• Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Great job everyone. Can't believe I almost missed the vote. Its been a busy week. But what a great Saturday morning. Coffee and shoops. Good luck everyone and thanks to @Arqueto for keeping the scene going. We really appreciate it. And I think BWR would too.

Thanks for voting Jack..:)

Ok everyone, the voting has closed.

I'm off out for a bit but I'll try to get the results up later, if not then first thing tomorrow morning our NGS V10 champ will be announced.

Thanks to everyone who participated, donated, and voted. You guys are the best.
Here are the final standings from NGS V10:

01. @Wreckless - 43 - votes + 50 votes = 93 votes
02. @Tronald Dump - 47 - votes + 25 votes = 72 votes
03. @Reach4theSky - 32 - votes + 39 votes = 71 votes
04. @Arqueto - 38 - votes + 22 votes = 60 votes
05. @SenorFranko - 21 - votes + 37 votes = 58 votes
06. @AleYeah - 13 - votes + 41 votes = 54 votes
07. @Natural Order - 29 - votes + 20 votes = 49 votes
08. @Myrddin Wild - 15 - votes + 31 votes = 46 votes
09. @Siver! - 30 - votes + 12 votes = 42 votes
10. @Sweater of AV - 27 - votes + 13 votes = 40 votes TIE
10. @MT7 - 21 - votes + 19 votes = 40 votes TIE
11. @kuf - 11 - votes + 28 votes = 39 votes
12. @Van Daz - 17 - votes + 14 votes = 31 votes
13. @AmonTobin - 16 - votes + 14 votes = 30 votes
14. @Otto! - 15 - votes + 14 votes = 29 votes
15. @Davidjacksonjones - 7 - votes + 11 votes = 18 votes
16. @Your Account - 10 - votes
17. @fighters_respect - 8 - votes

In first place and our NGS V10 champ we have @Wreckless who wins the Shadtrophy supplied to us by brother @Draxton. Amazing job bud and two great shoops in both rounds. A well deserved victory and a big congrats on your first contest win 👍

In second, we have @Tronald Dump who put in an outstanding performance in this contest and took the second podium spot with one more vote than third place. Amazing job bud and congrats on coming second. It's tough to do, and you nailed it.

In third place, we have @Reach4theSky who once again makes the podium and just narrowly missed out on second place. Another amazing shoop bud and another great performance in both rounds of the contest.

In fourth we have Arqueto and rounding out the top five we have @SenorFranko with an outstanding shoop in the second round. I have to give a shoutout to @AleYeah with a cracker of a shoop in the second round, and unlucky for not making the top five bud, so close.

As always, I want to give a shoutout to everyone who donated, everyone who participated, and everyone who voted. You guys are the best and without you, we wouldn't have this awesome shoop community that we have. Also, I am super proud of all the shoopers stepping up, declaring their support, and waiting for everyone to submit their shoops. Imgur caused us some issues, but it didn't stop us and we put on one hell of a second round. Much love ❤️ to you all.

Special shoutout to @Siver! for taking his foot off the gas and letting us all compete ;). Thanks for all the fun and good vibes you bring to the contest scene, bud.

Congratulations to the NGS V10 Champ Wreckless!!!

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@Wreckless Congratulations my G. Absolutely top notch shooping, you are an inspiration to us all.

Massive well done to @Tronald Dump @Reach4theSky @Arqueto Amazing effort in both rounds. You lads always bring the laughs.
(Keep cracking up at the price of the Mad comic)

Big up @MT7 Yours was my favourite from this round. I honestly haven't laughed that hard at a shoop for a long time. Well done mate.
@AleYeah You are one of the funniest dudes on here. Brilliant shoop as well.

Thanks to all the people that donated you are all legendary sherbro's. @Arqueto massive respect for organising this one. Sounded like you were really tested but you smashed it as always. Appreciate it.

Thanks to everyone that voted and got involved. You make this shoop scene so much fun to be part of.

These competitions are going from strength to strength but don't forget about the regular shoop threads. If you see something worth shooping then make that thread. If you can't be bothered, give me a tag and I'll make it.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.

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Congratulations @Wreckless. Two solid entries and a well deserved victory. You have shown yourself to be a top Shooper, and a force to be reckoned (or should I say wreckoned!?) with for years to come..

Great job @Tronald Dump! Making the podium in these contest is no easy feat. You did awesome!

As always a special thanks to my brother @Arqueto Can't tell you how much I appreciate all the work you do to keep the scene alive.

Fantastic job from everyone who entered the contest. I swear the entries keep getting better and better every year. Keep it up!


As for me. I'm a little disappointed finishing 3rd. Being back to back champ the last couple years has made me soft. Sleeping under silk sheets and banging dimes has thrown me off track. Just a warning to everyone that I'll be training in Russia for next years contest and bringing back the work ethic that got me to the title in the first place.


