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Penn State Fraternity Hazing Death

I never understood the concept of fraternities.

Why waste money buying friends to hang out and drink with, and at the same time let your GPA suffer due to the mindless shenanigans that these idiots get into all the time? That tribal mentality of "Oh, we're zeta omega whatever and we're better than the rest" is just ridiculous. They're all douches to me.

I'm glad I spent my time studying and hanging at the university BJJ club instead.

I'm not a frat type but I ended up pledging the worst hazing one all (Pershing Rifles) by accident. I thought I was joining a club and I thought it was funny that the first meeting or orientation was at 5am. When I showed up, I started getting yelled at. Back then, I was too stupid to quit things that were stupid ("Because I'm not a quitter, dur"), so I ended up walking around campus with a eight pound blue rock tucked under my arm for the next 11 weeks.

I think the only benefit I got from it was that PRs were prioritized on the wait list to go to Airborne and Air Assault school, so it was possible to get both your wings by sophomore and junior year. I haven't seen or spoken to anyone in my line in almost 20 years. Quite frankly, I don't have an affinity for any of them, maybe save one or two.

Otherwise, I can twirl an M-1 Garand real good and that's about it.

There's black people in frats and even all black frats as well.

Black frat hazing is no joke. Black frat hazing makes white frat hazing seem like kindergarten bullying. You got a white boy frat tat? Brothers at the black frats fucking BRAND themselves. You know, like with a hot iron. You can tell an Omega brother when you see one because they all got shit like this going on:



My PR chapter was "colonized" by the Pershing Rifle brothers from Morgan State, a HBCU so none of this shit is unfamiliar to me:

Including the snowballing raw eggs down the line until the last person in line could spit out the yolk intact. We passed a lot of disgusting shit down the line. We started with apples and worked our way up to stinky socks and eventually eggs.
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I never understood the concept of fraternities.

Why waste money buying friends to hang out and drink with, and at the same time let your GPA suffer due to the mindless shenanigans that these idiots get into all the time? That tribal mentality of "Oh, we're zeta omega whatever and we're better than the rest" is just ridiculous. They're all douches to me.

I'm glad I spent my time studying and hanging at the university BJJ club instead.

lots of people join for future job opportunities. people tend to seek qualified friends if they come across a job opening. in today's economy, i really can't blame them.
It seems these frat boys had forgotten the eternal wisdom of legendary Penn State alumnus Plays With Squirrels.

Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself.
LOL @ those idiots branding themselves. Thats looks so terrible. The sign of a moron.
I never understood the concept of fraternities.

Why waste money buying friends to hang out and drink with, and at the same time let your GPA suffer due to the mindless shenanigans that these idiots get into all the time? That tribal mentality of "Oh, we're zeta omega whatever and we're better than the rest" is just ridiculous. They're all douches to me.

I'm glad I spent my time studying and hanging at the university BJJ club instead.
Some guys overthink everything and assume if they're not part of it, it might "impact" future job prospects. eg. Graduate, then apply at a big finance corporate on Wall st. with the hiring manager / director who was in that frat at their time who'll network them in.

Mostly its to get on dat dere pussay via social status
I never understood the concept of fraternities.

Why waste money buying friends to hang out and drink with, and at the same time let your GPA suffer due to the mindless shenanigans that these idiots get into all the time? That tribal mentality of "Oh, we're zeta omega whatever and we're better than the rest" is just ridiculous. They're all douches to me.

I'm glad I spent my time studying and hanging at the university BJJ club instead.
I think it's stupid too. But, they often have connections with alumni in high places that help you get started in a high paying career after college.
Just ban fraternities already
Need to ban extremely stupid fucktards while you're at it. You'd have to be stupid to associate with these fucktards where your life is literally at risk.
I'm sure a bunch of yall have heard of this by now, 19 y.o. kid pledging a frat drinks way too much, falls down stair multiple times eventually rupturing his spleen and fracturing his skull. Security cam footage from inside the pledge house and text messages show that multiple people at the party knew the kid was not ok but did nothing but prop him up on a couch. He eventually fell a final time down the stairs, and when an ambulance was finally called it was too late.

