Q. What sort of athletes will benefit from using the tent?
A: Any athlete involved in a sport where oxygen uptake is an important factor. These are primarily events lasting over a minute and a half, though events as short as forty-five seconds have a significant aerobic component and will also benefit from the increased buffering ability that is a result of the increased in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Regarding ability level, athletes of all levels can benefit from this form of altitude training. For the very elite athlete, many of whom train hundreds of hours looking for minute improvements, it opens up a realm of performance levels that could never be obtained without this sort of preparation.
- Check out our list of HTS-users , especially those competing at the Sydney Olympics
Q: For how long do I need to be in the tent?
A: Two separate issues are involved here: Firstly there's the factor of how many hours per night?
Early tests have shown that between 6 to 8 hours per day causes the body to trigger the adaptive response as if it was in the mountains - certainly athletes using the tent in this manner have seen significant increases in performance. A recent study in Finland showed no difference between individuals who stayed just 12 hours in a hypoxic environment as compared to those who were there 24 hours a day.
Secondly there's the question of how long it takes before improvements start to occur, and then are fully realized. This depends upon the athlete, just as in the mountains some will adapt quicker than others (perhaps in a similar way to muscle-memory). The adaptation begins as soon as you start using the tent. The more you use the HTS, the faster you will acclimate and the sooner you begin to make gains. We like to recommend at least a month, though there are still substantial further gains to be made after that point as the body learns to fully utilize the extra oxygen available to it.
Q: Why not just live at altitude?
A: Studies have shown how spending time at altitude causes the positive, desirable, responses, but the inability to train with the full oxygen availability of sea-level caused a de-training that will often negate all the gains. The HTS allows you the benefits of both sleeping high and training low.
Q: Studies show that "sleep high and train low" makes a 1-3% difference. Will the HTS produce the same effect as those studies?
A: The HTS has the potential to yield an even greater effect than these studies. - and this has frequently been reported back to us from athletes. Most studies on "sleep high and train low" were a compromise on the ultimate desired altitudes because of the practicalities of suitable locations. For example, one previously mentioned study trained the athlete subjects at 4,100 feet above sea level where there is approximately 17% less oxygen than at sea level. Had the athletes been trained at sea level, they likely would have seen a greater improvement in performance. The HTS allows you to sleep at up to 15,000 feet and train at sea level . Secondly, the inconvenience associated with living away from home and driving down each day for a training session , meant that the studies could not be maintained for more than a month. This certainly is not enough time to realize the full potential from this sort of training.
Q: How long does the effect last?
A: It's a little like asking "if I stop training (exercising) how long before my performance drops off." Most people notice little, or no, drop-off for up to a week, and then only marginal for the second. On the other hand if you were to miss three or four days EVERY week then the results would be better than nothing, but not optimal. The portable nature of the HTS allows it to be taken to events and on away-trips, thus allowing allow you to sleep at altitude anywhere and therefore maintain and continually develop the benefits of altitude year round.
Q: What are the physiological benefits of altitude acclimatization?
There are several, however the most significant are:
1. Altitude produces a change in the oxygen association curve and an improvement in efficiency of gas exchange. When an acclimatized athlete takes a breath, more oxygen gets from the lungs into the blood stream than in a non-acclimatized athlete.
2. Greater red blood cell mass. Red blood cells carry the oxygen to your muscle cells for athletic performance. The more red blood cells the greater the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
3. Greater total blood volume. Altitude acclimatization produces more red cells. It also produces a greater total blood volume as well. By Sterling's Law an increase in blood volume means the stroke volume of the heart will be greater. Again improving the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
4. Increased volume of capillaries. This improves the delivery of the oxygen to the muscles by giving the blood more pathways to the muscles. Because of the increased total blood volume, these capillaries are expanded making it easier for red blood cells to get into them and deliver oxygen. This is a long-term adaptation
5. Increased enzyme levels, including 2,3 DPG, in the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells - the "furnaces" where the fuel is burned. 2,3 DPG is the enzyme that helps unload the oxygen from the blood. Other enzymes assist in the power-producing oxidation of fuel.
Q: I already train at altitude. How will the HTS benefit my training?
A: We have several athletes who live in Colorado, but who sleep in the HTS as they understand how 6000' is not enough to get full acclimatization. Often, athletes who have lived and trained at altitude for some time, are able to comfortably sleep at higher altitudes than those athletes who live at sea-level. This extra altitude will cause a more acute response. The idea is to sleep higher than you train. If you cannot handle this then you should move.
Q. Can the altitude be adjusted?
A: Absolutely and easily. On the face of the hypoxic generator is an adjustable flow meter that regulates the composition of the resulting air from 20.9% (sea level) to 14.8% (simulates 9000'). It's as simple as twisting the dial.
