Crime NYPD "declare war" on Bill de Blasio, claim NYC "under siege," tell Trump to "send in the feds"

This ramp of of fear from the left is really coming to a head. I think they may have fucked shit up beyond repair.
LOL. Thanks for this fact-free post. New York City has a homicide rate 10x lower than it was 30 years ago, but yeah, I guess on Planet Trumptard the "left" has "fucked shit up beyond repair".

Democrats hate police. Just look at this POS

Hey Einstein, there are 63 million police encounters per year. The fact that 3 criminals per day are killed, is a shockingly low number.

Learn math.
There idiots out there still who think Michael Brown actually put his hands up and was shot unlawfully then you see people "who cares if a cop died because another cop shot someone innocent" Which is the dumbest thing someone can think of.
There idiots out there still who think Michael Brown actually put his hands up and was shot unlawfully then you see people "who cares if a cop died because another cop shot someone innocent" Which is the dumbest thing someone can think of.

Let’s not forget when the dnc paraded around his “mother” like some kind of hero.

Bitch, if you were a good mother, your thug would be alive.
Awesome, I guess there is no further need for the police in NY.
Yeah, because getting rid of ineffective police policies that violate civil rights and civil liberties is the same as getting rid of police period.

Let’s not forget when the dnc paraded around his “mother” like some kind of hero.

Bitch, if you were a good mother, your thug would be alive.
How dare you, he just robbed the store for his mom because he was poor you bigot !
The Bronx, what do you expect,

Also, the little bitch hipster protesters are the worst... these commies want shit for free and are generally bored, living 5 people to a room and working at a local vegan coffee shop, hence their protests. It’s ok, time and economics will shove them to the sidelines of history and news soon, when more neighborhoods become even more gentrified and expensive. The undesirable riff raff will be pushed out even more when the mta will charge $5 per swipe lol
Hey, look at these bozo try to get out ahead of this story by pretending that he's an emotionally grounded, unbiased citizen who supports good cops. Oh, wait a minute...

He's actually exactly what he purports not to be: an irrational, unhinged cop-hating sleaze bag.

I call them pigs all the time and in the open, genius. I'm actually surprised I didn't in the OP. You're not uncovering anything new. Maybe I do hate cops. The vast majority of law enforcement critics don't. And even if they did it wouldn't invalidate their criticisms.
When stop and frisk ended all the dire predictions about crime never happened.

Stop and frisk wasn’t why nyc became safer. You’re simply wrong
Yeah it can take a little time to both get better, and to deteriorate. I don't live there, myself, so I'm not an expert, but something happened to make some really impressive changes to the murder and overall crime in the city.
Yeah it can take a little time to both get better, and to deteriorate. I don't live there, myself, so I'm not an expert, but something happened to make some really impressive changes to the murder and overall crime in the city.
It definitely wasn't stop and frisk. 88% of all stops resulted in no fines or convictions. The VAST majority of the small minority that did were for small scale marijuana possession. And crap like that is why blacks are FAR more likely to be arrested for drug possession, even though blacks and whites use drugs at the same rate. And arrests and convictions for possession negatively affect employment, education, upward mobility, which only exacerbates preexisting racial disparities. Mass incarceration, largely involving drugs, has also decimated the black family, when we should actually be doing whatever we can to keep families together.
TS your name is appropriate. This isn’t some one off event. There are countless videos of people throwing water on officers while the mayor hand cuffs them.

It’s amazing how much cell footage is out there every time a cop supposedly uses too much force. Yet amazing when criminals kill themselves in droves there isn’t even a witness.
Deblasio hates cops and should just drop the bullshit sentiments. And trotsky, way to turn an assassination attempt into an anti cop thread.
It should scare everyone that people like TS exist. I fear he may go on a rampage soon
Dont think you are supposed to declare war on elected officials.
If the president can say all the crazy shit he says and people give him the benefit of "he was joking" doubt, I think we can safely assume this was meant colloquially.
LOL. Thanks for this fact-free post. New York City has a homicide rate 10x lower than it was 30 years ago, but yeah, I guess on Planet Trumptard the "left" has "fucked shit up beyond repair".


So you actually give the left credit for Giuliani doing what needed to be done to clean up the streets while being called a racist and a fascist by cracking down on largely black and brown criminals in NYC to achieve it? All the smug progressives, media elites and leftists hated Guiliani more than any other politician at the time. He was attacked in Hollywood movies about NYC and so on.

Well, I guess it's not so much different than Clinton and Democrats taking credit for economic policies in the 90s that they vehemently opposed and the GOP Congress had to practically hold a gun to Clinton's head to sign. Then 10-20 years later we hear about what a great economic POTUS that Clinton was, for the economic bills he tried to veto and had to be forced to sign. Heh.

As I said, NYC still reaps the benefits of Giuliani's policies, but De Blasio has set them back on course for the old days and it will happen much quicker than people think. Criminals in NYC has been emboldened by these new policies, just like in other cities as I said.
So, another cowardly anti-cop thread by someone who believes they are above authority and don't need to take responsibility for themselves either. Yes, let's downplay the attempted assassination of civil servants because it gets me brownie points with alt-Left radicals.
Let’s not forget when the dnc paraded around his “mother” like some kind of hero.

Bitch, if you were a good mother, your thug would be alive.

She wasn't any kind of mother. She abandoned him at birth and left him to be raised by his grandmother. Then she led a pipe wielding mob to attack the grandmother because she was selling T-shirts and not giving her a cut. She got rich off her thug son's death. Just like Trayvon Martin's mother, who had kicked him out of the house because she didn't want to deal with him.
It's still such a weird divide of ideals with right pro 2A and supporting police almost no matter what despite them being the ones to take said guns when/if it comes to that

While the left wants to ban common guns, rely on police to save them, and are the ones far more critical of police until they need them
Yeah, because getting rid of ineffective police policies that violate civil rights and civil liberties is the same as getting rid of police period.


But that doesn't tell the whole story. Stop and frisk was also a huge deterrent.
Wait, did you actually win worst poster? That's hilarious if true.

Back on topic, hopefully Trump helps out the NYPD, because their crappy mayor sure won't.
Where the hell dong dsnt tap posted this. Not in this thread for shure.
What does the federal government getting involved even look like? The tweet mentions criminals getting released and using federal courts.

Do prisoners who break federal laws that have similar state laws often get tried at the state level and wind up in state prisons? Are they requesting that federal sentencing take precedence in cases where it often doesn't? Otherwise, it seems they want the fed to step on the toes of the local legal system, which seems untenable. Aren't state prisons funded by state taxes? So what authority does the federal government have when it comes to state sentencing?

I'm guessing it's in response to two things.

1. Nys brilliant law that eliminates cash bail for small and some very serious crimes. They arrest you, book you, then you are free to go. This law has been in effect since January is actually opposed by a vast majority of ny citizens of both parties.

Nyc is also a sanctuary city....they have banned ice from court houses and they do not cooperate with ice on cases where they should.
How about we turn NYC into a district of it's own and cut it off from the rest of the country?

Without the rule of law, you get slums where drug dealers and other assorted low-life's thrive.