One of the keys to being good volume puncher

McGregor is overrated. McGregor cant throw a quick combo at the same speed as an elite boxer
wasn't comparing him to an elite boxer. Don't think that's ever a wise move.

Just commenting on how in MMA, he's probably the first fighter who emphasized such looseness, posture, movement etc.

There's just certain things he emphasized In his training that led to his style being what it was.

Ido portal Is really just a conglomeration of elements from gymnastics, dancing and other arts mixed Into one..but without a doubt, profoundly attributive to boxing and martial arts.
Damn, I bet these guys can drop bombs for weeks without getting tired
So working on muscles that expand rather than contract will make you punch better. Interesting. Almost seems like science.
Lol no. It's more fighting style, genetics and work ethic.
Then why did you use pic of DC up as evidence

I was explaining two separate things there. A while ago I dropped 20lbs of weight, and got to 10% bodyfat where I could see my abs. I was punching 2x as hard, and looked even more muscular. The more lean mass you have the more explosive power
wasn't comparing him to an elite boxer. Don't think that's ever a wise move.

Just commenting on how in MMA, he's probably the first fighter who emphasized such looseness, posture, movement etc.

There's just certain things he emphasized In his training that led to his style being what it was.

Ido portal Is really just a conglomeration of elements from gymnastics, dancing and other arts mixed Into one..but without a doubt, profoundly attributive to boxing and martial arts.

Yea I get you. Dancing is great for movement Tony Ferguson has unique movement, and he used to be a break dancer. Another great volume puncher I forgot to add
Lol no. It's more fighting style, genetics and work ethic.

Yea genetics, but working out helps. I always had big shoulders, and traps. But my triceps were lacking ever since I started to isolate my triceps, and work them out my jab and overall hand speed has increased. Think of a chimp, chimps have huge shoulders, and triceps with small little hips. When you hit the heavy bag your triceps, and shoulders get a workout. These are the combat muscles
Lol as if the Diaz bros have touched a weight within the last 15 years.

Volume punching is technique, balance and personal style. Notice these guys you listed aren’t as “explosive” as the other guys.

With the exception of DC but even then he’s not the most explosive guy and I wouldn’t call him a volume puncher. He’s kinda a pot shotter.

They have stamina because they don’t throw 100% into every shot like an anxious person would.
Efficient technique + cardio = good volume puncher.
Lol as if the Diaz bros have touched a weight within the last 15 years.

Volume punching is technique, balance and personal style. Notice these guys you listed aren’t as “explosive” as the other guys.

With the exception of DC but even then he’s not the most explosive guy and I wouldn’t call him a volume puncher. He’s kinda a pot shotter.

They have stamina because they don’t throw 100% into every shot like an anxious person would.

Lol if you think you need weights to gain muscle. I had muscle before I even knew how to lift a weight just by body exercises. These guys have muscle in the right spots by just training. That's because the front shoulder muscle gets worked out when you keep your hands up for a long period of time. Also triceps when punching. Strong front delts will make it easier to keep your hands up, and keep on punching without getting tired
Efficient technique + cardio = good volume puncher.

Get bigger front delts so you dont get tired when swinging, and theres more of a pop to your jab. I gurantee if one of you guys gained even just a bit more lean muscle on both front delts, and triceps you will notice a huge difference, and thank me
Get bigger front delts so you dont get tired when swinging, and theres more of a pop to your jab. I gurantee if one of you guys gained even just a bit more lean muscle on both front delts, and triceps you will notice a huge difference, and thank me
This isn't body building.
If the front delts get bigger because of the technique and cardio you use then so be it. Front delts aren't the important thing. Efficient technique is the most important--using your energy efficiently allows you to throw more. Next is cardio--repetition training to reach the desired volume.

It isn't rock science. The more you do it the better you get.
Two things-
You don't throw punches with your shoulders or your triceps. Your whole body is involved. Most of your power doesn't even come from your arms, and if it is you have no clue how to throw a proper punch.