Penn State has made seemingly made some harsh policy adjustments, but at a school where 1/3 of the students are in frats or sororities, it doesn't really seem like a place that places much emphasis on learning. They're barely out of the shadow of Sandusky and this shit happens, what a complete sham of a school. Just a garbage bin for mediocre achievers to party and fuck things up.

At least it looks like the frat bros who ignored him and/or were in charge will get the book thrown at them.

I was not allowed to drink and get fucked up at all during pledging except for big brother/little brother night...

Just ban fraternities already

Just ban cars. Just ban food. More people die in car accidents and choking on food than die by hazing by a large magnitude.
Humans feel the need to belong. Social approval is one of the biological needs programmed into us.

Once you choose and attend the school itself, how can it not be enough? It is already a group. They even give you someone to sleep in a room with, albeit in separate beds.
I too am not sure the appeal of fraternity life.

I have two friends who were heavily involved in fraternities in college. When asked why, they stated "It will help me get a job once I graduate. Fraternities are great bases for employment networking."

One is now a math teacher. The other is a wine distributer.

I am not sure if joining a fraternity is what got them those jobs.

College career and employment centers, and independent employment agencies ought to be enough. The fact that you can only get a job is if you pay extra, get hazed, even after going for more education means the job market is really bad.
Penn State is known to be a sick party school. I visited a friend many years ago who went there and it was pretty crazy.

Being young college kid and going to one of these is a good time.

With that said these kids who did nothing are gonna be fucked. A lot of heat is gonna come down on penn state again. Underage drinking. Frats. Won't be good.

It is mostly people puking, passing out until next morning, and making a mess of the house. And this is every weekend for the next four years. Same thing over and over.
I think it's all stupid but I could see the appeal as a stupid 20 year old. 20 something kids are so fucking stupid, why are we wasting good schooling on them. After high school kids should go work construction or go in the army or something to learn a bit about life, then after they've got their ass kicked a few times and know what they want they can go back to school if they want to when they are like 30.

Its because whoever is under writing the student loans wont make as much money. We need to get the investors out of it.
It'll be an interesting case.

What they're really fucked on, is providing alcohol to minors which played a big role in the death. That could ultimately be what hangs them. Now, if the kid was of age, I wonder where the responsibility would lye?

This isn't a frat issue though. With or without frats, you're still going to have a culture of heavy partying at colleges and universities. It's not like if you officially take away frats, that culture will magically change.

What needs to happen is the elimination of the drinking age. Kids will learn to handle alcohol before coming to college.
The guys that allowed this to happen will certainly be punished. They played a role in this kid losing his life, and they deserve it. The camaraderie you should be getting from a fraternity is represented in stark contrast here. Unreal.

I was in a fraternity in college, so naturally I represent the minority here (certainly on this site). Before painting with such a broad brush, I'll simply comment that Greek life works very well for a multitude of people. This includes future presidents, CEO's, etc. Not all situations are the same and not everyone is cut out for Greek life.

I went to a commuter school. We had 40K+ students, but there was little life on campus. Most students were working professionals, many of which had families and lived in the burbs. Until I went to my first fraternity party, I hadn't seen that many 18 - 22 year olds in one place since freshman orientation. Fraternity life worked well for me.

A communter school with 40K+ ? ? ? Is this USC or something?
Penn State alum here. They were always in trouble. They were kicked off campus right around my junior or senior years but came back shortly thereafter. They were pretty notoriously affluent kids with extremely wealthy alums. They'll get in some shit but the punishment will be light due to good lawyers.


What is that thing we say to each other? I forget.
I think it's stupid too. But, they often have connections with alumni in high places that help you get started in a high paying career after college.

The school itself should serve that purpose already. But since they are letting everyone in, I guess their needs to be more ways to break everyone up.