Phil Davis disappointed UFC never told him he could do cocaine and get away with it


Rabbi of Platinum Nation
Jun 15, 2013
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Well, he probably can't.

Phil is making Dana and the UFC look like the joke they are.
Phil getting the boot his next loss.
Dana probably just slipped him an eightball, told him to STFU!

All is good now!

Phil-ski Baby!
He isn't on Jones level so he would get cut lets be honest. Oh forgot to inform, Jones dickrider checking in. Phil Davis is so expendable it isn't even funny. He could be let go from the UFC tomorrow and not a popcorn fart of commotion would be made about it. Get on Jones GOAT tier level and you are basically untouchable.
Maybe if he did some coke he wouldn't be so boring to watch fight
He's got a point. Cocaine use is now without punishment so why not do it if its allowed according to the ufc and the nsac?
Even Phil Davis doesn't get the out of competition regulations, how are Sherdoggers supposed to get it.
Dana Snow White

explain to the man this logic
You just need to know how to read, Phil. I think you can do it.
That's actually freaking hilarious of Phil to say! Love it....wish more fighters had the balls to say some stuff like this Hahahaha
Lol look at this guy's physique. It's so natural.
No sarcasm in my post at all ��
He should do it before his next fight and record and youtube that shit just for the lulz.