Much love to all my shooping brothers!
Massive congrats to @Wreckless for some beautiful entries and taking down the top spot!!

Congrats to @Tronald Dump and @Reach4theSky for rounding out the podium. Awesome work folks.

Thanks to all the donators and of course brother @Arqueto for his tireless work keeping us organized and keeping these events going.

That ends a five year podium run for me. Assuming I'm out of my prime and it's all downhill from here. Thinking about recruiting the services of Josh Fabia to reinvigorate my artistic career....:p

Have a great rest of the weekend!! Stay cool!!
when i had my idea it was original, then after submitting, i found someone else already had that idea so i looked like a copycat
tried to add 1 more dimention, but storyboards werent allowed
2.pngouch.png arrow right on target

@Tronald Dump with an amazing breakout performance nudging back 2 time consecutive Champ @Reach4theSky

Well done to all who submitted their Art!!!

~Much Love to our Sponsorz~
@Arqueto @Reach4theSky @Wreckless & teh wonderfully elusive anonymous Sherbro...
for rocking up with their generous donations!!!

Big Shout to @Brother Draxton for taking it to teh street & crafting an amazing IRL


Teh JBG's Hath Inked in GOAT's Blood Upon
~Teh Eternal Sacred Skroll~

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Here are the final standings from NGS V10:

01. @Wreckless - 43 - votes + 50 votes = 93 votes
02. @Tronald Dump - 47 - votes + 25 votes = 72 votes
03. @Reach4theSky - 32 - votes + 39 votes = 71 votes
04. @Arqueto - 38 - votes + 22 votes = 60 votes
05. @SenorFranko - 21 - votes + 37 votes = 58 votes
06. @AleYeah - 13 - votes + 41 votes = 54 votes
07. @Natural Order - 29 - votes + 20 votes = 49 votes
08. @Myrddin Wild - 15 - votes + 31 votes = 46 votes
09. @Siver! - 30 - votes + 12 votes = 42 votes
10. @Sweater of AV - 27 - votes + 13 votes = 40 votes TIE
10. @MT7 - 21 - votes + 19 votes = 40 votes TIE
11. @kuf - 11 - votes + 28 votes = 39 votes
12. @Van Daz - 17 - votes + 14 votes = 31 votes
13. @AmonTobin - 16 - votes + 14 votes = 30 votes
14. @Otto! - 15 - votes + 14 votes = 29 votes
15. @Davidjacksonjones - 7 - votes + 11 votes = 18 votes
16. @Your Account - 10 - votes
17. @fighters_respect - 8 - votes

In first place and our NGS V10 champ we have @Wreckless who wins the Shadtrophy supplied to us by brother @Draxton. Amazing job bud and two great shoops in both rounds. A well deserved victory and a big congrats on your first contest win 👍

In second, we have @Tronald Dump who put in an outstanding performance in this contest and took the second podium spot with one more vote than third place. Amazing job bud and congrats on coming second. It's tough to do, and you nailed it.

In third place, we have @Reach4theSky who once again makes the podium and just narrowly missed out on second place. Another amazing shoop bud and another great performance in both rounds of the contest.

In fourth we have Arqueto and rounding out the top five we have @SenorFranko with an outstanding shoop in the second round. I have to give a shoutout to @AleYeah with a cracker of a shoop in the second round, and unlucky for not making the top five bud, so close.

As always, I want to give a shoutout to everyone who donated, everyone who participated, and everyone who voted. You guys are the best and without you, we wouldn't have this awesome shoop community that we have. Also, I am super proud of all the shoopers stepping up, declaring their support, and waiting for everyone to submit their shoops. Imgur caused us some issues, but it didn't stop us and we put on one hell of a second round. Much love ❤️ to you all.

Special shoutout to @Siver! for taking his foot off the gas and letting us all compete ;). Thanks for all the fun and good vibes you bring to the contest scene, bud.

Congratulations to the NGS V10 Champ Wreckless!!!

Wow thank you sherbros!

A huge shout-out to all the shoopers and everyone who participated and donated. To @Arqueto for all the work he's put in to keep @bigwaverider legacy alive, and to @Draxton for creating this incredible one of a kind trophy.

The Sherdog shoop scene truly is something special and i'm thrilled to have won one of these contests after coming so close on several occasions. Competing with such a talented group of individuals has been challenging and inspiring.

Congratulations to my fellow podium finishers @Tronald Dump and @Reach4theSky . Fantastic job guys. And @Reach4theSky it's been a pleasure shooping alongside you. The work you post in BWR thread never fails to crack me up

I look forward to more fun and friendly competition in future contests. Keep shoopin y'all