Protesters blocks car, then one shoots the driver

A car is a deadly weapon even at just a few miles per hour it will crush, maim, or kill a pedestrian.
Like I said you have no proof. I dont care what you THINK about it, unless you have proof your story doesnt hold up. And thats all it is, a story. have no proof for any of the claims you've made. ie: that the driver saw the protest a mile in advance.

i know this is a troll account, but ffs. please troll smarter or funnier. this is just lame.
Well too bad thats not how it works. The people being arrested are those who are going through protesters. He wants to do a cops job then he should join the force.

Being able to go where one wants to go on public property is not a thug-granted privilege. It's the right of free people.

Leftist protestor loses her mind when counter-protestor blocks her car. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DRIVE AROUND THE PARKING LOT".

Notice the part we she put it in park and instead of trying to use her vehicle to drive through her? You found the answer!
If he just honked and kept his foot off the accelerator he'd be home with his family. I don't think anyone deserved to die here. That doesn't change the fact you shouldn't try to drive through a crosswalk populated by pedestrians.

lmao...they swarmed his vehicle when he did honk. just like hundreds of other incidents just like this.

peopl like you are sick have no proof for any of the claims you've made. ie: that the driver saw the protest a mile in advance.

i know this is a troll account, but ffs. please troll smarter or funnier. this is just lame.

I am a troll? Guys are like you are claiming it is ok to go through protesters lol. Seems like youre the troll dude. As for not seeing a protest was being held on that street, the only way that would be possible is if your blind but nice try troll.
People are all kinds of crazy, talking about both sides. I mean if the guy in the car knows there is a protest going on why would he try go through that protest? Seems like he wants to show how tough he is and protesters are just as dumb. Fuck both sides.

Not necessarily. Protest prop up all over the place lately. My wife was almost caught in one a few weeks ago in LA. She works downtown and was leaving work. She able to turn to a side road before the crowd got too big to navigate.

Holy shit man, you’re retarded. We can only hope your job doesn’t include critical thinking....

I said grown up adults are talking here not old geezers like you who should be in one of those old people homes.
Everyone, pay attention to this thread, especially the leftists.

they are saying, that it's okay to swarm a vehicle, inflict damage on the vehicle, assault the driver, shoot and attempt to kill the driver.

this is the new left ladies and gentlemen.

LOL, nope no one ever said this. We are saying it is pretty stupid for the truck guy to take the route he did and then try to go through protesters cause he is a macho man and making a statement. He isnt a cop but acts like a cop and wants to disperse peaceful protesters with a deadly weapon.
They may have been jaywalking, still against the law to drive through a group of people in a crosswalk. You're supposed to stop for pedestrians, even if they are jaywalking. Can't use your vehicle as a tool to move them. Kind of driver's ed 101.

Big difference between jaywalking and people rushing your car. Plus he didn't take off till the gun man pointed the weapon at him.
I am a troll?

i gave you the benefit of the doubt. if you're not trolling, you appear to be simply incompetent.

Guys are like you are claiming it is ok to go through protesters lol.

see? strawman. and yet ANOTHER brilliant claim you're making that you're incapable of proving - because it's bullshit and fiction. i never said this, and no one 'like me' said this.

Seems like youre the troll dude. As for not seeing a protest was being held on that street, the only way that would be possible is if your blind but nice try troll.

...see? you mentioned proof. i asked you to prove your accusation that the driver could see the protest a mile away and failed to turn. you failed to provide it. then you said the above bs. now you accuse me of trolling.

again: please troll smarter or funnier. because this failtrolling is just lame.

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