Official War Room Awards 2017

Good post, but I strongly disagree with removing image posting from the WR. Yeah, I know sometimes we get overwhelmed with tweets during "breaking now" events, but uploads from those on location really helps with driving the immediacy home.

I don't think you have to worry about it. I've mentioned it several times to the other mods and admin as my preferred solution to dealing with various forms of shitposting in here, but it seems most people disagree with me that the bad outweighs the good.
Keep in might that I'm really not a fan of twitter, facebook and other social media platforms precisely because of the chain-message, meme spam, short posts and mindless cut and pastes their formats seem to encourage. I'm not a fan of mobile phones either (never owned one), largely because of the instant but superficial type of communication the interface dictates.
Raise the National socialist deflection shield! Load Schwerer Gustav with propaganda leaflets. Take aim at the Kanafisch, and prey to Hugo Boss their manifesto is shorter than ours. For ze Fatherland!!

That's what I read. Seems like a preemptive strike at a neutral party. Infact, I thought we had signed a non-aggression pact. What's the German word for "feels familiar yet smells fishy"?
That is exactly what a Bolshevik would say, the thing about the true Bolsheviks. They are to smart to name themselves after communist figures or slogans.
But a poster with an AV from a professional wrestler claiming to be from Canada trying to put the focus on Muslims is an ideal cover.
Going on about how bad Muslims and immigrants are. All of a sudden boom a 5000-word post about how important it is that the worker get control over the means of production.

But not on my watch. No political commissar gets away.

If, when I get pissed off at work, and then come home, and ponder on how to seize the means of production. Does that make me a commie, or mean I need to read less fantasy books?
If, when I get pissed off at work, and then come home, and ponder on how to seize the means of production. Does that make me a commie, ...

Well duh.

If you go home and ponder starting your own business that makes you a capitalist. ;)
If, when I get pissed off at work, and then come home, and ponder on how to seize the means of production. Does that make me a commie, or mean I need to read less fantasy books?
It makes you a go getter. But ultimately your motivations are the best indicators.

-If you believe that a tiny minority is the cause of all that ails your community and seizing production will help you do Communism right then you might be an idealistic moron.
-If you believe that a tiny minority is the cause of all that ails your community and seizing production will help you eradicate them then you might be a Nazi moron.
Official Nom-noms @Limbo Pete

This year saw the fall of the WR's alt-reich, eating themselves in miserable, glorious fashion, as rationality returned to the WR, if only a little. It was a fine year.

Best All Around Poster: A lot of really good posters this year. For his blend of humor and intelligence, and for the number of informative posts and good arguments, I give it to @Quipling. @Jack V Savage (you can't win my vote every year or people will start talking), @ShoelessRye, @JosephDredd and @panamaican all had damn solid years and might just as well be my pick. But there are probably a couple dozen who should get a shoutout.

Worst Poster: This one doesn't even seem close. @Palis was garbage start to finish. At least most of the deplorables put some effort into their bullshit, so they get at least the minimum respect. Plenty of people trolled, lied, barfed up stupidity on demand and generally stunk the joint up, but nobody was more worthless than Palis.

Best Thread: The Russia Megathread. Taking the easy way out on this one.

Worst TS:
Agreed it has to be Reanimator Reagan. Just woof, oof, and ugh. A little blech too.

Best Liberal Shill/Best Conservative Hack:
@Pickle Rick for the left. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your posts and you bring the lulz, but yeah. @HereticBD, you're winning the right side for two reasons. One, you're a notable poster, and fuck the horde who don't matter. You're borderline good, and show you're capable of dropping the elephant dick out of your mouth now and then. But hoo lawd, you picked up some hack slack after Kone got put down for his dirt nap. This is, all things considered, quite a goddamn feat for a Canadian.

