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"Revolution possible when whites become minority"

I dunno... I'd heard for years that in South Africa, as soon as Mandela was to pass away, there would instantly be a huge revolt that wouldn't leave a single white person alive. I don't think that happened.

So far black leaders are proving to be better at oppressing the black majority far better than the white minority ever was.
So far black leaders are proving to be better at oppressing the black majority far better than the white minority ever was.
Oh oh, that's one of the "things you are not supposed to say."

Along with the fact that most owners of black slaves have been black people. And that it's still going on.
Oh oh, that's one of the "things you are not supposed to say."

Along with the fact that most owners of black slaves have been black people. And that it's still going on.

People also seem to forget that white-owned black slaves were generally not sold by whites, and were very rarely captured by whites.
More than anything else, people forget that by modern 'civilized' standards most of the world, throughout most of history, has been populated predominantly by assholes (whatever colour they happened to be) and the only difference between one asshole and the next was the size of the stick he used to beat his neighbours.
oh, you go ahead and post evidence of your opinion and I will post evidence of mine. Wait, I have no evidence, oh, that is right, I am playing Leftie for a day. I just make statements with nothing backing them up at all.

That's funny, considering the last time you challenged me on evidence I posted some not a minute later and must have gotten busy or something cause you are no where to be found.

So until you want to go find and respond to that one, you get nothing more than a hearty Bitch please
I'm just looking forward to getting you fired for saying "whitey" or "white boy" or "cracker."

Nah I'm white, those are my words and they can't have them
That's funny, considering the last time you challenged me on evidence I posted some not a minute later and must have gotten busy or something cause you are no where to be found.

So until you want to go find and respond to that one, you get nothing more than a hearty Bitch please

sorry I can't stalk you. go ahead and link to it,

But in the mean time just post some of your evidence. I have none.
The ignorance of the OP is almost painful - while I know I would be wasting my breath attempting to refute his position (given that people who hold extreme views are rarely if ever persuaded to entertain alternative positions), I would encourage you to look into the work of notable demographer, Frank Notestein.

Economic immigration is an issue of haves vs. have nots - any rational poor person who has the ability to escape poverty will do so. This phenomenon isn't unique to "white" countries - places like Quitar, Oman, Singapore etc. have a significant foreign population of low skilled immigrants looking to advance their life.

In any event, the obvious solution to the issues the OP raises is education and fostering economic opportunities in developing countries. Instead of preventing woman from going to school and marring them off at 12, encourage them to pursue higher learning - the demographic transition that follows is natural.

India is perhaps the most salient example of this phenomenon - in the poor, rural areas, archaic customs (child brides, woman not allowed to go to school) are common place. These areas struggle with burgeoning population growth and limited resources. Conversely, in places like Delhi and Mumbai, which have adopted much more progressive "western" values, woman who are given the opportunity to pursue an education do so. As a result, they enter the work force, get married later and have fewer children.

While I am someone hesitant to have an open door immigration policy (if only for the safety concerns), I will never fault somebody for wanting to move from a shitty place to a better one - everyone would do that.
sorry I can't stalk you. go ahead and link to it,

But in the mean time just post some of your evidence. I have none.

Except when you're quoted it shows up on your notifications, so your already piss poor and very bitchified attempt weasel or if a legitimate challenge, then want you're own answered just ain't happening son.
An article related to this topic at The Federalist.

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism

White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.

In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications:

What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a few individuals is senseless.

Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and immoral than any other people. Loosely backed up by historical inequities and disparities in mass shootings, this position has begun to take a serious foothold.

White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.

Put simply, our anti-racism efforts must be refocused away from guilt and confession and towards equality and eradicating irrational judgments based on race. Some on the Left will object, saying that racism is so systemic in society it must be purged before anyone can pretend to treat of others without taking race into account. Some on the Right will object, saying that everything from IQ tests to crime statistics prove something meaningful about the capabilities of individuals based on their race.

Both of these perspectives must be rejected. In their place, we must return to the goal of treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their race.

Whites should be chomping at the bit to become minorities.

Minorities live luxurious lives full of welfare, expensive cars, free college, free healthcare, saying the n-word, award ceremonies for them. It's great.

I, for one, would like to put the breaks on white genocide. Just a little bit though.
Except when you're quoted it shows up on your notifications, so your already piss poor and very bitchified attempt weasel or if a legitimate challenge, then want you're own answered just ain't happening son.

