my neighbor from hell

Hell no! Shit no. I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that.190122-SFE-M-ABaderA.jpg
I thought what he said was pretty funny, but then again I’m an imbecile
As some of you may know, my neighbor is a pos. Very passive aggressive type of guy. Yesterday I was packing my groceries in my house and I had a carton of eggs in my hand. He was outside gardening and he said "hey, you're pretty eggcentric". I was caught off guard and was like "haha yeah". Then he goes "have an eggcredible day". So naturally I try to respond with an egg related pun or whatever and i said "stop being an egghole". This fucking guy didnt even laugh, and says "hey man I was just kidding, no need to get personal". This guy drives me nuts. always starting shit, im not a confrontational guy but id love to just piece him up on his lawn. Am i over reacting?

Stop being an egghole is a bit aggressive man. I don't blame him for being upset. Egghole coupled with a serious tone can be taken the wrong way. Were you smiling at least to let him know you were kidding?
If I was your neighbor no doubt I’d take eggception to your egregious behaviour
If that’s all that happened then you’re definitely overreacting. Just fake laugh OR don’t at his shitty joke and move the fuck on with your day.
lmao this is my fav op i read today.

"Egg credible? Really, Bob?

You realize that makes no sense, right? I mean the egg centric pun wasn't funny but at least it demonstrated that you know how the game works. But egg credible? Jesus.

I'm sorry man, but I have to report this. The HOA has rules about this kind of thing. I'm afraid it's in there hands now."
Hahah. Legit made me laugh. Thats what im saying.

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