My BolthouseFarms/Odwalla Wannabe


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Jun 13, 2005
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Yeah, so Bolthouse Farms and Odwalla's Green Superfood drinks are spectacular, but they're also kinda expensive. At $3 a pop for the BF, it would cost me $80 per month if I drank 1/day. I can't be spending that.

So I'm in the process of concocting an imitator. I think I need a tastier powder than NOW's Phytofoods, but I've never had a different powder, so I don't know for sure that's the problem. Like my Dad said, my current formula is "missing something." I disagree with him that it's whipped cream.

So far I have this:

1 Banana
2 Kiwis, peeled
1 Mango, peeled
5-10oz. Pineapple in 100% Pineapple Juice (pineapples & juice)
5oz. Peaches in Pear Syrup (peaches & juice)
4oz. Orange Juice (Tropicana, Grovestand...or best of all, something not from concentrate)
6oz. Apple Juice
2-3tbl. Green Superfood Powder
Opt. 1-2 Cups Ice (Depending on desired consistency/temperature)

I think I may need to add one more mango and some tamarind nectar. Plus I'd like to get a hold of some Greens+ (I heard it tastes good) and use that instead of the PhytoFoods. I'll see what the weight is next time I make it, I'm not sure right now since the kiwis and mango are peeled, but here's a cost breakdown (at least where I live; living is cheap here, and anything agricultural is cheaper):

Banana: $0.20
Kiwis: $0.50
Mango: $0.50
Pineapple: $0.60-$1.20
Peaches: $0.40
OJ: $0.20
AJ: $0.15
Powder: $0.80-$1.20

TOTAL: $3.35-$4.35

Okay, so the price is the same, but when I add the ice (and with the ice is tastes more potent than either the BF or Odwalla), I'd say there's probably almost 50% more. I dunno, we'll see if it's cost effective. In the meantime, it's been fun, even if peeling mangoes and kiwis is a bitch.

But I'm hoping to make 16-32oz. of this stuff a once-a-day for the rest of my life.
Yeah, so Bolthouse Farms and Odwalla's Green Superfood drinks are spectacular, but they're also kinda expensive. At $3 a pop for the BF, it would cost me $80 per month if I drank 1/day. I can't be spending that

Why would you be going through a whole big bottle of GG per day? There's 4 servings in that bottle, I usually only use 1 serving per day and two servings of actual green vegetables. That gives me 4 days worth, and I usually buy 4 bottles at a time, which last about a month. That's $12 per month.
King Kabuki said:
Why would you be going through a whole big bottle of GG per day? There's 4 servings in that bottle, I usually only use 1 serving per day and two servings of actual green vegetables. That gives me 4 days worth, and I usually buy 4 bottles at a time, which last about a month. That's $12 per month.

Because I'm 245 pounds, I lift/train 3 hours a day, and I like the taste.

Besides, the mix I've come up with so far is pretty damn close to the real thing. That alone brings out the mad scientist in me.
4 Servings= 520-560 Calories.

That's nothing.
Madmick said:
4oz. Orange Juice (Tropicana, Grovestand...or best of all, something not from concentrate)

take out the O.J. cuz acidic juices inhibit some of the super greenfood's enzymes, so i've read..
Because I'm 245 pounds, I lift/train 3 hours a day, and I like the taste.

Besides, the mix I've come up with so far is pretty damn close to the real thing. That alone brings out the mad scientist in me.

I forgot you're one of them big bastards. Carry on.
Greens+ is much better tasting than NOW's product.
I'd drink that combination.

I have a difficult situation I need help with:
Who do I go to work for and where?
Trader Joes- Rockville MD or Virginia Beach?
Whole Foods- Rockville MD, Fort Collins CO, Dallas TX?
Chad Hamilton said:
Greens+ is much better tasting than NOW's product.
I'd drink that combination.

I have a difficult situation I need help with:
Who do I go to work for and where?
Trader Joes- Rockville MD or Virginia Beach?
Whole Foods- Rockville MD, Fort Collins CO, Dallas TX?

Damn, I don't know, I don't really know anything about any of those locations. How are the MMA Gyms in Rockville and Virginia Beach? I know Dallas has to have something to offer.
supersudo said:
take out the O.J. cuz acidic juices inhibit some of the super greenfood's enzymes, so i've read..

Alright. That's in neither the Bolthouse Farms or Odwalla anyway (maybe due to what you mentioned).