Purple is the new blue.

^ i see your point, but I hate people who stand on their own achievements just as much as the people you refer to. your achievements do not make you who you are. There are some huge achievers that are otherwise a waste of flesh. Then there are poor achievers who are incredibly good people.
^ i see your point, but I hate people who stand on their own achievements just as much as the people you refer to. your achievements do not make you who you are. There are some huge achievers that are otherwise a waste of flesh. Then there are poor achievers who are incredibly good people.

I get what you mean, its why people admire people such as nog and fedor who are humble and modest and can't stand people like Nick Diaz and Diego Sanchez.

The problem is that many wars are started because of people believing in their collective superiority. I myself have been a victim of such people and their rascist tendencies. I know being patriotic and nationalistic doesn't automatically make you a rascist, it just makes me uncomfortable because of what I have seen happen to the world by such people and what has personally happened to me because of such people.

Sorry, I think I have deviated from the original topic of this thread and made it a little too serious.
DUH, BJJ is blowin' up rite now!!! It'z soopa poularzsdfz.
You'll probably see more blues because of it. Common sense, pretentious thread.
Unfortunately with the explosion of BJJ and MMA in the states . . . yes there are more blue belts, but the AVG skill level is MUCH lower.

I would say and I may be wrong but from my experience it seems as though a lot of "blue belts" are only blue belts because the instructor wants to keep students in his academy.

Three years at white belt (which I think USED to be standard) and people would lose interest and the academy would fold. Five years in and still a blue belt? The now, now, now, me, me, me, greedy, instant everything American would have quit long ago. (Thats why in some American academies they give green belts to adults)

Welcome to fast food America.
I'm not certain the average skill level is that much different. For those of us looking back over time you need to remember that our own skill levels are so much different now (well, I hope) and our memories not very reliable yard-sticks.
I can't stand it when people rant on about how superior they are listing their countries acheivements as if it were their own.

You should stand on your own acheivements and not say my x country has the largest GDP (or whatever statistic you care to use) to prove your own superiority, when in reality they have probably done f**k all.

Yodaman im not trying to insult you or say that you haven't acheived anything in life. There are many seemingly smart people who do the same thing, I just don't like it when people say stuff like that. Rampent nationalism can lead to rascism. Its plain to see what rascism has done and is currently doing in the world.

It's not nationalism. I'm just saying that as a society, Americans are a more work oriented culture than others, with a heavy emphasis on what we do on the job rather than what we do off of it. We're not THE most work-oriented culture in the world (that goes to most Asian countries) but to say that a lot of society doesn't revolve around corporate work, the 9-5, etc, is wrong. It's not even that good a thing half the time. People are shown to be overstressed, underrested, and in general miserable, and this sort of mentality contributes to that.

But that's seriously off topic.
DUH, BJJ is blowin' up rite now!!! It'z soopa poularzsdfz.
You'll probably see more blues because of it. Common sense, pretentious thread.


Three years average at white belt is ridiculas. It's hypocritical to say that belts don't mean the same anymore and then bitch that people wanting to atain that same symbol of achievement in a reasonable time frame are being fast food American. A minimum set time does nothing but tell people that no matter what they put into the sport there will no no reward in regards to the symbol that so many guys here seem to be hung up on.

That is the problem with the whole belt system, it's sometimes nothing but a distraction and a waste of energy worring about an arbitrary symbol when one should be focused on getting their time and monies worth.
The color of your belt means nothing more than what division you compete in. It doesnt make you any better. Aiming for belts is the wrong goal altogether. The point of practicing anything is to get better, right? If simply improving your game (regardless of comparison to others) is not enough to get you motivated, then simply aim to be better than every other person at your belt level. Once you get there, you will most likely be promoted. Rinse, repeat 5 times and you will be a black belt.

The color of your belt means nothing more than what division you compete in. It doesnt make you any better. Aiming for belts is the wrong goal altogether. The point of practicing anything is to get better, right? If simply improving your game (regardless of comparison to others) is not enough to get you motivated, then simply aim to be better than every other person at your belt level. Once you get there, you will most likely be promoted. Rinse, repeat 5 times and you will be a black belt.


Wow. The point of this thread passed by you like a ship in the night, then you proceeded to go on a totally and wholly irrelevant rant about worrying about belt color. Here's a cookie for you. Good job.
I think the stripe system is to blame for most of this subterfudge.

Before we had no stripes or any of that bullshit. Now we have every whiny baby complaining about getting his next stripe. So now you have new people getting into the sport that are now addicted to getting promoted.

Not the way you should train.
i think bjj is just more popular and this has resulted in an exponential increase across the board. The best way to get better imo is to train with the best and toughest people right, so the more blue belts, purples, browns etc in an academy or even a country, the faster people progress, and this cycle just expands.
yeah i had it acouple months back. im good now but cant start training until july and cant fight until aug.

to me belt color doesnt matter at first I was hella concerned with it and wanted to get as high up as fast as possible, but now i just worry about improving my game and when i`ve paid my dues i`ll be awarded my black belt. I have tapd purple belts when I was a white belt so to me belt just shows how long you`ve been training, and as a blue ive been tapd by white belts (or someone who doesnt have a belt)

Are you bma_mat, I have never seen a purple ever been subbed by a white belt before. The purple is either not legit or the white belt has a background in something like judo or wrestling. Even if they have a background in those arts, its still going to be a challenge.

Oh yeah, theres also the possibility that the purple belt gave you the submission because they can't be arsed expending energy on a white belt when they could be using it against the next more worthy sparring partner.
Are you bma_mat, I have never seen a purple ever been subbed by a white belt before. The purple is either not legit or the white belt has a background in something like judo or wrestling. Even if they have a background in those arts, its still going to be a challenge.

Oh yeah, theres also the possibility that the purple belt gave you the submission because they can't be arsed expending energy on a white belt when they could be using it against the next more worthy sparring partner.

Or the purple belt just lost. BJJ experience doesnt make you superman.