Push Press or Mlitary?


May 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'm trying to decide which of the two I should do..
I'm leaning more towards Push Press simply because I can perform it more explosively and it incorporates more of the body and PC.

What's your opinions? cheers!
Rotate, once you stagnate change, repeat.
Do both

Then during the phase in when you begin to stagnate on the MP, do some PP at the end and some negatives to extend the workload then move onto PP the next week
Cheers guys!
I think I'll def do that (rotate).
Yeh, obviously you can go heavier with push press and this will boost your strict press because your core will get stronger from handling heavier weights over your head.

Personally I prefer the strict press though, if you could only do one.
Yeh, obviously you can go heavier with push press and this will boost your strict press because your core will get stronger from handling heavier weights over your head.

Personally I prefer the strict press though, if you could only do one.

Its not that hard youngster
I'm the best at everything. Do both and work push jerks in as well. Listen to me. My dubbs add credibility to my posts. Trust me.
I'm the best at everything. Do both and work push jerks in as well. Listen to me. My dubbs add credibility to my posts. Trust me.

Barut smells like beef and cheese and he sits on a throne of lies!
Strict or military until the weight is too much for you (don't go down in weight) then finish your reps with push press.

5 x 135 strict
5 x 135 strict
4 x 135 strict / 1x 135 push
5 x 135 push
Strict or military until the weight is too much for you (don't go down in weight) then finish your reps with push press.

5 x 135 strict
5 x 135 strict
4 x 135 strict / 1x 135 push
5 x 135 push

Thats how I do it. Push press after strict
Strict or military until the weight is too much for you (don't go down in weight) then finish your reps with push press.

5 x 135 strict
5 x 135 strict
4 x 135 strict / 1x 135 push
5 x 135 push

There is no way that you're lifting that much at your BW unless you have a physically demanding job or have been lifting for years. I will call you a liar if you claim otherwise.

what does he weigh

I'm intreguid

Strict or military until the weight is too much for you (don't go down in weight) then finish your reps with push press.

5 x 135 strict
5 x 135 strict
4 x 135 strict / 1x 135 push
5 x 135 push

If you can do 5 reps the first set, why would you keep it for the following sets?

I would do
3*155 (say), 2 PP
5*165 PP

PP you can always get atleast 10-15kg more from the leg drive. The shoulders are for stabilisation and triceps lock out, so you should be able to carry it off
There is no way that you're lifting that much at your BW unless you have a physically demanding job or have been lifting for years. I will call you a liar if you claim otherwise.

"IE" means the following is an example. Its nothing like a routine I've actually done. Though that is a pretty neat challenge, I'll send you a PM when I'm able to do that ;)

edit: Btw, probably the most I can strict for 5 right now is like 105-115.. I'd have to drop weight after, though.

what does he weigh

I'm intreguid

If you can do 5 reps the first set, why would you keep it for the following sets?

I would do
3*155 (say), 2 PP
5*165 PP

PP you can always get atleast 10-15kg more from the leg drive. The shoulders are for stabilisation and triceps lock out, so you should be able to carry it off

My comment referenced something that he said yesterday.

I get more than 15kg from my legs when doing push press, but I think it's a good number to shoot for.

About your example: if the person in the example can do 155 x 3 strict, they should then PP 175 x 3, and do a bunch of singles with 185. Jesus hates high rep PP.
My comment referenced something that he said yesterday.

I get more than 15kg from my legs when doing push press, but I think it's a good number to shoot for.

About your example: if the person in the example can do 155 x 3 strict, they should then PP 175 x 3, and do a bunch of singles with 185. Jesus hates high rep PP.

Lol. I didn't catch on at first. But you caught me. I've been in the gym 3 days a week for 6 months and used to have a job that required me to haul boxes around most of the day :(
My comment referenced something that he said yesterday.

I get more than 15kg from my legs when doing push press, but I think it's a good number to shoot for.

About your example: if the person in the example can do 155 x 3 strict, they should then PP 175 x 3, and do a bunch of singles with 185. Jesus hates high rep PP.

Yeah same

I got after practise from 70kg OHP for 4 to to 87.5 PP for a double.

But some peoples leg drive sucks :icon_chee

I tend to do a few more to get more shoulder stability going and try not to fry the CNS.
I do singles but rarely
Ok mad, I'll add PP to the end of my Military Press.
Thanks again guys! :)