Social PotWR Jungle run off

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Watch my new documentary coming out to explain how this was allowed to happen. It's called "2000 Crapps: The fall of a forum"

Starring @Andy Capp (Crapp)

The truth of how @Andy Capp and @Rob Battisti are working together to undermine your campaign will come out. We are going to unleash the kraken any day now to show that the establishment posters are truly afraid to face your campaign in a fair and free election.
The truth of how @Andy Capp and @Rob Battisti are working together to undermine your campaign will come out. We are going to unleash the kraken any day now to show that the establishment posters are truly afraid to face your campaign in a fair and free election.
Better him than running against Olive, the Other Reindeer, a fictional persona created for the purpose of subverting the integrity of this, The Most Important Election in Sherdog War Room History™.

My campaign will have more on this later today in an official announcement.
The truth of how @Andy Capp and @Rob Battisti are working together to undermine your campaign will come out. We are going to unleash the kraken any day now to show that the establishment posters are truly afraid to face your campaign in a fair and free election.

It's true folks. It wasn't until recently did we uncover how far this truly went. EVERY SINGLE OTHER CANDIDATE either knowing or unknowingly have been selected to run as SPOILER CANDIDATES against our movement.

Never trust a guy named Rob folks. He's here to STEAL. And we all know about little Crooked Andy Crapp. I've always had my differences with people like @idrankyourbeer It made me wonder why is he drinking MY BEER?

the horrible truth has been exposed though, he simply can't afford his own beer due to the radical policies of none other than the likes of @Rob Battisti and smelly @Andy Capp (CRAPP)
Voting for Rob is just robbing yourself of your Vote. Everyone knows that the only one who can stand up to the radical #blueAnons, including the mod squad who are even more radically biased than Biden’s DOJ.

I have been on here over 20 years, and everyone knows that the more aged the cottage cheese, the bigger and better the curds.
*ellipsis --ellipses are oval-shaped objects

It's used there because that's not the entire expression, which is, "Speak of the Devil and he will appear", or some variation of that latter part.

"The phrase is old and appears in various Latin and Old English texts from the 16th century. The Italian writer Giovanni Torriano has the first recorded version in contemporary English, in Piazza Universale, 1666:"

You'll have to forgive him since his first language is Eastern European. I'd say which one but then he'd whine to the mods to get me carded.
@Rob Battisti is in 4th place in the voting as he has been passed by @cottagecheesefan. The early favorite taking a big hit from leading, to in danger of not making the Semifinals.
Top 4 make it. I’m saving all my effort for when it matters.

It won’t even be close.

This is what I get for taking a vacation from Sherdog.
I never even knew who he was but he tags me all the time. It’s good to have fans.

I get weekly tags now, it warms my cockles.

There are at least two other guys on here that get upset every time I fail to associate a post or question they directed to me, which is a different form of the same thing lol

"What about that question i asked you?"

"What question?"


"Umm, I really don't lol"

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