Social Racism/sexism towards white men becoming a norm in Modern Society

Didn't say that Christianity is the last refuge of the ignorant just pointing out that so called good Christians have done a very good job at spreading heartache and misery all over the world.
Christianity has been around for almost 2000 years, over the years they did unspeakable things. The odd thing is Islam Christianity and Judaism are all related, yet Islam seems to be the slow evolver
And to make matters worse, some of my white friends are even starting to come down with sickle cell anemia.

Poor blighters.
And to make matters worse, some of my white friends are even starting to come down with sickle cell anemia.

Poor blighters.
Aha! The old "I have a white friend" line. I'm onto you, bub!

I find this to be one of the most baffling elements of so-called social activists who argue that we should strive for a society that holds everyone to the same standard regardless of sex/color but will easily point out a white male as a negative connotation.

I am 25 years old and I tend to meet people around that age who will make comments saying things like "Of course a white male would say this" - ranging from social media platforms to even news outlets.

Most of all I find it ultimately cowardly, the people who will demote a person if they are a white male only do so because the majority of their group believes that it is appropriate. These are the SAME exact type of people who would have held discriminatory attitudes in the past; the very people they claim they are in opposition of.

Fucks sake.
Why would Elizabeth Warren lie about being an Indian if that was a disadvantage?
a better photo


no, not really. This looks like a mug shot taken after a predator sting took place.
Some day white men, especially straight white men, will have their time in the sun. Until then, it's back to the cruel daily existence of being the most abused subset of society. We'll get white men in power someday, guys. I believe in us.
Trumptard: I'm so tired of sjw's alM-8qx5qbUK0wZQsolWcOSsRUAutQsX3Xqb1vCNWE5rsifT2u6Yo
later: People are persecuting me because I'm a white guy!!!
They aren't mutually exclusive.
Look at this. She is blaming two DUIs on racism
Then when people dismiss your opinion ir talk badly in general about whites, that is complaining about q real phenomenon. I wonder if someone as left as you can understand that?

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