Least Biased:
Being politically centrist only has a little bit to do with being unbiased, and blaming both sides is a terribly stupid bias of its own. For this category it's somebody like @Gandhi or @InternetHero. Both are moderate in practice, but one is perfectly at ease being a motherfucker of a capitalist and the other seems like he's simultaneously begging for and in deep fear of dictatorial world government, somehow. What makes them top unbiased posters is that they are objective- they have a healthy relationship with the truth such that their bias doesn't prevent them from seeing a solution or accepting an argument. But @Gandhi wins out here because @InternetHero is the Comeback of the Year winner, which by some Machiavellian oversight (wait is that even a thing?) is not a category.

Best Use of Media: Either @ShoelessRye or @Diamond Jim. Informative, relevant, no spamming, appreciated bigly!

categories not listed:

Comeback of the Year- IH
Thread Title of the Year- Forcing child to masturbate for cops in sexting case was wrong, court finds by JosephDredd
Pun of the Year- Quipling for "autocoprophilia" describing a poster who seemed to be eating his own shit rather hard in a thread about the VA murder-by-car incident
Most Improved- @PolishHeadlock easily. He was a more frequent contributor and was all-around pretty awesome, imho
Best Takedown- @Falsedawn on ehthiest, linked in my post on the first page
Best AV- Shoeless Rye for Trump grabbing Lay Liberty by the pussy
Lold at the cop out post nominating Pickled Dick. Nobody knows who that is so you chose some no namer lol.

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It makes you a go getter. But ultimately your motivations are the best indicators.

-If you believe that a tiny minority is the cause of all that ails your community and seizing production will help you do Communism right then you might be an idealistic moron.
-If you believe that a tiny minority is the cause of all that ails your community and seizing production will help you eradicate them then you might be a Nazi moron.

What if I just want revenge, for them being cunts?
If, when I get pissed off at work, and then come home, and ponder on how to seize the means of production. Does that make me a commie, or mean I need to read less fantasy books?

I get street cred with the alt right then atleast.

Changing my username to TheCommieRedneck.
It depends on which type of repo guy you're going to fashion yourself as.


These guys seem more redneck.


While these fellas seem to be more inner city operatives.

Cancelled cable years ago so dont even know if that shit is still on the air.
Pro gay marriage
Pro universal healthcare in some form
Anti intervention
Wants to shrink military
Pro gun control with some limits
Pro abortion with some limits
Afffirmative action don’t care
Almost anti death penalty, very very specific circumstances
Open to vouchers in poorly performing districts by otherwise pro public school
Pro stem cell
Pro green energy when costs equalize more
Pro euthanasia
Believe in global warming
Pro legal immigration but limited from Middle East and North Korea
Fine with welfare with some improved fraud protection

This makes me right/conservative?

This is it!
It depends on which type of repo guy you're going to fashion yourself as.


These guys seem more redneck.


While these fellas seem to be more inner city operatives.

Cancelled cable years ago so dont even know if that shit is still on the air.


  • Best All Around Poster: @Deffid Only poster that understands racial dynamics besides me of course.
  • Worst All Around Poster: @Bald1 not his fault its just his Soviet education
  • Best TS: @JDragon a few other poster come to mind. But JDragon starts the topics I am usually most interested in and brings in good statistics, details etc.
  • Best Thread: Is this even a question Worst War Room poster
  • Worst TS: That Regan dude
  • Best Liberal Shill/Best Conservative Hack: Liberal Shill @Jack V Savage. Can't get over his love for Hillary. But he shills on a high level I definitely enjoy his takedown from time to time. Especially on financial and economic measure. Conservative @DynamicLoosener in his defense at least the guy can take a good joke.
  • Least Biased: @TheGreatA the guy is from Finnland the Finns have a long history of being unbiased and simply joining the righteous party. Also, mention @Cubo de Sangre a close second. But he just loves his guns.
  • Best Quote: Not sure probably one of mine
  • Best Use of Media:@Arkain2K no explanation needed. Is also my number two pick for best TS.
@Limbo Pete