News Paul Felder shook by internet trolls

felder is a good guy and a great fighter. all the ppl in here hating are ridiculous
I practice kung fu on sticks and do two hours of tai chi a week - no way Felder walks away from me.
That's the problem with social media. Everyone is a tough guy behind their computer, on top of other things like political nut jobs having a voice. That's why I stay off social media and sell my body on That extra $10 a month is worth it.
Diego Sanchez is on Only Fans now, no lie
Sure, he's not handling it the best way. Ideally, he wouldn't allow it to get to him, but the thing he's talking about is valid; our loss of civility as a society due to the anonymity that the internet affords. People get a lot braver and a lot nastier when they're hidden behind a keyboard. It really is unfortunate. I guess all you kiddos who've been on forums and threads their whole life think its normal and ok, but its not.

I understand that if you're a bit older, but it's normal to me and I'm older than Felder, so I figure he should be able to deal with it.
Tough guy wow...

I would put some Sherdog "professional fighters" here who are accustomed to curse their own work class for free at forums and make them prove a point.

I would love to watch some of these losers - not all of them, just a few losers, disrespectful ones, more keyboard warriors than fighters - have their asses kicked by Felder or any other legit UFC fighter. Would be nice to watch, I would laugh a lot for sure. :D
I'd spit in Paul Felder's eye