Q. Is 9000' the maximum that's available?
A: No. A separate adapter can be attached to simulate up to 14,500 feet. An oxygen meter is required with these systems as the resulting altitude is much more sensitive to parameters such as hose length, sealing of the tent etc.
Experienced mountaineers should contact us to discuss even higher possibilities for their unique application.
Q: What is the optimal sleeping altitude?
A: A: In general, the higher the altitude the stronger the response. However there is a trade-off - recovery and sleep quality. Experience has shown that the vast majority of athletes can sleep at 9000' with no reduction in sleep quality and recovery from training. In fact it is very often reported back to us how these both improve at 9000', resulting in increased training capacity!
At some point above 9000' the altitude will cause a reduction in recovery and sleep quality. The altitude at which this occurs varies for each individual, but is generally in the range of 9500' to 12,500'. It also varies with time (upwards). Generally we recommend not going beyond this point for normal day-to-day use. However, many athletes have very successfully gone beyond this zone as special preparation for championship events and produced world-beating performances as a result. For more information on this please contact us directly as each case is different and we will do our best to share feedback and offer advice to our customers based on their individual situation and goals.
Q. How do I monitor the effective altitude?
A: The 9000' system is extremely consistent and predictable, so there is no need to monitor the O2 content. So long as the tent is visibly filled with air then the correct altitude will be simulated, or is being approached. For those who wish, oxygen monitors are available through Hypoxic Inc. which provide a digital readout of the O2 content within the tent.
Note, an oxygen monitor is required if the high-altitude adapter is used.
Q: What is the optimal altitude for training?
A: The lower the better, as there is more oxygen available to fuel the training. This allows you to train harder and recover faster.
Q. Will I get a boost in performance for a while, then "pay" for it later?
A: This certainly doesn't appear to be the case, in fact athletes who have used the HTS on an ongoing basis have found that their performances continue to edge upwards as the body becomes more efficient at using the new increased amounts of oxygen available to it.
Q. Will it help to nap, read or just hang out in the ten for a few hours in the middle of the day if I have some time, or do you need to be in the tent for 6-8 continuous hours to obtain any benefit?
A: The optimum way of using the HTS is still being learned, however it almost certainly will not do any harm to use the HTS for a few extra hours a day to supplement the long period at night. However, at least one study has shown no difference between individuals who stayed just 12 hours in a hypoxic environment as compared to those who were there 24 hours a day.
Q. Are there any health risks in spending several hours a day in the tent?
A: No. There are countless places around the world where people live, and train, full-time at altitude (like many ski resort areas). Only the very frail experience problems coping with the diminished oxygen content in the air. Use of the HTS is the same as sleeping at altitude. If your doctor says it's ok for you to fly in a commercial plane, then you're safe to use the HTS. Carbon dioxide is flushed out by the constant in-flow of fresh hypoxic air.
See our Safety report
Q. Should I have Blood Tests to monitor what is happening?
A: The only thing we recommend to have checked is the serum ferritin. This should be at least 40ug/l BEFORE altitude training is started. Iron-rich foods and supplementation may well be required, but should not be undertaken without first establishing that iron levels are indeed low.
Q. Will my Haematocrit rise?
A: Not necessarily. In many cases it has, in some cases it has not. We have seen very little correlation between haematocrit change and increase in performance. This was confirmed in a recent independent HTS study where, although the "tent group" showed "significant gains" - there was no change in hematocrit.
The body likes to keep itself at certain levels. ie it has a desired Hct whilst at altitude, and a desired Hct whilst at sea-level. The Hct is determined by two factors: The Red Blood Cell count, and the plasma (water) volume. Whereas the RBC increases over a period of weeks, the plasma volume can change in just hours. Thus, during the day, the hematocrit will go down, reverting towards it's normal for sea level. The red blood cells do not die off any faster than normal, so that level stays elevated.
Use of the HTS is most unlikely to push the average athlete up to the limit of 50% that some sports are enforcing. If you are concerned about this you should perform regular checks.
Q. Isn't it Haematocrit rise that determines performance?
A: If it was simply Haematocrit then athletes would remove a pint of blood, centrifuge it, tap off the plasma, and re-infuse just the red blood cells. This doesn't work as the total Red Blood Cell volume is what is important and affects performance.
Q. How is the altitude created?
A: Altitude is characterized by the reduced partial pressure of oxygen. It is this reduced oxygen content that triggers the body to adapt and become more efficient in the uptake, transportation, and metabolization of oxygen. The HTS has the same, reduced, amount of oxygen as one would find up a mountain at the same effective altitude. Our Hypoxic Generator continually separates out a portion of oxygen from the air before it is pumped into the enclosure.
