Social PotWR Jungle run off

You have two votes. Pick your favorite candidates

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this is bullshit. i try to rally the troops and this is what i get. a bunch of dudes who wouldn't piss on me if i was on fire. either that or the deep state is nullifying their votes.

my foot balloon is starting to subside, but i don't even know if i want to bother running in the semi finals anymore. this shit is rigged.
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i want my second vote. fucking deep state is holding the beer drinker down. mark my words, there will be a reckoning.
i noticed i only voted for one candidate when i could have voted for two. can you add one for luckyshot on my behalf? or reset my vote so i can pick two candidates this time?
I wanna change my two for a write in for you
Deep State News here with Andy.

Andy how will you unite both sides of the War Room if it comes down to you and @Other ? This seems like a tall task for anyone to over come.
People will come together under my leadership because there won't be any reason not to. It's going to rock!


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