please explain to me how training pull ups help you in a fight?

He doesn't train shit.

And there's a small vocal minority calling for his random head...

Oh wait, he's the guy with the crazy randomized isolation machine workout, right? All the dots just connected in my head...:eek:

I stumbled into his log once. *shudder*
Since I never said that anyone claiming that that is all they need, I think your reading skills are a bit in question.

Your training comprehension is a bit in question too. If you think it is efficient to train pullups over fighting, or to lose fighting time because you want to do crosstraining as a magic bullet, all to supposedly become better at the skill of fighting... I hope you don't coach. :)

This in no way is an attempt to discourage fighters from doing pullups. Or from doing cartwheels.

Troll. Ban.
Troll. Ban.

As for upper back strength and it's effectiveness in fighting, I firmly believe its not only beneficial but practically essential. From being able to cope with a guy leaning on you in the clinch, to turning your opponent from the inside.

I agree. I don't fight or train MMA and don't pretend to, but I have read that punching speed, like most high speed/low load movements, is largely dictated by the strength of the muscles that decelerate the movement. So having a strong upper back is also very important for hand striking.

You could be the best pullupper in the world, and still fight like crap.

Best to train to fight by practicing the actual skill of fighting.

Yes, and ignore cross-training

Certainly the kind like 'do pullups to get good in a fight' nonsense.

No ones arguing that doing pull ups is all you need to become a good fighter. You have the reading comprehension of a rock.

Since I never said that anyone claiming that that is all they need, I think your reading skills are a bit in question.

See how I came to my conclusion?

1. Statisticool dismisses strength training
2. Schatz points out this fallacy
3. Statisticool comes back with a straw man
4. Schatz points out his fallacy
5. Statisticool comes back with a red herring
6. ChaseT is fooled