oh dear god the instructer does it too!


Green Belt
Apr 21, 2004
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well i have my answer to why i see alot of people in my MMA classes curling like little curl monkeys. THE INSTRUCTER DOES IT TOO!!

I just hope he has a reason for it. The only possible explaination i can think of is that in MT/BJJ you can develop tricep dominance and it needs to be evened out? This is the first time i've seen him do it so i'm going to asume that this is the case.
Don't try to convince them.

Just do your thing dude.

"I have a bad knee."
"I have a bad back."
"I have some kind of imaginary condition that I don't have which doesn't allow me to do real lifting."
"It's bad for you."

and so on. A lot of excuses and reasons.

I'm sick of hearing it so I don't care anymore.
Ted-P said:
A lot of excuses and reasons.

I'm sick of hearing it so I don't care anymore.
did you go to the gym this week? It you work hard? did you write shit down?
I'm more tolerant of curls now than before. If someone is training hard, using all the big compound movements and they want to do a couple sets of curls at the end of their workout? I say "go for it."
Sonny said:
I'm more tolerant of curls now than before. If someone is training hard, using all the big compound movements and they want to do a couple sets of curls at the end of their workout? I say "go for it."

I do curls, along with compund lifts, and I am not ashamed of it.
#1can said:
I do curls, along with compund lifts, and I am not ashamed of it.

There you go. I was just saying that because curls are generally looked down upon here.
sometimes, at the end of a workout, ill feel like doing some foofy exercises. curls, wrist curls, calf raises, etc. but i do ONE (1) and do it hard. and even then its usually only one fluff exercise a week.
Its alright to curl, just make sure you also do the big lifts. Besides, being an MMA or martial arts instructor does not automatically make you a good strength coach
#1can said:
I do curls, along with compund lifts, and I am not ashamed of it.

Here here! What's to be ashamed of in curls? They're an assistance muscle for grappling. After my first BJJ class I left with my arms feeling like noodles. That means bi's as well as tri's. I do heavy rows and chins but I wouldn't consider it a complete lifting routine if it didn't have some curls in it.
KOU In3 said:
Here here! What's to be ashamed of in curls? They're an assistance muscle for grappling. After my first BJJ class I left with my arms feeling like noodles. That means bi's as well as tri's. I do heavy rows and chins but I wouldn't consider it a complete lifting routine if it didn't have some curls in it.

Shaddup you bodybuilder you! :D :wink:
standing curls (DB or BB) aren't bad, IMO. You use quite a few abdominals and other support/stabils as well.

I do one or two set of curls, but I've been thinking of eliminating them just to save time, since I get good bicep work (with many of the same stabilizers) on pullups anyway.
I'll do some barbell curls when I'm bored or sick, but I wouldnt call it a passion....but I think some people think that you can get super strong from curling, which is just dumb...
Urban said:
did you go to the gym this week? It you work hard? did you write shit down?
Yup dude. I was planning to take it easy, but when I started working I felt myself pumped up.

I'm gonna buy a log soon.
having strong biceps helps prevent against armbar hyperextensions...and also helps out a lot with RNC's

However I've seen a lot of fighterse doing tons and tons of light bicep curls after class...
Ted-P said:
Yup dude. I was planning to take it easy, but when I started working I felt myself pumped up.

I'm gonna buy a log soon.
Here you go.
i have no problem with people doing curls as an assisstance or to work on muscle imbalances, but that has not been the reason that most of the martial artists I know do them. They almost all do them because they have a really bad strength training routine, I should know I used to copy them, I've given up on my fellow martial artists, as far as weight training goes, for the most part I now just chat to the powerlifter who i train judo with.
SmashiusClay said:
i have no problem with people doing curls as an assisstance or to work on muscle imbalances, but that has not been the reason that most of the martial artists I know do them. They almost all do them because they have a really bad strength training routine, I should know I used to copy them, I've given up on my fellow martial artists, as far as weight training goes, for the most part I now just chat to the powerlifter who i train judo with.

That's a good point - being outrageously talented in a martial art doesn't necessarily translate into being good at conditioning or lifting or whatever.

Incidentally, I'm sure I saw a clip of Randleman doing hammer curls - and if they're good enough for the monster, they're good enough for me.
It is possible that he was doing curls just to look better. Just because he teaches MMA doesn't mean every single aspect of his life is geared towards improving his MMA skills....
Oh, and if he does want to get bigger "guns" then that isn't anyone elses business :)

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