Prince Harry hints that his mother was murdered and that’s the reason for his split:

January is the most depressing month of the year in the UK. The weather is fucking awful, most people are back at work, short of money after Christmas and the summer holidays are so far away you need binoculars to see them. If Meg and Harry think the average person is going to have much sympathy for their, "problems", they are sadly mistaken. The average view is probably something along the lines off,

"Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, you ungrateful, whinging Yank cunt. And make sure you take that pussy-whipped, Ginger tosser with you".

Any sympathy the public has will most likely be reserved for the Queen, a 93 year old woman who's husband is on his last legs, who's son has been crucified - rightly so, but it can't have been a pleasant thing for her to witness - because his best friend was a sex offender of Jimmy Savile proportions and who now has to deal with this pair of entitled twats:rolleyes:
I’ve been around the Mayberry for quite awhile now and I’ve definitely noticed a deteriorating quality of posts. I enjoy the most vulgar rude offensive comments ever as long as there is a cleverness behind it so you can distinguish it as humour and not actual beliefs. I’m starting to feel like there’re less and less social peers on here lately.
Sorry to hear that but it's just how things work. With very few exceptions, pretty much everything gets watered down over time
Does anyone actually care (besides jokes) about royals?

Seriously these people dont do anything, fuck them.
Does anyone actually care (besides jokes) about royals?

Seriously these people dont do anything, fuck them.
I care that their dumb asses might be coming back to my country to hijack the news cycle, that's about it.
Also, can we get the damn DNA test to see if he's actually related to the queen or not? I'm wondering if they did a genetic test on the baby and found something out that made them want to run away.
this isnt getting enough attention
Dude got Simped by a smart bitch,simple as that.
She is using the terrible things that happened in his past to make him do whatever she wants.

Not that I think the Royals have anything noble about their behavior,aside from what the “curriculum” ask then to do it but killing his mother(at that time)had no meaningful result to the way things were going.
The Royals are everything that is wrong in society.
They're welfare recipients and extremely outdated; why should someone who's ancestors controlled and killed people be able to be born into power.
I've never respected Harry as much as I do now but I also agree with most on here "who really gives a Fook"
His mother was a whore. A very expensive whore. She was hired to produce an heir for the royal family. She died from whoring around with an idiot who had a drunk for a limo driver that tried to go through a large city that has dangerous structures at a high rate of speed without wearing seat belts.

"Prince" Harry might not even be related to the royal family. It would be interesting to see a dna test.
The Royals are everything that is wrong in society.
They're welfare recipients and extremely outdated; why should someone who's ancestors controlled and killed people be able to be born into power.
I've never respected Harry as much as I do now but I also agree with most on here "who really gives a Fook"

You realize something like 95% of their income is generated by private means and not through taxes right?
Harry used to be cool. Badass war fighter. Happy go lucky Prince who didn’t give a fook what anybody thought. Then he falls for a twice divorced woke social climber, and she let him have his balls just long enough to produce a never ending source of income for her.