oh dear god the instructer does it too!

great article! I've been doing tower hammer curls for a while and I love them. My grip strength has def. gone up since using this method. Your forearms and grip(mostly) will be fried from doing these.
Radar said:
That's a good point - being outrageously talented in a martial art doesn't necessarily translate into being good at conditioning or lifting or whatever.

Incidentally, I'm sure I saw a clip of Randleman doing hammer curls - and if they're good enough for the monster, they're good enough for me.

randleman also squats 600, i beleive - heard it in pride commentary.

i havent done curls in at least a year now...everytime i think of doing them at the end of my workout i tell myself to stop being a pussy and do some chins.
Woob said:
But the extra power would easily counter the extra weight from the muscle wouldnt it?

It would be like saying 'don't do squat cos you will egt muscle that weights more and find it harder to do other things'
the question is, the ratio of muscle gained to the bicep to the amount of help the bicep provides in keeping your arms up....