Oregon Standoff Raid Going Down Now! Live Audio From Inside

What a bunch of fucking tards
Fry seems pretty keen to pull a Finicum.
If these guys want news coverage, they need a token black guy in their ranks. Make sure he gets shot by the feds, and bingo, you've got a primetime news story.
Be reasonable


These people are insane. Do they think yelling "I'm in fear for my life" is going to justify them shooting at the police?
I'm guessing they will charge Cliven for his past transgressions?

The audio was absurd, and I get the sense that Gavin Seim (the host) wanted them to be gunned down on-air...
I'm guessing they will charge Cliven for his past transgressions?

You guess correctly.

Cliven Bundy’s lawyer, Michael Arnold, said his client had been arrested at the Portland airport and would face a felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties, in connection with the 2014 standoff.
Keep prayin! I'm sure that will protect you from bullets.
This will be good for Cliven. He can use his prison time to learn more about "the negro" and educate us further. ;)
David's not comin out with the rest of them. Uh oh....
Shut the fuck up, and let him talk. You guys aren't the star of this show.
He just declared war on the federal government...
David is going full retard right now. Declaring war on the federal government.