can just pack my bags and go back if things don't work for me here.
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15min pad work.
15min skipping
Some combination practice
Lots and lots of sparring (must have been at least 6x3min rounds - with 3 guys rotating every 1.5 mins)

Was feeling very good today. I was much more composed and a tighter guard meant I felt confident closing the distance and landing more solid shots.

Wednesday: off
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Thursday: PKT
Drilled takedowns and did some MMA sparring.

Later did some deadlift singles. Worked up to 3 singles with 350. The first felt really nice. I felt like elettric current going through every muscle in my body. It was an amazing feeling. The next 2 just felt heavy.
I supersetted the deads with sets of 5 punch presses with 72 lbs and 5 pullups with 35lbs - good, upper body strenght is coming back!
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Went to check out Vos Gym. What a disappointment! There was only the coach, me and some total beginner guy. We worked on some takedowns and a basic armbar from top.

Anyways, at least I got the coach's number. He is a fighter himself and we may train together sometimes. Still, he's really busy teaching BJJ classes so I dunno if he'll have time.

But it's pretty amazing how little enthusiasm and respect people here have for mma and grappling. I feel like I'm living in a desert and every day I'm one step closer to just deciding to give it all up and move back to Japan!
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Saturday: PKT

Practiced some new techniques and finished with free grappling.

Later I did 4x5mins boxing and 2x5min knees on the heavy bag. I also got my HR monitor back - after 2 months!!! So I could keep a steady HR. It was about 150 during the boxing and 160 during the clinch.
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Hi there!

I'l throw another gyms name for you to check, Mike's Gym Amsterdam, Holland.
My teammate fought 1 guy from that gym, and ended up chocked via triangle :)
Mike's gym have nice facilities for sure but I went there once and didn't really like it. It gave me the impression of another gym where kickboxers fight mma with no respect for the grappling side of the sport.

Then again I never went to see one of their morning or pro sessions so I can't tell for sure. In any case I just couldn't train there as long as I rely on public transport so I'll have to check it out again once I get myself a car/bike.

Monday: PKT

Practiced again same techniques as last week and finished with free grappling. It was good today. We are getting a routine going and that allows things to run smooth and fast.

Later did some squats up to 2x3 with 255!!!! I can't believe it. I think I had a flexibility problem, which I quickly solved by incorporating some light over head squats in my routine. This has allowed me to smash through my perennial plateau and add 30lbs to my squat in the last 2 sessions! I whish I knew this 1 year ago.
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Legs pretty sore from yesterday.

40 mins ellyptical. Kept my HR around 150. Nice and easy.

Later did boxing. Started with some basic drills and then about 45 mins sparring. It was so so today. I had really good moments (when I was boxing) and really bad moments (when I tried to brawl). I'll keep practicing anyways as I want to be able to do both.

After this I was fried!
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Wednesday: off

Thursday: PKT

Did some takedown drills and then MMA sparring. Really got my ass kicked in the standup today. That's both bad and good. Bad because I'd like to do the ass kicking at this point in my carreer and good because it means I can still improve and I have training partners that can help me do just that.

Later did some deads. Same weight as last week for 3 singles. I've been suggested to pyramid my weights so I only use max effort on the last set. I may try that. Quality over quantity.

Also, I've been thinking I should switch one lifting day to plyos if I can maybe add another 30 lbs to my squat and 40 to my deadlift. I still have some in the tank with my current maxes so those numbers are probably not too far away.
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Friday: wrestling

Got to the gym really unsure what I was going to do. At the end I waited for the wrestling class. We had a decent session and I got quite a few takedowns. Nothing too difficult but some guys defended alot of my attempts so I obviously have more work to do.
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Saturday: PKT

Started with some very good technical work I was really looking forward to... but unfortunately I did none of it! We were an odd number today and most guys were having big problems doing it properly so I spent all my time correcting them - I hate this, I'm a team member, not a coach!

Later we did some live wrestling drills and some free grappling at the end.

Wanted to do some conditioning afterwards (mainly bag-work) but was way too sick and tired. I went home feeling like I was about to get a flu. That's the only thing I missed this week so it was still a good week.
Monday: Wrestling

All PKT members were absent today so I went back in the evening to wrestle. Had alot of rounds of live wrestling, starting with 2 big guys I had trouble taking down, then a couple guys my size. The final 2 rounds were with a much smaller guy who kept moving and really pushed me conditioning wise.

Later did squats. Worked up to a set with 255. I shot for 5 reps but the wrestling had taken too much out of me so I could only do 3. I left the 4th on the pins. But I'm already questioning whether piramiding my weights is a good idea. I felt like I didn't really do much when I could have just remained at 245 and did a few sets of 5.
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Sets of 2 maybe?

^^^What do you mean? At a higher weight?
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either your being sarcastic or missed the point of that one entirely
35 mins cardio (shadow boxing+knees on heavy bag)

Boxing class. Worked on combinations and did some sparring. Today it was really just awful. My distance and timing were off and I kept getting caught. I also seem to have problems sparring in the ring. When I sparred with the same guys on the mats I just kicked their ass.

Anyways, I have an amateur boxing match on the 2nd of april. It's only 3x2 minutes but it's a good excuse to get myself in shape. If I can go back down to 168lbs then I can box, wrestle, and grapple in tournaments all the time. Then when MMA fights come up I can still cut to 155. Anyways to do this I think I'll have to move weights in the background and start doing more conditioning. I'm afraid I may have recently gained a bit too much muscle and that's not helping me lose weight.
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Thursday: PKT

Today MMA sparring.

Later did some work on the bag. 40 mins alternating between boxing and kneees every 5 mins. Finished with 10 min footwork for cool down. Kept HR about 150-155.
With limited time available I'm thinking it's better to do sports specific conditioning wherever possible. I really want to see how it'll work out to train this way. Next time I may add some more drills so I can go on for even longer.
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