Q. Is there anything that is used up in the process and regularly needs replacing? How about maintainance?
A: No. - All we recommend is that the filter screen in the case is kept clean, and that the HEPA filter is replaced twice a year. This HEPA filter ensures that the air inside the tent is extremely dust-free - much cleaner than the rest of the air in the house.
Q. What are the power requirements?
A: There are two units available: 120 Volts, 60Hz, 4 Amp, and 220/240 Volts 50Hz, 2 Amp. Both are rated at 500W
Q How is the altitude limited?
A: One of the main reasons the process used was chosen (certainly over cylinders, or piped nitrogen) is that there is no way the air produced can be too hypoxic. The fundamental design of the basic unit is such that it inherently cannot reduce standard air to less than 14.5% oxygen - the equivalent of 9000' above sea level.
Furthermore, the tent itself is deliberately not totally sealed, there are built-in areas that "breathe".
Q. If the unit produces oxygen-depleted air, what happens to the other oxygen?
A: While the oxygen-depleted air is pumped into the tent, the generator also produces oxygen-rich air that is released into the room where it is immediately diluted with the regular air, so even on its' own it does not constitute a hazard.
Furthermore, as air is pumped into the tent an equivalent amount of oxygen-depleted air is pushed out. This air mixes with the oxygen-rich by-product from the generator which naturally cancel each other out.
Q. Can more than one person be in the tent at once?
A: The system was designed originally to provide a comfortable environment for one person. However, as long as the room is cool and not humid, most people find the air-exchange quite sufficient for two people. Important here is to introduce the altitude slowly so as not to provoke too strong an initial reaction.
Larger tents are also available for at-home use.
Q. Are there any special requirements needed as far as the bed is concerned?
A: The standard tent fits over any bed queen-sized (80" * 60") or smaller. A larger king-sized tent is now available. The tent's base slips under the mattress but over the box-spring. Alternatively it will sit on the floor with just a mattress, futon, or air-mattress inside.
Q. How portable is it?
A: The generator is 21.5" X 23" X 10.5" and weighs 56lbs. The optional aluminum travel case is 23.5" X 25" X 13" and weighs 18 lbs. They have been checked onto commercial planes or mailed by parcel services many times.
The generator and/or case is initially shipped to you in a special cardboard box with double skin and 3" of padding in between.
The queen tent weighs 9 lbs. and can be carried on a plane or stuffed in a check-on bag.
Q: Can I take a whole room to altitude?
A: It is theoretically possible to take a complete room to altitude. However, although the least expensive solution, we do not necessarily recommend this method except in situations where the room or dormitory has been constructed for this purpose. Factors to consider include:
1) To take a room to altitude may require significant sealing. Central air-conditioning or even window air-conditioners must be blocked off, as well as any other significant leak. Even walls, floors and/or ceilings MAY be too porous.
2) The volume of the room, as this can mean several hours to get it to altitude each day.
In response to this second issue one could consider leaving the equipment running 24 h/day. However, apart from causing considerable wear on components, and using a lot of electricity, it would still hit the problem that ANY OCCUPIED ENCLOSURE REQUIRES SEVERAL HOURS PER DAY TO AIR-OUT to avoid a number of health problems.
There is no way around this, even with split air-conditioners, HEPA filters and CO2 scrubbers (not necessary given the volume of air we pump in). It MUST NOT BE DONE.
Hypoxico Inc. is the sole manufacturer and multiple patent holder of the hypoxic (simulated altitude) technology and is the worldwide leader in normobarric hypoxic environments.
Please contact us with details of your particular need and we would be happy to evaluate the possibilities.
Our technology is already included into Altitude Spa and Meditation Room concept in a new chain of 180 hotels that are being built throughout Europe, We are also currently involved in several "dormitory" projects, some of which are in Olympic Training Centers. For these the number of generators, required is determined primarily by the number of occupants, and the desired maximum altitude. The rooms are often built from scratch.
Q: Why not just take synthetic EPO?
A: EPO is erythropoietin - a hormone that makes the bone marrow create more red blood cells - a wonderful drug that has saved many lives - IN MEDICINE.
In the sporting world it has unfortunately been abused and cost many lives. It causes many problems in the body when not used for it's intended medical application, completely throwing out the natural balance that the body needs for healthy long-term living. Consequently it is illegal to use in sports.
Already drug-test samples are being frozen for re-analysis when the test for EPO is very soon perfected.
Q: Do you rent out systems?
A: Yes, we have a limited number of systems available for rental. This needs to be for at least a month minimum Q. What happens to the altitude when you get in and out of the tent?
A: Actually very little happens! Most tent owners use the optional oxygen monitor so they can see that the variation is minimal, about 0.1% which equates to about 200'.
