Social PotWR Jungle run off

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Deep State News is reporting of rumors that @MetalGearTrump is involved with a collusion scheme to steal the election. Foreign money has been flooding into his campaign.
Deep State News is reporting of rumors that @MetalGearTrump is involved with a collusion scheme to steal the election. Foreign money has been flooding into his campaign.

Fake news.

These hit pieces never stop.


Now it's the Leninist Marxist Progressive faction of the mods. We can't let these people win or we won't have a forum anymore people

Folks, my message is simple.... We are a forum in decline, and it's not just because of the low T, politically correct NONSENSE.. No, no, no there’s COLLUSION (Deep State Redacted)We’ve got (Deep State Redacted) Andy Crapp teaming up (Deep State Redacted)—yes, I’m talking about (Deep State Redacted) and (Deep State Redacted) . They’re working together to bring down our campaign. (Deep State Redacted) folks. They’re (Deep State Redacted) Just look at the yellow cards issued to me as I launched my campaign. They're SCARED, they know we've (Deep State Redacted).

We also have LoserShot, and yes I'm talking about @luckyshot (the only lucky part is that he's still allowed to post) is out there pretending to be (Deep State Redacted), but he’s been pulling strings behind the scenes, trying to (Deep State Redacted). He's working with the (Deep State Redacted). Infractions, thread deletions, all part of the (Deep State Redacted). You’ve all seen it! They know we’re the only ones who can fix this place. They can’t stand that we’re fighting for free speech! We can't even call a (Deep State Redacted)You all know what I mean!That’s why they’re coming at us with everything they’ve got.

But guess what? We don’t care. (Deep State Redacted). We’re going to take back the War Room from these (Deep State Redacted), and we’re going to make this forum GREAT AGAIN. The real debates, the uncensored banter, the total (Deep State Redacted) PC culture it’s all coming back!

Please PEACEFULLY make your voices heard at the polls! (Deep State Redacted)

Remember that The Deep State (Deep State Redacted) is very wonderful, (Deep State Redacted) the mods (Deep State Redacted) do (Deep State Redacted) a(Deep State Redacted) great(Deep State Redacted) job (Deep State Redacted)
Very nice!

But, please, I prefer cuckybot over Losershot.

A man has standards.
Incredible! The biased mods are at it again, censoring my campaign speech because they're scared of the truth! Total ERECTION INTERFERENCE The War Room deserves better than this rigged system that shuts down real voices. They’re desperate to keep me out because they know I'm going to WIN and take back the forum from their low-energy, left-leaning agenda. Unbelievable! #StopTheSteal

i have no doubts at all about it now that there is some deep state fuckery going on here.
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the idrankyourbeer option received more votes in the town hall than the cottage cheese guy and somehow he still made it in and the idrankyourbeer option didn't. he completely no-showed the town hall without even giving an excuse.

this shit is rigged. when my foot heals up and my strap broth subsides i'm gonna fill the room with stone cold stunners. there will be a reckoning.

again, due to the doctors orders i'm forced to sit this jungle out, but my foot balloon is getting a little better, and i'm not going to let some strap broth put an end to my campaign, and i would have ran away with this jungle thing anyways cause ya'll ain't worthy of drinking the broth from my jockstrap, so just be sure to get your donations in and pencil me in for the semi finals. i should be good to go by then.
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We are The War Room.

We sit here and spend our hours fighting over bullshit that doesn’t even matter to us, really. You know why? Because it’s fun.

I contend there is no better place in the world to get news than Sherdog’s beloved War Room.

We were here when the bombs went off in Boston.

We were here in December of 2019 when The China Virus was being covered up.

We were here when the paragliders landed at the rave in Israel.

and we were here when holly holm kicked ronda rousey's skull into the nosebleed section!
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I vote for @Andy Capp and @nhbbear . I don’t care who’s president and who’s vice president, they can and should Indian leg wrestle for it.

I had to bounce like Biden. I am working two jobs atm And while I stil post, I don’t have the time or ability to be glued to the phone to be ready with snappy comebacks and kissing babies and all that, but thanks for the support
I had to bounce like Biden. I am working two jobs atm And while I stil post, I don’t have the time or ability to be glued to the phone to be ready with snappy comebacks and kissing babies and all that, but thanks for the support
I reserved space if you want to add an endorsement speech.

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