Out of these cover songs - Which 4 are the best? (The Finals)

What's your picks?

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Formally known as MXZT
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Since it's pretty stacked, there are still 4 choices.

My choices:

Johnny Cash - Hurt
Israel Kamakawiwoʻole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U

Johnny Cash - Hurt

The Animals - House of the Rising Sun

Guns N' Roses - Knocking On Heavens Door

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You

Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
Soft Cell - Tainted Love

Israel Kamakawiwoʻole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower

Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World

Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Aretha Franklin - Respect

Joe Cocker - With a Little Help of My Friends

Fugees - Killing Me Softly With His Song

Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody
If you don't want to be tagged or want to be tagged just let me know thank you.

Please vote.

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@ThinkGreen @Axefan4life @xHeadx @pv3Hpv3p @JinKazama @Screwtape @2DUM2TAP
@aldeniro78 @Starck @Anialater @TheRash @shunyata @Cyrano200 @Dizzy @squirrelynuts
@wigglestick @cowboyjunkie @empsim @I Am Legion @offshore33 @ripsta619 @Korben
@Mesos @Swiftie @Digital Fire @Shonuffbrad @Trill850 @rustledjimjams @MichiganMMA1978
@Iroh @SL1200 @wendelbudwhite @Korben @Sleestaxk @Brom Bones @sanfranpsycho
@Ares Black @Zookeeper Gabe @Excelsior @bubbleboyjones @Brandon Wilson @marioh
@SammyPops @BB in Crazy!!!! @method115 @Virginiatechmic @Simian Raticus @Lebnof
@Ablis89 @FortieSicks @IloveTHIS @Vigorelli @steeldragon @Dr Curtis Love @HUGHPHUG
@MilesAbove @Randlewand @Uncle J @SKYNET @CHUTE_BOXE78 @Tol @ASUThermo
@IndyCovaHart @Magooglie @BARNUM @Satanical Eve @D3THRONED @bosox32 @Kryptt
@ManCityFC9 @sleepwalk @Krimzon @MusterX @SuperHoss @Rob Battisti @tdluxon
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@Mohawk Mauler @Tyrannosaurus rex @Rozko @Senzo Tanaka @Steve-French @Superbad
@Sano @i420KrYpT @EnthusiastCultivator @Heisenboom @ChickenBrother @RoñaCastroJr
@El Che @Shaungotti @genecop @Mikeydontgiva @Papachulu @horc00 @TheFakeMacoy
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@Grassshoppa @97talon @Ezekiel 25:17 @Anung Un Rama @mmascene @MastiffMike
@Papasmurf45619 @dildos @xMsBarnez @Prutfis @Osiris007 @benebox @Dillydilly @SaiWa
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@DiarrheaPerlmans @ALAN PARTRIDGE @Tone505 @TJ Dillashank @jx820 @Protegejoe296
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@MeatWagon06 @Nimrod @armbarforhire @paperclip101 @ICHEERTHEBULL @west42
@AZZA B @Luminosity @Kaybee @Tone C @Revolver @Chad The Limey @KotaroTheWolf
@Andrey Kamensky @FinalFight @zuffazombee @heloder @4daLuLZ @Simple Southerner
@JonnyBonesPharmacist @J0N0 @BisexualMMA @Dr Stoppage @Bonos @Brutus.......
@ZeroGravity @Carvaso @TheSauce @k1ngjester @Badoldman @burningspear @fingercuffs
@Squall Leonhart @Hellowhosthat @Mr. Fixit @deviake @Shroud of turinabol @EJRMAN513
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@cheesus @Omegaboy13 @Washkev @eighterumg5 @CrimsonFan @freakroor @Zanderlini
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@houjebek @Reign Supreme @SilvaLegacy @Texan6533 @the muntjac @ThereIsNoSpoon
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@Adrian Anis @Supasalta3000 @Escabar @ChuckSteak @Trainspotter @jan230 @Corona
@bufetadanacara @JoeyJoeJoeJr @TheWobbler @Sushi Fitness @Pankratios @Kraysla
@RemyR @fungi @fourtyounce48 @phoenixikki @-sin- @Cerberus87 @Kingz @Misfit23
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@Sunnyvale TP @Beau Wring @Blue_Ribbon @UncleJosh @Lovestorm
Tainted Love
Hurt (soul wrenching version)
Respect (Iconic)
With a little Help from my friends

I may have to create another account to vote for Unchained Melody, Somewhere over the rainbow, Killing me Softly, and Knocking on Heavens Door.
I was a big Sinead O'Connor fan, but I never really got why nothing compares to you was so popular. Her earlier album The Lion and Cobra I really liked, I do not want what I haven't got was merely ok.
The Man in Black is taking this one. In the 80s there were different groups depending on the music you liked. Headbangers (Metallica, Van Halen, Def Lep), Guidos (TKA, Johnny O, Cover Girls), Jocks/Preps (Classic Rock, Top 40, Pop) New Wave (Depeche Mode, Morrisey, Echo and the Bunnymen), Black (Hip Hop, R&B). I never liked the New Wave kids, they were super wise ass bitches. . So Tainted Love is out. I actually like New Wave now that I am older, but that song haunts me.
Aretha and Cocker again for me.
Honestly I will always love you should win quite easily. Nobody will ever touch that song again.
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun / Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World / Joe Cocker - With a Little Help of My Friends / Johnny Cash - Hurt
Tainted Love
Hurt (soul wrenching version)
Respect (Iconic)
With a little Help from my friends

I may have to create another account to vote for Unchained Melody, Somewhere over the rainbow, Killing me Softly, and Knocking on Heavens Door.
I was a big Sinead O'Connor fan, but I never really got why nothing compares to you was so popular. Her earlier album The Lion and Cobra I really liked, I do not want what I haven't got was merely ok.
I prefer the Stereophonics version of Nothing Compares, a better version imo
If you listen to Dylan's All Along the Watch Tower, or as much of it as you can suffer through, and then listen to Hendrix's version the choice is clear. Not only is it top 5 rock and roll recording for me, but also the greatest cover ever. Whitney's is probably the most successful, and it's incredible, but only 2nd for me.

That's old, I forgot to delete it. Now I did thanks for the reminder. That was back in 2019. We're doing a more detailed version of that poll.