Crime New York is getting Rikers Island prison for Trump

I'd rather stick him the Jewish wing. Fuck it, create a Jewish wing just in case. The amount of Nazi shit he's been spewing his life would be hell.
Holy hell, you think there's a "Jewish wing" of prisons, and the guy with a Jewish daughter, Jewish son in law, Jewish grandkids and a street named after him in Israel is in real trouble in the notoriously dangerous "Jewish wing" of prison?

Here's a photo of "Jewish wing", jam packed with rough characters.

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Lol, yeah, I'm sure "they'll be ready" to send an entire secret service unit to jail and wall off an entire floor for a clerical filing they don't even have guidance on for an nda for something they can't even prove happened to prevent an election and install an 82 year old with crippling dementia.

They have such a strong track record in NYC, having to overturn Harvey Weinstein's trial because that judge ignored procedure and couldn't give a fair trial, all their cameras malfunctioning and the guards falling asleep at the same time for their highest profile prisoner to "commit suicide" right before he could rat out high ranking pedophiles, and now trying to jail the opposition candidate for president on a novel legal theory with no precedent and no guidance to keep him from campaigning, while half their murders are committed by people let out the same day for other violent offenses, and NY also had to release a guy a few months ago who was convicted of murdering someone in a drive by because those dummies sent him to the wrong jail.

Yeah, those diversity hires are real "professionals", and a clown show of incompetent corruptos who fuck up everything they touch.

It doesn't surprises me that a traitor like you is promoting mistrust of the judicial system.
The way you chuds have got in line behind your farting rapist shows that you never really believed in anything in the first place, apart from belonging to a tribe and beating the other tribe.
Your orange rapist has abused the office, incited violence & mistrust of r election system & democracy. Today, our judicial system showed he’s not above the law. He is going to be found guilty in NY and hes going to jail when that happens.
Our grand plan to take that sexual predator and serial scammer out of the presidential race is working.
And now we are doing the final destruction of the bible salesman whos on trail for paying off a porn star who reminded him of his daughter. Keep crying your MAGA tears. b word.
Holy hell, you think there's a "Jewish wing" of prisons, and the guy with a Jewish daughter, Jewish son in law, Jewish grandkids and a street named after him in Israel is in real trouble in the notoriously dangerous "Jewish wing" of prison?

Here's a photo of "Jewish wing", jam packed with rough characters.

You're cool with him quoting Mein Kampf though, right?
It doesn't surprises me that a traitor like you is promoting mistrust of the judicial system.
The way you chuds have got in line behind your farting rapist shows that you never really believed in anything in the first place, apart from belonging to a tribe and beating the other tribe.
Your orange rapist has abused the office, incited violence & mistrust of r election system & democracy. Today, our judicial system showed he’s not above the law. He is going to be found guilty in NY and hes going to jail when that happens.
Our grand plan to take that sexual predator and serial scammer out of the presidential race is working.
And now we are doing the final destruction of the bible salesman whos on trail for paying off a porn star who reminded him of his daughter. Keep crying your MAGA tears. b word.
I saw something the other day about him being thrown in jail that they would love him even more. It's ridiculous that these braindead hillbillies adore him. Wake up, he's said you're all stupid and you still adore him, lol.
He’d have to clean his own toilet and engineer his own creature comforts.

Oh yeah that would be hell
It doesn't surprises me that a traitor like you is promoting mistrust of the judicial system.
The way you chuds have got in line behind your farting rapist shows that you never really believed in anything in the first place, apart from belonging to a tribe and beating the other tribe.
Your orange rapist has abused the office, incited violence & mistrust of r election system & democracy. Today, our judicial system showed he’s not above the law. He is going to be found guilty in NY and hes going to jail when that happens.
Our grand plan to take that sexual predator and serial scammer out of the presidential race is working.
And now we are doing the final destruction of the bible salesman whos on trail for paying off a porn star who reminded him of his daughter. Keep crying your MAGA tears. b word.
Great, so it sounds to me like you're admitting that the "innocence project" is a scam and a grift, as are all the other claims of racial bias in the judicial system, while also acknowledging that the purpose of this is to rig the presidential race. Congrats on being insanely low IQ.
It doesn't surprises me that a traitor like you is promoting mistrust of the judicial system.
The way you chuds have got in line behind your farting rapist shows that you never really believed in anything in the first place, apart from belonging to a tribe and beating the other tribe.
Your orange rapist has abused the office, incited violence & mistrust of r election system & democracy. Today, our judicial system showed he’s not above the law. He is going to be found guilty in NY and hes going to jail when that happens.
Our grand plan to take that sexual predator and serial scammer out of the presidential race is working.
And now we are doing the final destruction of the bible salesman whos on trail for paying off a porn star who reminded him of his daughter. Keep crying your MAGA tears. b word.
*orange turd, get it right, please lol
I saw something the other day about him being thrown in jail that they would love him even more. It's ridiculous that these braindead hillbillies adore him. Wake up, he's said you're all stupid and you still adore him, lol.

too late back out now. they are too deep in the cult.
too late back out now. they are too deep in the cult.
Since moving to SoCal we haven't gone out of our way to meet friends knowing the FJB car stickers etc it's just best to not get involved. I'm not even a Biden fan, but the other option is unfathomable. We were talking last night that it's a shame that our first vote since becoming American citizens is to try and keep Donny Man Tits from getting his tiny Cheeto hands on the nuclear codes again. If only Michelle or someone we like haha.
I'm not even a Biden fan, but the other option is unfathomable.

Not all the libs and leftists here are Biden fans but you said it best. The other option is unfathomable.
This is not a Left vs Right Issue. We need to keep the farting rapist as far away from the oval office as possible.
I thought we already had a TDS circle jerk megathread? Crazy to believe that some of you are actually real people with real thoughts, and then this unhinged shit is what comes out.
Not all the libs and leftists here are Biden fans but you said it. The other option is unfathomable.
This is not a Left vs Right Issue. We need to keep the farting rapist as far away from the oval office as possible.
All of my voting life in the UK I voted Conservative, I watched all the Republican debates that if he died on his gold toilet I would have an informed vote but no such luck. I don't know a single Mandarin Molester fan who watched the debates because they have already made their mind up it's him or nothing.
The Constitution he wants to tear up. Remember the bit in there about "no one is above the law"? He's trying to get The Supreme Court to abolish that bit with his immunity claims that any president can do whatever the fuck they want.

He's never seeing the inside of a jail cell but it's been funny as fuck seeing his sycophant twat nuthuggers squirm like fuck.
lol ok blue anon

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