Punted my neighbor's dog into next week b/c his dog attacked mine

Anyone else remember this Jerky Boys prank call? :p
You were 100% right to do what you did. You were on your property. Your had control on your dog. It's a green light moment for me. You'd tell me you killed your neighbors' dog and I'd be okay with it.
You were 100% right to do what you did. You were on your property. Your had control on your dog. It's a green light moment for me. You'd tell me you killed your neighbors' dog and I'd be okay with it.

Thanks everyone who responded so far. Ya....I understand accidents happen. They get 1 freebie. This shit happens again or becomes a pattern........edit: n/m....don't want to be accused or premeditating or threatening any animal.
Did I do anything wrong? What would you have done? My only regret is that I didn't kick that thing harder with the toe of my shoe to really dig in there. Fuck him.

2nd to worst part, neighbor yells from down the street - "Sorry about that" - and never says another word or comes and talks to me to see if things were ok.
You didn’t do anything wrong. And at least your neighbor said he was sorry.

My neighbors routinely let their big ass dogs off leash to roam the street and attack my 20 lbs Cairn terrier.

I finally got some pepper spray. But I do carry a knife in case that doesn’t work. Go to Big 5 and get the pepper spray gel (no blowback) and spray those motherfuckers.

When I walk my dog, even if I see another person with their dog on the leash I have my hand on it ready to go. Because so many of these idiots aren’t paying attention and just let their leash get jerked out of their hand. The other day my wife was attacked because some cheap asshole was using a rope as a leash and it broke. Fortunately it was a small dog.

But we get attacked about 50% of the time we take her for a walk. It is ridiculous. And I’ve had to call animal control on one neighbor already.
Both my dogs are around 100lbs mongrels....
Both pretty well trained.

There is absolutely no fucking way I'd allow them off leash in public around strangers and other dogs. Not worth the risk them getting into having trouble and me having to deal with " dangerous dog " charges.... I' errr i mean. ... to protect everyone.... yeesss...

Nah honestly I do it to protect my dogs more so than people.

On the bright side. My two have never really had issues with other dogs. Although they probably would tear a dog apart for attacking a child.
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I actually believe in the same scenario people should kick or punt dogs more often. It immediately deescalates the situation. I am not in favor of violence but if the circumstances permit I am okay with a kick or punt.
Apparently I'm in the minority, but trying to harm the dog seems excessive. Yeah maybe if it was a pitbull that could maim you, your daughter and kill your dog, but I like dogs, so if it's a silly labradoodle, it's pretty easy to grab its collar and pull it away. Seems like you kicked it because you were mad, not because you had to, and it wasn't even the dog you should be mad at, it's the owner.
Apparently I'm in the minority, but trying to harm the dog seems excessive. Yeah maybe if it was a pitbull that could maim you, your daughter and kill your dog, but I like dogs, so if it's a silly labradoodle, it's pretty easy to grab its collar and pull it away. Seems like you kicked it because you were mad, not because you had to, and it wasn't even the dog you should be mad at, it's the owner.

You don't think a 50-60 pound poodle or labradoodle could maim or kill a 20 pound dog? You think only pitbulls are capable of such things??? Of course I'm not trying to harm another animal on purpose. But in the moment the first goal was to break up the fight. A swift kick to the ribs did just that. I didn't beat it senseless with a bat or stab it with a knife. When my dog is stuck on a leash with my daughter holding onto it and an off leash dog agressively is attacking mine, I'll do what I need to do to break it up.

You've clearly never seen a dog fight or tried to break one up. No way was I able to calmly grab a collar in that situation when they are spinning around growling and rolling....and no way I want to put my hand/arm in that area either and risk getting bite/latched onto myself. I actually think I went pretty easy on that dog with just a single kick (with the top/flat of my foot.....I didn't even dig in with the point of my shoe).
Weren't you the guy terrorising the neighborhood with your dogs tied up outside barking nonstop.
Good on you. I hate animal cruelty but our pets are our family so I have no issues with taking out another dog that is putting my family in danger.

Same thing happened when my wife was walking our little dog a few years ago. This guy's German shepherd that was always breaking loose from the house ran up and grabbed our dog and started shaking him. It wound up fucking our dog's back up and cost a couple thousand in vet bills. He was at least nice enough to pay for the vet bills but told us that the dog was "Houdini" and was always sneaking out.
My entire family are dog people and the only one that would take issue with that response is my mom for obvious reasons.
You either control your dog or accept these kind of consequences.
You should have then gone to the neighbor and touched him with the jab.
And then followed it up with an overhand right thrown correctly.

That would have gotten your point across.
Should’ve given it the Korean special
People who walk their dogs off leash just look fucking stupid. Not to mention it's a legitimate hazard to everyone else, their pets, and their children. Does it make you feel cool walking your dog off leash like you dyed your hair pink or something? Not getting enough attention so you need to walk around your neighborhood with your dog off leash to show how cool you are?