Q. Is it noisy?
A: All hypoxic generators require a compressor, of about the same size, yet the 2002 HYP-100 is our quietest hypoxic generator ever One of the reasons we designed our Hypoxic systems this way was so that we could pump in 40,000+ l/night and yet have NO machinery inside, or even near, the tent if so desired.
With our system, noise is not an issue. Many athletes have it set up so they'd have to put their hand up to the air-intake to confirm that it's running.
Q: Can the altitude be adjusted?
A: Absolutely it can be, from sea-level to 9000' in normal mode, or up to 12,500' or even 14,500' with our high-altitude adapters. The system can be set for any altitude in between.
Q: Do you have expert advisors?
A: Very much so, indeed Shaun Wallace of Hypoxico is himself one of the world's authorities on altitude training as it pertains to sporting use. He himself used altitude training for many years as a world-class cyclist, even taking a hypobaric chamber into the Olympic Village with him in 1996. Since then he has been the central point of all the feedback Hypoxico has accumulated from our many hundred customers. Please go ahead and call him to discuss your situation.
Furthermore we regularly consult with a number of experts, such as Jeanne F. Nichols-Bernhard, Ph.D. Professor of Exercise Physiology, San Diego State University, who tested our equipment (see "technical info")
The Hypoxic Tent System is a certified product of Carmichael Training Systems and thus approved by their world-reknowned coaches and physiologists. CTS demands very high standards from the products it offers, and we are proud to be associated with this leader in coaching services.
If you have a particular sport you are involved with, chances are that we can put you DIRECTLY in touch with one of the stars in that sport who have seen success with the help of the HTS.
Q: How do CO2 levels compare?
A: The Hypoxic tent system gets rid of CO2 the same way it gets rid of all other waste gasses that we humans "give off" .... it gets flushed out by the large volume of incoming air. Nearly 50,000 liters of fresh hypoxic air is pumped into the enclosure during the course of the night and this keeps the CO2 levels well well below any sort of danger or discomfort level. The HTS meets ALL relevant standards.
It has been suggested that, rather than pump in a good supply of fresh air, you could instead just keep the SAME air inside all night and get away with that by "scrubbing" out the CO2.
the problem here is that:
1) Scrubbing CO2 requires more than just having a tub of crystals on the floor. Any system which DOES actually remove CO2 would need a large constant exchange of crystals. Check it out yourself at .
2) And even if a system DID actually remove CO2, then what about all the other gasses that we give off? Don't eat beans before going to bed! (sorry if we're getting crude here).
Joking aside, this is a serious matter, and many building and environmental codes have strict limits on how many air-exchanges there must be. Unless you're pumping in the volume that we are, you're possibly heading for some illness problems.
There have already been reports of imitation hypoxic set ups where the customer was sold on the "scrubber" idea, and the resulting CO2 levels made the system very unpleasant to use. Remember, Hypoxico Inc invented these self-contained Hypoxic Systems (see our patents), and we deliberately chose the method we did for some very real reasons!
As we said before, if you'd like to speak with some actual athletes, STAR athletes, we can usually accommodate that. And who knows, maybe you'll be able to pick up some training tips!
Q. Is it true that Hypoxico is the true world leader in Altitude simulation?
A: Absolutely we are. In fact Hypoxico Inc invented the whole concept of self-contained hypoxic enclosures for both exercising and sleeping, whereby the hypoxic air was created on-site. The first of our many patents "US# 5850833 Apparatus for hypoxic training and therapy" was applied for in early 1995, and later approved by the US patent office. Other US Patents include "US# 5964222 Hypoxic tent system".
Various other patents have been approved in countries worldwide, recognising Hypoxico inc. as the pioneer in such systems.
Since introducing the first such hypoxic systems to the market (which drew huge media coverage), Hypoxic has been in the center of developments in this new industry. Our products are used by Olympic associations, professional sports teams, world champions, Olympic champions, national governing bodies etc etc etc.
More athletes use Hypoxico's tent and room systems that all other altitude-simulating systems combined....many times over.
Q: Does the system come with a warranty?
A: Naturally. Hypoxico stands behind it's products. The Hypoxic Generator comes with a 3-year/8,000 hour warranty.
Our many patents gives you the security that our company will be around to honor such a warranty.
Q. Ok, so how do I purchase one?
A: Click on "Contact us" on the left and ask for us to send you an order form by Fax, or by e-mail (.pdf document, or WORD document), and also so we can confirm current availability in your desired tent size and voltage configuration.
Return of this form by fax/mail confirms the order. Payment, due before shipping and is generally made by Credit Card (USA) or Wire transfer or cashiers check.