NAC Commisioner: Jones wasn't supposed to be tested for recreational drugs

I used to drink a shitload of water before getting tested......I know what I was attempting to "cover up"....

Agreed I did the same to pass drug test. The difference here is that an athlete like Jones should be drinking a lot of water. I drink close to a gallon a day and my piss is clear almost all day except for the first two times I pee. I use creatine and my vitamins so I need to drink a lot of water. My vitamins actually say for me to drink a gallon.
what are you talking about?

The ac never tests for recreational drugs out of competition. It's a simple concept. In fact it's illegal to do so.

What the ac did to jones was 100% illegal.

What i said is actually the opposite of an opinion it's an absolute fact that can be proven by using google for 5-seconds

It's not that I think he did or didn't do it on purpose, it's that it's suspicious--it raises questions and uncertainty. I'm sorry if this is difficult for you to understand.

You've obviously never taken a piss test before.

It's very easy for a sample to be considered diluted.

It's very easy for a sample to be considered not having enough water.

I've seen both these things happen multiple times in highschool wrestling and none of the guys were trying to hide anything.

It's not fishy because his first sample wasn't wven that diluted it still tested positive meaning the tester was likely just being extra careful.

TLDR: People have diluted samples all the time because just drinking the recommended amount of water in a day would probably get you close to having a diluted sample lol. They're very stringent.
I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that they do not tell you what you are being tested for...why would they do that?

Whether implicit or explicitly stated, I'm 99.9999% sure WADA, NSAC and Jon Jones were doing out of commission testing for performance enhancing drugs. Given that WADA doesn't view that as a PED out of competition (it's a stimulant and isn't considered in competition until 12 hrs before the fight), Jones essentially failed a test he wasn't required to nor did he apparently agree upon. If Jones agreed on tests regarding recreational drugs, the NSAC wouldn't be gently backing out of this situation with their hands up and an aloof almost "woops" type response.
If it was illegal...then why was it made public?

Exactly. That's why people are saying Jones can sue the AC. What they did is illegal and releasing the results even more illegal.

They copped to their mistake and are honestly lucky Jon probably won't sue cause it's not worth leaving MMA as a whole.
I failed my first hydration test lol. They told me I that my pee didn't have ENOUGH water. The next day I passed though. For people who dn't know, they make you take a hydration test to determine what weight class you are allowed to wrestle at. It's an attempt to stop people from doing big cuts in high-school (that's what I was told anyways)

Yep same thing happened to me my first time. The coach didn't really explain it correctly to us so I thought we were supposed to cut weight before weighing in to the weight class we want to wrestle in lol.

So obviously I could barely pee and had to take the test again lol.
Exactly. That's why people are saying Jones can sue the AC. What they did is illegal and releasing the results even more illegal.

They copped to their mistake and are honestly lucky Jon probably won't sue cause it's not worth leaving MMA as a whole.

the guy you are quoting isn't very smart and won't understand what you're saying. don't even bother trying to explain shit to these morons.
You've obviously never taken a piss test before.

I have, actually.

I just choose not to base my assumptions about a professional MMA fighter in the UFC on anecdotal evidence from say... my high school, for instance.
this is such a hypocrite move.

SO what that Coke is not a banned substance? We all know what it does!!!

If people who had Weed metabolites int heir blood were punished, then sure as hell Jon should be too. And much harsher than the ones for Weed.

This is akin to a judge asking the jury to disregard the killer's confession because he was not under oath when he confessed!!!!
If it was illegal...then why was it made public?

It is illegal. It is not a felony that does NOT require Mr. Jones to force litigation.

At that time, the degree of illegality and financial restitution will be determined.

It is HIGHLY LIKELY that JBJ will be paid SO MUCH under the table by the UFC to make this all just "go away" that all of the UFC money that Brock, GSP & Spider combined will be paltry compared to Jones money.

Please understand the JBJ is taking the low road with rehab, but the UFC is hanging by their nuts with his UFC LHW title situation.

