Opinion Right-Wing Culture Justice Warriors Outraged @ Sudden Realization 'The Boys' is Mocking Them

That's because he was written as a parody of American working class conservatism of the day. Or rather I should say traditionalism. Lear always put tropes like this into his works. Archie wasnt beyond self-reflection, and the climax of many episodes were the moments that got him to. Here's one where he and Mike confront his racism:

I remember Darryl Davis talking about the most difficult people to get to leave the KKK and he said it was the legacy members. The ones whose Fathers and Grandfathers were Klan. This was a great moment that showed Mike that Archie was a human being, and why he tended to double-down on his nonsense.

Edit - Here is another one that shows that Archie's Father was damaging in multiple ways:

Edit 2 - I never saw this, but Carrol talking about it:

There were plenty of racists on both sides going into this show. Its a working man, union guy on the east coast. It even showed bigotry from George to white people and made him out to be foolish. The show was incredible.
Next up from you "Starship Troops is not a parody and criticism of fascism! It is a wholesome adventure sci-fi about friends joining the military to defend their homeland!"
I always laughed because verhoven made a “facist society” a utopia
There were plenty of racists on both sides going into this show. Its a working man, union guy on the east coast. It even showed bigotry from George to white people and made him out to be foolish. The show was incredible.

I don't know about "plenty." George was a side-character, but yes he represented the black version of Archie. The appreciation for a similar character spawned The Jeffersons.

The entire premise of All In The Family was the adaptation of Archie's traditionalism to an ever-changing World. Who was he, why did he think the way he did, and that he wouldn't be able to continue to. He might have found a kindred spirit here and there, and he grew to like George because they were similar, but it was overwhelmingly him having a "what is the World coming to??" reaction to everything.
I don't know about "plenty." George was a side-character, but yes he represented the black version of Archie. The appreciation for a similar character spawned The Jeffersons.

The entire premise of All In The Family was the adaptation of Archie's traditionalism to an ever-changing World. Who was he, why did he think the way he did, and that he wouldn't be able to continue to. He might have found a kindred spirit here and there, and he grew to like George because they were similar, but it was overwhelmingly him having a "what is the World coming to??" reaction to everything.
Lear went the same direction with the spinoff. No I dont disagree with the traditionalism at all especially coming out of civil rights, vietnam etc. The WWII generation couldnt understand the generation of the 60s and into the 70s. But George met jenny's parents who were mixed on Archie and then it continued on to the jeffersons. Both shows were great in the way they pushed against some of that stuff.
Installment #502,754 in conservatives being dumber than a box of rocks and having negative media literacy -

-admits to not watching Season 4
-outraged anyway
-spends the video reviewing audience reviews <lol>
-Says the showrunner has alienated his audience and people aren't watching anymore
-doesn't realize the show's audience numbers are up 21%


Is this the shittiest, laziest show review in the history of youtube? Not even watching the show you're reviewing, while literally reviewing audience reviews, then confidently stating that the show's numbers are down while the opposite is true? How do people this stupid get such big audiences? It just goes to show you that conservative's brains are made of monkeys clapping cymbals together and they simply want to have their biases and prejudices sold back to them. No matter how stupid the salesman is.

Right wing culture justice warriors just cannot stop their descent into becoming the exact same triggered social justice warriors they mocked 10 years ago. That will never stop being so fucking funny to me.

Apparently America's fascist superman having a relationship with an actual WW2 Nazi named STORMFRONT, and the couple acting as the figureheads of a Fox news parody wasn't explicit enough for conservatives to realize the show was mocking them.

I heard this

Is pretty fucking shocking they are just realizing this.

I have to imagine almost all social commentary in entertainment is beyond them.

Its just the Boys is hitting even the slowest of watchers over the head at this point
I always laughed because verhoven made a “facist society” a utopia
An illusion* of utopia. Which is what a lot of fascist think their society would look like.

In reality it's an totalitarian society that brainwashes children into warmongering, military-worship and hatred of the "alien" from birth
Lol who cares.

The funniest thing was when they were highlighting the whole Trump phenomenon using homelander in his place where he killed some liberal douche with his laser beams. That one white dude, who's for sure a liberal dork in real life, got all excited and was like "YEA! OMG DADDY!". Conservatives are Nazis, very original and elevated writing.

It's cringe as fuck and you roll your eyes when it happens but it doesn't really spoil it for me. I still enjoyed the show.
I agree, Peacemaker is awesome. Got a lot more respect for John Cena after Peacemaker. I personally think he is a better actor than The Rock.
The Boys biggest problem this season is introducing too many side stories nobody gives a shit about.

In time, they'll realize Peacemaker is also mocking a certain segment of society. Then that show will be "turned to shit" as well. But it took 4 season for the light bulb to turn on with The Boys, so we got about 3 more seasons to go of Peacemaker before that happens.
Apparently America's fascist superman having a relationship with an actual WW2 Nazi named STORMFRONT, and the couple acting as the figureheads of a Fox news parody wasn't explicit enough for conservatives to realize the show was mocking them.
everyone knows they are mocking conservatives. These shows are made for plebs so they pander to the lowest common denominator.

Check the vid below "Fock you FAHCHAUST!"

An illusion* of utopia. Which is what a lot of fascist think their society would look like.

In reality it's an totalitarian society that brainwashes children into warmongering, military-worship and hatred of the "alien" from birth
I mean, they hated the aliens but the streets were clean, everyone had healthcare and education and seemed pretty darn happy!
I mean, they hated the aliens but the streets were clean, everyone had healthcare and education and seemed pretty darn happy!

Gotta think a bit deeper than that. Any society that has achieved interstellar travel, you'd hope would have solved healthcare and street cleanliness issues by that point.
Gotta think a bit deeper than that. Any society that has achieved interstellar travel, you'd hope would have solved healthcare and street cleanliness issues by that point.
I mean, obviously — but what I’m saying is that verhoven didn’t do a great job of showing the downside of “facism”.

The good guys won and everyone celebrates at the end.
I always love the assertion that Archie Bunker and George Jefferson's presences on TV were significant of tolerance of endearing bigotry, it just shows how either people didnt watch the show...or didn't understand it and actually follow the character arc. Archie eventually realized the error of his ways and went "woke:"

The Jeffersons was always woke under the surface. When George went to a Klan meeting he saved a leader's life and the act of kindnesses changed his Son despite not changing him:

Norman Lear is and always was left of center. And was THE reason Seinfeld was funny.

I never understood the love for All in the Family. I never got it and had no interest in the show.

The Jeffersons and Sanford and Son were top shelf when I was a kid. I don't think I thought of any show as woke, just whether I cared about the characters.

Florence the maid was one of the best characters of all time.
I never understood the love for All in the Family. I never got it and had no interest in the show.

The Jeffersons and Sanford and Son were top shelf when I was a kid. I don't think I thought of any show as woke, just whether I cared about the characters.

Florence the maid was one of the best characters of all time.

Lear's whole M.O. was getting people to question cultural norms and be more thoughtful about their cha going society. I mean that's woke-ism by its actual definition.