Also, a conditioned muscle isn't necessarily a larger muscle.

There's just so much wrong in this fail thread.

Proper boxing technique for throwing punches is to use your whole body. Nick Diaz just modified it. Maybe a boxer used that style prior. It's intention is not to bounce heads off the canvas. It's intention is to suffocate you while it blinds you while it jumbles your brain. That style is hard to counter. Diaz Bros use it full time and they rather stand full time. DC rather grapple but when he stands he is a bully and he likes to use that Diaz style. Max and Poirier like to stand but they don't always use the volume technique. But they do use it and very effectively. Give it 10 more years and you'll be seeing it a lot more.
This isn't body building.
If the front delts get bigger because of the technique and cardio you use then so be it. Front delts aren't the important thing. Efficient technique is the most important--using your energy efficiently allows you to throw more. Next is cardio--repetition training to reach the desired volume.

It isn't rock science. The more you do it the better you get.

Listen this is why I said this is one of the important keys. All that matters aswell. But if someone is lacking in the front delt, and tricep department it would definitely benefit them to improve these muscles for stamina and speed. More fast twitch muscle fibers in those two areas. It doesnt have to be bodybuilder huge, none of the fighters I posted look like huge bodybuilders. Even when I shoot my Remington 870 shotgun i can aim the gun for much longer without my arms getting tired, just because of the difference in having more mass in the front deltoid. Not everybody trains so their not going to have muscle naturally in these spots just from training. Amir Khan the guy with strongest front deltoids is the fastest and best volume puncher. I recommend everybody to gain a bit of size in those areas to add fast twice muscle fibers there. But definitely nobody should be bodybuilder size I'm around the same size as Diaz lol
I'm not saying that training and technique dont matter in volume punching, and that all you need is big shoulders lmaooo. I'm saying more muscle in your front delts and triceps well benefit you
Strong triceps, and strong front shoulders. Seriously work out these muscles get them bigger, and I'll gurantee you it'll make it easier to throw more quick punches without getting tired. Won't get tired keeping the guard upView attachment 564679 View attachment 564681 View attachment 564683 View attachment 564685 View attachment 564687

All I'm saying is next time you guys work out make sure to put an emphasis on the front deltoids, and triceps. You'll thank me later
Dustin is not a volume puncher. He throws low volume power punches. Also when he first arrived at ATT some of his lifts were lower then that of some average girls because he had under developed muscles that help with certain lifts. Phil has spent years fixing him along with all the other athletes there.

Anyway not a volume striker. lol
Listen this is why I said this is one of the important keys. All that matters aswell. But if someone is lacking in the front delt, and tricep department it would definitely benefit them to improve these muscles for stamina and speed. More fast twitch muscle fibers in those two areas. It doesnt have to be bodybuilder huge, none of the fighters I posted look like huge bodybuilders. Even when I shoot my Remington 870 shotgun i can aim the gun for much longer without my arms getting tired, just because of the difference in having more mass in the front deltoid. Not everybody trains so their not going to have muscle naturally in these spots just from training. Amir Khan the guy with strongest front deltoids is the fastest and best volume puncher. I recommend everybody to gain a bit of size in those areas to add fast twice muscle fibers there. But definitely nobody should be bodybuilder size I'm around the same size as Diaz lol

Oh okay.
You have me convinced.
Please stop.
I'm not just saying bs. This is from experience aswell every since I started targeting these muscles specifically. I been able to punch faster, and I literally never get tired keeping my guard up. Having low body fat is also another key in punching fast, with more power, and explosiveness but not necessarily more volume
bro stfu. youre a casual who knows nothing about volume punching, punching or even sports to begin with. the only way to become a volume puncher is to punch more and have great cardio. you dont become a volume puncher by lifting weight you moron. you dont even need to lift weight to begin with.

having a good gas tank and increasing your punching volume in training is all you need. fking pathetic tbh a casual who knows nothing about fighting is acting like he knows something LOL.

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