Elections Putin says he supports Harris

Man, you are really losing it. You seem to be becoming more cynical and trashy by the day…
Naw, just can't believe you are buying what she is selling. She will get run over by every world leader there is. She has no political acumen or tact. No idea how to leverage the power of the US economy. Won't give interviews because all of this is obvious to everyone. But hey, anyone but Trump right?
Naw, just can't believe you are buying what she is selling. She will get run over by every world leader there is. She has no political acumen or tact. No idea how to leverage the power of the US economy. Won't give interviews because all of this is obvious to everyone. But hey, anyone but Trump right?
What are your specific expectations? Like, what does getting "run over by every world leader" translate to in concrete terms?

I think what we saw with Trump was giving concession to North Korea for no benefit, obeying Putin and trying to undermine NATO, and failing to achieve objectives in the aborted trade war with China. That's in addition to weakening our position with allies.
Naw, just can't believe you are buying what she is selling. She will get run over by every world leader there is.
Yes, literally every “corrupt” world leader wants Trump as POTUS. Kim Jong UN, Xi Jinping, and Putin because they got their hands in his ass.
No idea how to leverage the power of the US economy.
Funny that you say that…I wonder who put our country into Historic debt in a pre-pandemic environment and shit the bed in maintaining our relationships with long term allies.

But hey, anyone but Trump right?
She is a better option than Trump lol. Trump can literally do anything and you’ll find something to blame the other side for.
It’s sad and pathetic in a way. A bunch of these middle age men feel helpless and feel that the world is out to get them since women are more involved in the workforce now. Seeing Kamala Harris beating Trump crushes their spirit because they feel like they are living through him or some shit…
It’s sad and pathetic in a way. A bunch of these middle age men feel helpless and feel that the world is out to get them since women are more involved in the workforce now. Seeing Kamala Harris beating Trump crushes their spirit because they feel like they are living through him or some shit…
This is utter bullshit. I HATE Trump as a person. I own a business with a woman. I love and respect women, and my daughter is the smartest person I know. You are acting like we don't like Kamala because she is a woman. Did all the Dems that hated her hate her for the same reason? Why did she poll so low with women then? Liberal women. Why did she get ousted from the 2020 primaries like a flea off a dog? Here is the problem with the DEI hire to begin with. Now you create this misogyny that has nothing to do with her shortcomings. Her being a woman isn't the reason she has no economic insight or policy. Her flip flopping. Her accent changes. Her incompetence with questions on the border or inflation, or foreign policy. She is a bad candidate (just like in 2020 when everyone agreed) no matter if she is female or a male.
Funny that you say that…I wonder who put our country into Historic debt in a pre-pandemic environment and shit the bed in maintaining our relationships with long term allies.
Do you even pay attention to what she is proposing? Holy shit man. You think she is going to reduce debt with her plan? WTF? And you may hate Trump but no one is bending him over. He forced companies to stay in the US. He proposes tariffs on goods imported. The guy knows how to use power. She has no fucking clue, and you know that is true. Do you not see any of her speeches? Or just ignore them? Didn't see the inflation question and answer? The border answer? The Russia/Ukraine interview? Stop being dishonest. You hate Trump so just do not care how bad she is.
This is utter bullshit. I HATE Trump as a person. I own a business with a woman. I love and respect women, and my daughter is the smartest person I know. You are acting like we don't like Kamala because she is a woman. Did all the Dems that hated her hate her for the same reason? Why did she poll so low with women then? Liberal women. Why did she get ousted from the 2020 primaries like a flea off a dog? Here is the problem with the DEI hire to begin with. Now you create this misogyny that has nothing to do with her shortcomings. Her being a woman isn't the reason she has no economic insight or policy. Her flip flopping. Her accent changes. Her incompetence with questions on the border or inflation, or foreign policy. She is a bad candidate (just like in 2020 when everyone agreed) no matter if she is female or a male.
The thing is, this is more nonspecific attacks, which just reads as emotional outbursts. What would make you doubt that her economic policy would be much better than Trump's? What aspect of border policy are you criticizing?

