New The SHiNiNG interpretation

no, it is a referrence to 80s sex comedy Up The Creek

and the song even goes "i'm up the creek without a PADDLE at all, without a PADDLE at all"
why the second paddle refrain? and plus who gives a shit if up the creek was made years later. the script was sent to kubrick in 1979 actually.

You don't think it's a little odd that a dude is standing in front of an elevator with a boat paddle. Who would think that would be something that should randomly be in the background of a film.

Now if you add that moment's earlier we saw a tidal wave of blood spew out of said elevator it starts to make sense.

Where is your sense of humor?
I Conan too bro


Conan could be symbolic of the Minotaur here.:D

It's pretty easy to dismiss everything but you could be missing out on a lot of fun.
do you anywhere see a quote from kubrick saying he believed in heaven or hell? it seems he did not so why the big overlook = hell thing? because some nut case said some stupid shit on room 237.
you cannot take those people seriously. they are crackpots

once again, here is something from real life with parties involved.

King said that Kubrick once called King in the middle of the night while they were filming The Shining. "Do you believe in God?" Kubrick asked. Yes, King said he did believe in God. King associated Kubrick
Take this to Reddit. Get this out there. Great stuff.
None taken. True Detective came along after I had taken up interest in The SHiNiNG after watching ROOM 237 and so I was trying to apply symbolic meaning to places where there were none due to the enigmatic nature of it's material.

Another mistake I made was trying to figure it out before the show had ended, but I have no complaints as I had a lot fun with that show.

Yeah I think everyone was expecting a little twist or surprise at the end but it was pretty straight-forward. Still a great show though and that thread was a big reason why for me.
Yeah I think everyone was expecting a little twist or surprise at the end but it was pretty straight-forward. Still a great show though and that thread was a big reason why for me.

That thread definitely heightened my enjoyment of True Detective not that it needed it as it is an excellent show on it's on.

All the spit balling of theories in real time was something special to experience and I'm not sure it will be easily recreated.

I suffered withdrawals after the show ended.
It is like i made that last post in the shining thread and you ignored it.

here we go again.

Kubrick shot almost EVERYTHING symmetrical. Any frame of a kubrick movie can match up to another frame because kubrick was obessesed with SYMMETRY, not trying to hide some message you have to go back and look at

and, Kubrick had a shooting schedule, which he took longer than needed, but he was not trying to match up one scene to another. if he really were, he would do some takes and look at the dailies and see if it matched up to a previous scene and then get back to take more takes. non sense.

look up "kubrick symmetry" on google images once






Stop boring the shit out of me.
You should make a documentary about your theory and make money off other dumb The Shining conspiracy theorists.
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation.[1][2][3]

An interpretation in philosophy of art, is an explanation of the meaning of some work of art. An interpretation expresses an understanding of a work of art, a poem, performance, or piece of literature

I guess that makes the Minotaur half cannibal since he is half human.

Maze/Labyrinth both serve the same purpose

Kubrick omitted things and added things to The SHiNiNG, some are curious as to why the changes were made and if they were made to support multiple narratives.

There is no Maze in the book.

The twins do not show up in phantom form in the book.

There is no blood spewing elevator in the book.

The Hotel room number in the book is 217 and 237 in the film.

Hallorahn is killed in the film and survives in the book.

There is no Native American burial ground in the book.

Jack never actually sees the hag in the book.

Jack dies in an explosion in the book and freezes to death in the film.

There is no photograph in the book.

I guess all this is just because.

The SHiNiNG upon release was a critical and financial failure. I don't think that would have been the case if Kubrick had directed a paint by numbers version of King's novel. But to me it seem he had other narratives he wanted to tell and used The SHiNiNG's set up as a vehicle for them.

"Maze/Labyrinth both serve the same purpose"
Although both maze and labyrinth depict a complex and confusing series of pathways, the two are different. A maze is a complex, branching (multicursal) puzzle that includes choices of path and direction, while a labyrinth is unicursal, i.e., has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center.

"I guess that makes the Minotaur half cannibal since he is half human."
Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings

"Kubrick omitted things and added things to The SHiNiNG, some are curious as to why the changes were made and if they were made to support multiple narratives.
There is no Maze in the book.
The twins do not show up in phantom form in the book.
There is no blood spewing elevator in the book.
The Hotel room number in the book is 217 and 237 in the film.
Hallorahn is killed in the film and survives in the book.
There is no Native American burial ground in the book.
Jack never actually sees the hag in the book.
Jack dies in an explosion in the book and freezes to death in the film.
There is no photograph in the book."

1) again, 217 was a real room at the timberlline. now read it this time. the hotel asked for it not to be used.
2) maze - Kubrick had originally planned to use the animal topiaries, but doing so (and making them come to life on film) was apparently more aggravation than it was worth in those pre-CGI days. The result was his own use of the hedge maze, which adds to the labyrinthine qualities of the film
3) no twins, blood, hag, photograph --ugh, film is a visual medium. i guess you never really thought about making a movie from a book, which a book is much more internal. lol, in the book at the end it shows a photograph-lol, that would make sense
4) no Native American burial ground - what did you want kubrick to do? bring in a whole story of gangsters and shit. Indian burial is just easier to give a reason why the hotel was haunted
5) Hallorahn is killed -- king does not kill a lot of the good guys. killing haloran is much more cinematic/better
6) jack not dying in the explosion -- king wanted to show that the dad was good in the end, kubrick is much more pessimistic in a way. hey, i am going to go around chasing my wife and kid to kill them but at the end i will become a good guy, lol

