One legged jump rope?


Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
What do you think about them.. and if you do normal jump rope how many do you do each session, i do about 500 or more every other day..
Do them in rounds, don't bother counting unless you're doing a specific drill.
I count mine (in rounds), but it's just because it helps me keep focused better. When I stop counting I fuck up and either don't jump fast enough, or don't swing the rope around fast enough. I dunno, maybe I'm weird.

I tried one legged jump roping last week and couldn't do it for very long.
If you're going to jump one-legged without alternating (i.e. rythmic run-skipping) then I suggest jumping with appropriate shoes on, on a cushioning surface.

Otherwise, you're in for a world of hurt that you won't realize until it's too late.
bigdoggg said:
How long is a round?

Are you serious?

I do my one legged jumps on turns: left-right-left-right, not concentrating on only one leg at time <left, left, left, left>
Tiger Balm said:
Are you serious?

I do my one legged jumps on turns: left-right-left-right, not concentrating on only one leg at time <left, left, left, left>
i do the same but i was asking how long your rounds are and how many you do..
bigdoggg said:
How long is a round?
2-3 hours usually. I only do 5 or 6 rounds though... gotta avoid overtraining.

1-5 minutes! You ever seen a fight?! They break them up into things called rounds. Toughman comps have 1 minute rounds, amatuer boxing has 2 minute rounds (I beleive), pro boxing and kickboxing has 3 minute rounds, MMA has 5 minute rounds... train your conditioning the way you intend to fight.
I never really stay on one foot for long, I either alternate r/l or do 5 r 5 l.
When I jump rope, I mix them in sometimes. I do one foot at a time and about 50 per foot (I count these but don't count regular ones, for the reason that I want the same nuymber on both feet). But just to mix it up and get a better workout ont he legs. As far as how my rounds are, I usually do either 45 seconds roa minutes, as fast as I can possibly go. It is a sprinting sort of workout and I go all out for that period. Go 1 minute as fast as I can handle it, rest for a minute, go fast for another minute, sort of like that. I usually stop when I cannot keep jumping with enough coordination any more. I wanted to that crossing the rope thing I see boxers do, because it looks really cool and would prbably help my coordination and footwork, but I ahve not gotten it yet, not even close. Is there any trick to crossing the rope as you are jumping?