Is there one best (with a 6 foot / 2 meter spray range) legally available for non-blue state civilians ?
TIA, anyone with actual experience.
I researched the suggestions from this thread (thanks
@Safton) and it seems like FOX One Point Four, Freeze +P, and DPS Black Label are the overall best/hottest. Also, the 2oz can of FOX is actually pretty small and easy to carry. It's also communist approved. (As in we're only allowed to carry up to a certain amount in blue states and 2oz falls under that limit). If it's commie (blue) approved you should be good in American (red) states.
FOX is rated to 10 feet I believe.
FOX One Point Four has the reputation of being the hottest, Freeze +P combines pepper spray and tear gas, and DPS also combines pepper spray and tear gas, but seems to be to a much higher degree. Like 10% OC and 2% CS.
DPS Black Label is called X-Stream Tactical Ops for a reason. It drops everybody.
It is 10%+2 OC/CS Blend that was formulated and developed for extreme tactical operations. This brutal mix was initially made for law enforcement and corrections in high threat conditions.
The formulation consists of an evaporate carrier with 10% OC and 2% CS in a full cone or high emission fog pattern. The Physiological effects are extensive. The CS causes acute stress in respiration with coughing, gagging and temporary shortness of breath. The OC has the atypical dermal affect with intensive heat and temporary, involuntary closing of the eyes. This is the ultimate defensive chemical system.
DPS Black label is available in both "cone" pattern and "ballistic Stream". The cone atomizes into billions of particles and has a reach of 8-10 feet . With any cone formula there is risk of contamination and blow-back and this is why we push the Ballistic Stream pattern above all else. The ballistic stream reaches out 17-20' depending on the model. That being said, Black Label by nature is designed to be inhaled. It shuts people down and keeps them down. They can't fight when they can't breath.
I know this first hand because I was exposed indirectly (on purpose) in a solitary cell while playing an inmate. I had 5 officers trying to get me out and I was able to fight them until my partner Tom fired a 1/4 second burst of Black Label into the air. Within 6 or 7 seconds I shut down and they were able to subdue me and drag me out of the cell and belt me up.
The spray was fired in the air and reached me over 10 feet away under a bunk and did its job.
I can't say enough about the effectiveness of this combination spray. It is not designed to replace regular DPS because it does not have the range and there is a much greater risk that you can contaminate yourself therefore it is recommended for use ONLY in Extreme situations.
DPS Black Label is the meanest OC/CS tactical spray on the market
This guy gets blasted by most of them. His reaction was most intense to FOX, semi-intense to Freeze, and sort of so-so to Sabre Red. (He has a can of the DPS but I don't think he's made a reaction video to it. I couldn't find one)
(click on link and skip to 4:45) - This is FOX, but it's NOT the One Point Four, so it's the less powerful version, and he still acts like it's brutal