~*Official Voting for S&P's Team Summer Competition*~

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I voted for squat as relatively its the weakest of my lifts and I need to improve.
I voted for squat as relatively its the weakest of my lifts and I need to improve.

Which is why I voted for deadlifts. I plan to squat a lot more to bring my deadlift up above 500...
I voted deadlifts, mostly because I think it'd be the most interesting.
Voted bench since my bench blows.

Go ahead, throw your vote away!

Voted bench. I can't squat or dead right now =-(
I think the next step is to figure out how we'll decide who improved the most. Some people raised the concern that it's much harder for experienced lifters to gain...and that it would be a disadvantage for them if the contest was based on just how much you improved. I personally don't think it will be a problem and that the team leaders should just pick their team members accordingly.
I think the next step is to figure out how we'll decide who improved the most. Some people raised the concern that it's much harder for experienced lifters to gain...and that it would be a disadvantage for them if the contest was based on just how much you improved. I personally don't think it will be a problem and that the team leaders should just pick their team members accordingly.

we could add what keith said about most improved plus overall numbers, that way guy who are already lifting really heavy have a shot to help even with smaller gains.
You could also have separate pools for the beginners and advanced in each team. Most improved for the beginner lifters and most improved for the advanced lifters. Maybe add more goals for the advanced, like most reps at set weights.

oh, Voted deads even though I need to improve everything.
we could add what keith said about most improved plus overall numbers, that way guy who are already lifting really heavy have a shot to help even with smaller gains.

I like this idea...and we may end up using it. I'll let this thread live another day or two and then we'll have the drafts.
I submit myself for the draft.

Why not just have multiple awards? Most improved lifter, highest lifter, best team overall, etc.
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