"The SHiNiNG upon release was a critical and financial failure. "
-more lies. it was hated by the press but viewers loved it. i was alive when this movie came out. i remember the buzz around it
$19,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend
$622,337 (USA) (26 May 1980) (10 Screens)
$44,017,374 (USA) (31 December 1980)

"I don't think that would have been the case if Kubrick had directed a paint by numbers version of King's novel. But to me it seem he had other narratives he wanted to tell and used The SHiNiNG's set up as a vehicle for them."
so, you make this assumption off your false info of the shining supposedly bombing when it DID NOT

lol, i guess you don't follow book to movie translations much. they ALWAYS change them. they are 2 different mediums

tell me Carrie did not change?
telll me fight club did not change?
tell me harry potter and the half blood prince did not change

this is not to tell a hidden narrative, it is to make a good movie

why have hidden narratives? what does kubrick get out of this? nothing. there are no hidden narratives.

You are allowing the psychosis of others to permeate through your skin and now you are projecting your psychosis on a message board.
I guess I'll watch this loony documentary

if you watch it. go in with this mindset. Don't take the theories seriously. Just look at what (crazy) theories these people came up with.
when you watch it you will see what i mean.
"I guess that makes the Minotaur half cannibal since he is half human."
Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings

"Kubrick omitted things and added things to The SHiNiNG, some are curious as to why the changes were made and if they were made to support multiple narratives.
There is no Maze in the book.
The twins do not show up in phantom form in the book.
There is no blood spewing elevator in the book.
The Hotel room number in the book is 217 and 237 in the film.
Hallorahn is killed in the film and survives in the book.
There is no Native American burial ground in the book.
Jack never actually sees the hag in the book.
Jack dies in an explosion in the book and freezes to death in the film.
There is no photograph in the book."

1) again, 217 was a real room at the timberlline. now read it this time. the hotel asked for it not to be used.
2) maze - Kubrick had originally planned to use the animal topiaries, but doing so (and making them come to life on film) was apparently more aggravation than it was worth in those pre-CGI days. The result was his own use of the hedge maze, which adds to the labyrinthine qualities of the film
3) no twins, blood, hag, photograph --ugh, film is a visual medium. i guess you never really thought about making a movie from a book, which a book is much more internal. lol, in the book at the end it shows a photograph-lol, that would make sense
4) no Native American burial ground - what did you want kubrick to do? bring in a whole story of gangsters and shit. Indian burial is just easier to give a reason why the hotel was haunted
5) Hallorahn is killed -- king does not kill a lot of the good guys. killing haloran is much more cinematic/better
6) jack not dying in the explosion -- king wanted to show that the dad was good in the end, kubrick is much more pessimistic in a way. hey, i am going to go around chasing my wife and kid to kill them but at the end i will become a good guy, lol

"The SHiNiNG upon release was a critical and financial failure. "
-more lies. it was hated by the press but viewers loved it. i was alive when this movie came out. i remember the buzz around it
$19,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend
$622,337 (USA) (26 May 1980) (10 Screens)
$44,017,374 (USA) (31 December 1980)

"I don't think that would have been the case if Kubrick had directed a paint by numbers version of King's novel. But to me it seem he had other narratives he wanted to tell and used The SHiNiNG's set up as a vehicle for them."
so, you make this assumption off your false info of the shining supposedly bombing when it DID NOT

lol, i guess you don't follow book to movie translations much. they ALWAYS change them. they are 2 different mediums

tell me Carrie did not change?
telll me fight club did not change?
tell me harry potter and the half blood prince did not change

this is not to tell a hidden narrative, it is to make a good movie

why have hidden narratives? what does kubrick get out of this? nothing. there are no hidden narratives.

You are allowing the psychosis of others to permeate through your skin and now you are projecting your psychosis on a message board.

Kubrick and Duvall were both nominated for Razzies, that is not an award you want associated with you if you are in show business.
This thread gave me the inspiration to google the Timberline resort in Oregon. Still looks scenic and beautiful.

Allegedly has a million visitors every year.
I think not as the circles of Inferno that correspond to the number 237 are as follows

Circle 2 is Lust
Circle 3 is Gluttony
Circle 7 is Murder

All of which Jack is guilty of during the film.
I don't see the gluttony angle. Having a couple of drinks doesn't qualify as gluttony does it?

Interesting theories overall, though, thanks for the effort.
This thread gave me the inspiration to google the Timberline resort in Oregon. Still looks scenic and beautiful.

Allegedly has a million visitors every year.
I stayed at the Stanley last year and got all excited thinking it was going to be the "Overlook". Because I'm dumb.
Turned out Dumb and Dumber was filmed there, so that was nice.
I don't see the gluttony angle. Having a couple of drinks doesn't qualify as gluttony does it?

Interesting theories overall, though, thanks for the effort.

No problem, I don't think it's how much Jack drank in the Gold Room as much as it is his weakness and want to drink to excess, which in turn harmed himself and family as a unit, before and during their stay at the Overlook.
if you watch it. go in with this mindset. Don't take the theories seriously. Just look at what (crazy) theories these people came up with.
when you watch it you will see what i mean.

This is the dumbest shit I've ever listened to.

I think what Kubrick really figured out is that people will reach for anything to get closure. When we are lost, we will manifest whatever it takes to make sense of nonsense.

He had already made 2001 after all.
No problem, I don't think it's how much Jack drank in the Gold Room as much as it is his weakness and want to drink to excess, which in turn harmed himself and family as a unit, before and during their stay at the Overlook.
Hmm, yeah I'll buy that he was a glutton before he gave up drinking, so that would qualify. I need to rewatch the movie now.