New PR. Pulled 405 today! Two goals down, 1 to go.



I deadlifted 405 lbs for the first time ever today. Man am I stoked. Last week I attempted it but failed about 2" off the ground. Today I was able to pull it like it was nothing. Afterward I attempted 425 and got it about a foot off the ground before I stalled and couldn't finish the rep. I've been following a Westside for Skinny Bastards template, and it's been working well. I shoudl be able to hit 450 soon.
5 months ago I set goals to reach by January of deadlifting 405 lbs and just achieved that today, squatting 405 lbs which I annihilated a couple months ago and benching 315 lbs which I have yet to hit. Bench has always been my slowest-progressing lift, but I'm getting closer. Right now I'm maxed at 275, but it's been progressing over the last few weeks also. I recommend WFSB for anyone looking to gain strength and size.
nice lifts.

Damn, I wanna lift 400 in dead also.

congrats on the PR and good luck with your benching. What BW are you?

BTW there is actually a thread in the stickies dedicated to posting PRs.
Dude, I want to root for you but I have no fucking idea who you are.

You have 12 posts. You came to share your PR with a bunch of strangers.

I mean, basically this is a rooftop shoutout. To which I say STFU, I don't care.
You don't need to average 50 posts a day and be a sherdog whore to get a Congrats from me. Nice lifts man!!
Yeah congrats from me to, perhaps you have been reading longer than you been posting, anyway no need to keep a ***** down, a good lift is a good lift.;)
krellik said:
Yeah congrats from me to, perhaps you have been reading longer than you been posting, anyway no need to keep a ***** down, a good lift is a good lift.;)
HAHAHA! You got censored!
Urban said:
HAHAHA! You got censored!

Its not my words they are censoring, its my sexapeal. Its hapens to us Swedes a lot actually, but im not sure if it goes under sexism or rasism?
krellik said:
Its not my words they are censoring, its my sexapeal. Its hapens to us Swedes a lot actually, but im not sure if it goes under sexism or rasism?

Rexism is unacceptable now too. Dam it.

Barut, yesterday you said you speak spanish 8 hrs a day. Are you a teacher? I was trying to learn Spanish on my own. Have you ever heard of Pimsler, it is a language teaching ade. If so do you think it is worth it?
rickdog said:
Rexism is unacceptable now too. Dam it.

Barut, yesterday you said you speak spanish 8 hrs a day. Are you a teacher? I was trying to learn Spanish on my own. Have you ever heard of Pimsler, it is a language teaching ade. If so do you think it is worth it?

I manage a spanish-speaking production facility. I learned a bit in middle and high school, but I became proficient by living in Gutemala for a couple of years. If you speak any spanish at all, find some invaders to make friends with and practice with them. I've never heard of Pimsler. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
rickdog said:
You don't need to average 50 posts a day and be a sherdog whore to get a Congrats from me. Nice lifts man!!

Wow -- that's a refreshing change in thinking from the non-white belts (not you, specifically). Nice to hear for once.
it's not a hatred for whitebelts wilhelm, it's just a common occurance that whitebelts either
A) are full of shit,
2) hard headed and unwilling to empty their cup in the zen sense
Γ) don't have any credibility or precidence to lend to their claims or advice.

and on top of that, from somebody with only 12 posts, it's hard to feel any sort of personal bond with the person and really congratulate them.
Urban said:
it's not a hatred for whitebelts wilhelm, it's just a common occurance that whitebelts either
A) are full of shit,
2) hard headed and unwilling to empty their cup in the zen sense
Γ) don't have any credibility or precidence to lend to their claims or advice.

and on top of that, from somebody with only 12 posts, it's hard to feel any sort of personal bond with the person and really congratulate them.
Yes, but alot of times you can tell the difference between someone who is just spouting BS and someone who is just sharing their lifts. I was a white belt for years on this forum. I chose to read most of the posts and get a sense of how this place ran before adding my 2 cents and dropping 30 posts per day like some guys here. Some people have lives outside of this forum and can't spend the entire day worrying that their posts won't be taken seriously because of the color of their belt. Check the dates instead of the posts and check the quality of the posts. If the kid came on here talking smack and acting like a jerk than I can see the STFU mentality, but if he actually took some time and does more reading than talking, well i can respect that.
rickdog said:
Yes, but alot of times you can tell the difference between someone who is just spouting BS and someone who is just sharing their lifts. I was a white belt for years on this forum. I chose to read most of the posts and get a sense of how this place ran before adding my 2 cents and dropping 30 posts per day like some guys here. Some people have lives outside of this forum and can't spend the entire day worrying that their posts won't be taken seriously because of the color of their belt. Check the dates instead of the posts and check the quality of the posts. If the kid came on here talking smack and acting like a jerk than I can see the STFU mentality, but if he actually took some time and does more reading than talking, well i can respect that.

you were a whitebelt for years? you've only been a member for 2 years.
I don't know exactly how long but I know it was over a year before I really started adding my opinion to this or any fourm on Sherdog. As for exact timing im not sure. It was just a guesstimate.
One of the reasons strength and power is a much more ejoyable experience then the rest of is that it isnt the same hype about them darns belts. I dont like belts. In fighting your as good as how your fighting, in posting your as good as your posting. Why complicate shit?
krellik said:
One of the reasons strength and power is a much more ejoyable experience then the rest of is that it isnt the same hype about them darns belts. I dont like belts. In fighting your as good as how your fighting, in posting your as good as your posting. Why complicate shit?
Exactly brother. That is how I feel too. Enough of the queer noob shit.
Who cares what color the belt is??

I don't worry about being taking seriously... it's an online board and I could care less about what color my belt is.

I agree that he shouldnt be bragging out of no where... but leave the belt color out of this.