GSP = 19 months. Nothing they can do if they don't rim JBJ masterfully. He holds all 52 cards!
if I'm JBJ I'm absolutely livid about this test. he's gonna in for a nice settlement if he chooses to go that route.

Not likely, the commission rules state that "An unarmed combatant shall submit to a urinalysis or chemical test if the Commission or a representative of the Commission directs him or her to do so." It does not state those tests will only be for banned substances.
Exactly. That's why people are saying Jones can sue the AC. What they did is illegal and releasing the results even more illegal.

They copped to their mistake and are honestly lucky Jon probably won't sue cause it's not worth leaving MMA as a whole.

you are wrong.
He released his note.
THEN the news broke about the test.

If anything, they did NOT release anything until he made his statement.

I hate being the guy to defend Jones as I very much dislike him, but he really didn't break any rules.

You are a big man, sir. Not many can say so much about themselves in so few words here on Sherdog. Good job.
Exactly. That's why people are saying Jones can sue the AC. What they did is illegal and releasing the results even more illegal.

They copped to their mistake and are honestly lucky Jon probably won't sue cause it's not worth leaving MMA as a whole.

Actually they were forced to release the information due to a public request. Makes sense, sucks for Jones but imo he made the stupid choice...suing them would be dumb and even worse for his image.
Fully disagree, its a drug test...accidentally finding out that a pro fighter uses cocaine...should not be frowned upon at all...that is what the purpose of it is.

I do not get what you mean by the right test? the right test that would continue to allow him to use hard drugs? the wrong test that ruins his image? What more important to the sport, the fans? IMO there is no wrong test when it comes to professional athletes and attempting to maintain a clean sport.

Bad luck for Jones sure...but he made the choice...and I am positive he had no idea that cocaine was not going to be tested when he took the test...they do not release that kinda information when they come a knockin.

Yes, it should be frowned on and should never happen again. You're looking at this from a certain perspective because of what was found in his system (and possibly because of who we are talking about). The issue is bigger than that. This is the NAC, a government entity if I'm not mistaken, going beyond its permitted scope in dealing with someone's body, privacy, and health.

The purpose of the out-of-competition test was not to find out if he was on hard drugs, as you said. The purpose is to find out if he was on banned drugs. The "right test" as I referred to it would have tested only for drugs that are banned out-of-competition, i.e., the test they were supposed to give him. They didn't do that. They performed the "wrong test," and the NAC has admitted that it was a mistake.

Your position seems to really be that cocaine should be banned and tested for at all times. If that's your position, that's a fair position. But it's irrelevant to this situation. In this situation Jones was told he'd be tested for A. He agreed to be tested for A. But he was actually tested for A + B, with B being a substance that (a) wasn't against the rules; but (b) has a strong stigma attached to it (and fairly so, I suppose).

There is absolutely is a "wrong test" when it comes to professional athletes. The "wrong test" is any test other than the one that is supposed to be given and to which the athlete has consented to take. Just because you or I didn't know that there's a difference between out-of-competition and in-competition testing doesn't mean the athletes that actually take the tests are equally unaware. (And I would wager that athletes who like to "party" might be especially aware of what the commissions are allowed to test them for and when.)

As for what's most important for the sport, I would vote for a competent commission.
I have, actually.

I just choose not to base my assumptions about a professional MMA fighter in the UFC on anecdotal evidence from say... my high school, for instance.

Actually it is because I'm demonstrating that a high school testing facility, meaning the lockerroom at Lake Washington lol, had the ability to reject diluted samples.

This is a test that costs like 50 dollars or something if that lol.

Jones took a test that costs likely over 10k and you think he was trying to avoid it by diluting his sample? That would work exactly 0% of the time and since Jones knew he wasn't testing for PED's there'd be no reason to dilute it in the first place.

Also, I'm simply showing you how it's easy to just get a diluted sample from drinking a normal amount of water. You do realize this is a random test right? It's not like Jones got a warning to start diluting his system like that would do anything in the first place lol.

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