Wow, I really made you upset. Like I really want to help you through this tough time in your life. You just have to link it to me. At a certain point in most of my threads it just devolves into people name calling me and not adding anything to the argument so I let it go.
Or something comes up in my personal life and just don't have time.

I mean, it probably wasn't a good argument and now you really don't want me to respond but you are just trying to use this as an excuse not to post proof and have weaker posts. Hey, the world need ditch diggers too.
It's not white people who need to stop breeding, it's third world countries, and as far as I can see, there isn't a constant push to get women in third world countries out of the home and into the workplace, or a drive to spread feminism in these countries, especially with the same ferocity there has been to spread feminism throughout the West.

After they've been brainwashed with the idea that women are oppressed in the home and only after they enter the workplace, will they truly be 'liberated'. There's also calls for more female head chefs. The irony of that, eh? Leftists want MORE women in the kitchen HAHAHAHAHA... but to cook for total strangers. So apparently, cooking for your family is oppressive, but cooking for strangers in a restaurant is 'liberating'. Comical.

They came up with what on their own? Women were brainwashed to believe they have to enter the workplace.

I'm not saying women should never work, but primarily, women should have children. Then later in life, they should enter the workplace. If women enter the workplace, lowering the fertility rate as a result, then the government decides to allow in immigrants who GREATLY value the family and have large families. What exactly do you call that? I call it an attempt to engineer a new society aka shifting demographics. It's not something that 'just happens'. It's planned and is being executed before our very eyes.

That's the exact kind of propaganda Western women have had pumped into their heads for the past 50+ years. Women can do far more than just raise children. I'm not denying that. But first & foremost, they should be bringing new life into the world. This COMPLETELY shuts down the argument for mass immigration. If native women are having enough children, no need to import loads of immigrants. Simple.


That's the exact problem Europe has right now. Better to have only one? If all of humanity went down that route, they'd go extinct. Two is best. Some will have three, and some only one. It evens itself out.

You've bought the propaganda hook, line & sinker. Better Inheritance? LOL! Fuck inheritance - you work for your own money. You won't get any 'parental attention' if the mother is out at work, so that's a moot point. And resources? Eh?

I have explained quite clearly how it most certainly is a conspiracy. The left has promoted ideas which have resulted in Western women leaving the house & entering the workplace. THEN they say that mass immigration is necessary due to 'low birthrates'. But why are the birthrates low now? Because women entered the workplace. LOL how can you not understand this?
So basically we were doomed when women got the vote .... god damn you suffragettes
Wow, I really made you upset. Like I really want to help you through this tough time in your life. You just have to link it to me. At a certain point in most of my threads it just devolves into people name calling me and not adding anything to the argument so I let it go.
Or something comes up in my personal life and just don't have time.

I mean, it probably wasn't a good argument and now you really don't want me to respond but you are just trying to use this as an excuse not to post proof and have weaker posts. Hey, the world need ditch diggers too.

Sorry, none of this works on me.
Whites should be chomping at the bit to become minorities.

Minorities live luxurious lives full of welfare, expensive cars, free college, free healthcare, saying the n-word, award ceremonies for them. It's great.

I, for one, would like to put the breaks on white genocide. Just a little bit though.

Do the means justify the ends? Why does society condemn certain racism and tolerate other?
I sometimes feel like there is quite a few of you here who really want to have a racial clash of epic proportions and I gotta say I find that sort of freaky.

Seriously if you not a racist than dont worry about what some yahoos say on the internet. Hell even if you are a racist stop worrying about what yahoos say on the internet cuz hell knows you arent gonna change
That's funny, considering the last time you challenged me on evidence I posted some not a minute later and must have gotten busy or something cause you are no where to be found.

So until you want to go find and respond to that one, you get nothing more than a hearty Bitch please
He always seems to get busy ( and dissappear ) things aren't going his way ...... which tends to 1 to 4 pages into every thread he starts
lol this thread is almost as stupid as the earth is flat. lol i know some of the poster are turned on at the idea of a race war, but my god this thread is 100% dumb
Sorry, none of this works on me.

cool. I don't care about what you think.

I do this just for others to see the quality of poster you are and how seriously we should take any argument you pose. Flat earthers are more believable.

He always seems to get busy ( and dissappear ) things aren't going his way ...... which tends to 1 to 4 pages into every thread he starts

show me where? I have asked you for an argument many time and you never gave one. Sorry. Again, I am not stalking my threads for days as I have new threads. The argument comes relatively quick or it doesn't come at all.

Spin_ having an argument for me is like the lochness monster