She was widely regarded as a future political star before 2020. What happened is that most candidates felt there was a leftward shift in the electorate and tried to appeal to them. Harris had always been moderate and made an unconvincing leftist, and her campaign flipped. Biden won by being openly moderate, and picked her because she impressed him and was on the same page. With the changing political environment, what people want is a capable, not super ideological pro to continue the work Biden started to recover from the mess he inherited.
This is utter bullshit. I HATE Trump as a person. I own a business with a woman. I love and respect women, and my daughter is the smartest person I know. You are acting like we don't like Kamala because she is a woman. Did all the Dems that hated her hate her for the same reason? Why did she poll so low with women then? Liberal women. Why did she get ousted from the 2020 primaries like a flea off a dog? Here is the problem with the DEI hire to begin with. Now you create this misogyny that has nothing to do with her shortcomings. Her being a woman isn't the reason she has no economic insight or policy. Her flip flopping. Her accent changes. Her incompetence with questions on the border or inflation, or foreign policy. She is a bad candidate (just like in 2020 when everyone agreed) no matter if she is female or a male.
Wasn’t even talking about you here. I was talking about @ShadowRun and people like him. Strange that you feel the need to defend yourself. I suppose a guilty conscious needs no accuser.

The running her like a train comment and calling every female politician an “ugly bitch” when they disagree with you kinda gives that vibe of ya anyways.
Do you even pay attention to what she is proposing? Holy shit man. You think she is going to reduce debt with her plan? WTF? And you may hate Trump but no one is bending him over. He forced companies to stay in the US. He proposes tariffs on goods imported. The guy knows how to use power. She has no fucking clue, and you know that is true. Do you not see any of her speeches? Or just ignore them? Didn't see the inflation question and answer? The border answer? The Russia/Ukraine interview? Stop being dishonest. You hate Trump so just do not care how bad she is.
You didn’t respond to a point that I made and just went on a tangent. Historians and Economists have given him failing grades for his policy but I suppose you know better….
Wasn’t even talking about you here. I was talking about @ShadowRun and people like him. Strange that you feel the need to defend yourself. I suppose a guilty conscious needs no accuser.

The running her like a train comment and calling every female politician an “ugly bitch” when they disagree with you kinda gives that vibe of ya anyways.
Yeah, he wants a chaste, good-looking person as president so he's voting for ... Trump? Doesn't make sense without an extra element (partisanship or Harris being a woman).
You guys do recognize sarcasm, right?
If that's not A I, it'd surprise me. No One, not even Putin, can think "Harris" is good for anything except Willy-Browning.
Are Maga's gonna burn their I'd rather be a Russian than a democrat shirts now?
Based on him repeatedly saying it lol

He talks about how he'd end the conflict in one day and that it would have never happened if he was President and there would be a million people still living. He keeps talking about bringing peace and ending it.

He also said he'd reform the medical/healthcare system back in his 2016 campaign, only to have that entire section of his platform disappear the day after he was elected.

Also, Trump can't stop the war even if he wanted to, both Russia and the Ukraine would have to agree to whatever peace terms he proposes and that ain't happening. Russia isn't going to settle for anything less than everything east of the Dniepr river and there's no way Ukraine will give up that much land.
He also said he'd reform the medical/healthcare system back in his 2016 campaign, only to have that entire section of his platform disappear the day after he was elected.

Also, Trump can't stop the war even if he wanted to, both Russia and the Ukraine would have to agree to whatever peace terms he proposes and that ain't happening. Russia isn't going to settle for anything less than everything east of the Dniepr river and there's no way Ukraine will give up that much land.

I'm not arguing that he is going to stop the war as much as he is going to take America's involvement away from Ukraine and to stop support - hence Putin wanting him to be elected.
If that's not A I, it'd surprise me. No One, not even Putin, can think "Harris" is good for anything except Willy-Browning.
She is very good for ruining the USA further.
Putin had good working relationship with Trump. He might be wary that Trump would be pushed to escalate to prove he is not affiliated with foreign powers, though.
Imagine the cope involved in believing Putin wants Harris to win because she's weak. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't.

Meanwhile we know the opposition does not need to be weak - they're entirely on side and in full support!

Current agenda: stop supporting Ukraine!!!