Social Racism/sexism towards white men becoming a norm in Modern Society

Yes the white man built the US all on his own. I'm quite sure the Buffalo soldiers would disagree, so would those black folks who fought in the civil war, ww1, ww2 whose award for traveling half way around the world for freedom and democracy only to come "home" and be treated like 2nd class citizens would disagree.

It is the architect who gets the credit and not the people hired to build.
Hard for the architect to get credit for building something if their aren't people around to actually build it.

It is hard for the builders to find work if the architect does not develop the plan.
Btw whenever a right winger starts pontificating about liberals playing the race, victim or identity card please refer them to this threads like this or one of the 9,999 Islam is coming to kill us all!!!!!! threads.
Btw whenever a right winger starts pontificating about liberals playing the race, victim or identity card please refer them to this threads like this or one of the 9,999 Islam is coming to kill us all!!!!!! threads.

Islam is not coming to kill us all. Islam is coming to instill morality and virtues in a now Godless and hedonistic land.
Where would we be without white males?

If you look at advancements in society, it’s mind boggling what those assholes accomplished
Where would we be without white males?

If you look at advancements in society, it’s mind boggling what those assholes accomplished
Nice to see how much rightwing nutjobs like yourself love play the victim. You could win an Oscar for best portrayal in the role of perpetual victim
Nice to see how much rightwing nutjobs like yourself love play the victim. You could win an Oscar for best portrayal in the role of perpetual victim

Calling white males assholes is me being a victim?

You sound like a bitch on the rag
Hey shouldn't you be on the lookout for all that widespread voter fraud?

You can’t even keep track of a conversation, what in the fuck are you rambling about?
Islam is not coming to kill us all. Islam is coming to instill morality and virtues in a now Godless and hedonistic land.
I'll pass on any version of morality and virtues which sees infidels, women and sexual minorities relegated to second class citizen status thanks.
Btw whenever a right winger starts pontificating about liberals playing the race, victim or identity card please refer them to this threads like this or one of the 9,999 Islam is coming to kill us all!!!!!! threads.
Have you ever studied history?
Have you ever studied history?
Yes I've studied history enough to see that right wingers just love playing the identity and victim card, it's a classic case of projection accuse the other guy of what you yourself are guilty of and I must admit you right wingers are masters.
Yes I've studied history enough to see that right wingers just love playing the identity and victim card, it's a classic case of projection accuse the other guy of what you yourself are guilty of and I must admit you right wingers are masters.
You clearly have never studied history, that’s ok though, you will never make more than minimum wage
You clearly have never studied history, that’s ok though, you will never make more than minimum wage
Here you've earned it