Social Most divisive thing you have heard a president say

This thread is going how one would expect based off the title.

thought it would be a great (despite the context of division) collection of clips of presidents over the years, perhaps at their worst (which sometimes highlights their best)

a historical journey so to speak.

I dunno, a lot of toxic posters. I’ll just leave it at that
So you agree with me, then. Derivative informal language can either be funny, or downright offensive.

For example, claiming your family has been 'massacred' because you were asked to pay higher taxes in a country rife with historic massacres would not be funny, it would be downright offensive.

No person of any intellect would claim to be 'lynched' by opponents with a low impression of their performance in a country with the historic background of the USA.

And of course derivative informal language isn't legitimate in terms of definitions.
Sometimes when I watch a David Lynch movie, I say I'm going Lynching. Might be an issue if taken out of context.
Biden also said Mitt Romney wanted to bring back slavery "put y'all back in chains".

Democrats don't even bother campaigning or giving speeches addressing the nation as a whole, all of them are segmented into the riling up and stoking hatred from different grievance groups and voting blocks.

They stopped trying to appeal to voters generally a long time ago, and now just cobble together different groups based on race hatred. The polling is all broken down by demographic group to cobble together voting blocks and leave them uninformed on anything other than racial grievances. It's an abusive relationship where they keep their constituents broken and dependent, then tell them "you're nothing without me. If you leave the other guys will treat you even worse".
I bet after you made that comment, you cupped your hand and then farted into it. Then you carefully brought it up to your face holes and inhaled with a great sense of accomplishment. Btw TDS is a thing since people have not been able to shut the fuck up about him. People literally bring him up when he has absolutely no relevance to the subject being discussed.
This is it!
Biden/Harris lead easily the most divisive White House I've ever seen. They get a free pass to the media, and wouldn't survive a quarter of the scrutiny that President Trump faced. For example, the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Biden hasn't had to apologize once for falsely labelling Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

Kamala Harris reacted to the verdict by saying the justice system needs to me more "equitable". Like, what?

Biden at least said he respected the verdict. Harris has just always been a subhuman piece of filth.
why not post something worse?

it was an open ended question for your opinion.

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," Biden said. "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

Reckless, unforgivable, literally not true, no direct acknowledgement of inaccuracy. We still haven't recovered on the issue, and this statement (along many others like it from him) is why. Most divisive I've seen in my lifetime and I don't think there's a close second when considering the impact and scope of the statements.
"If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon"
This one was always super interesting to me. It really, reallly seemed to piss people off, and I have never grasped what the complaint was. Obama, like Bush, only had daughters. If the person in question had been white, and GWB said something like, “I am a father of two daughters, but if I had a son he might be about that age and look a lot like that boy” (or something similar), I strongly suspect no one would’ve given a fuck.
This one was always super interesting to me. It really, reallly seemed to piss people off, and I have never grasped what the complaint was. Obama, like Bush, only had daughters. If the person in question had been white, and GWB said something like, “I am a father of two daughters, but if I had a son he might be about that age and look a lot like that boy” (or something similar), I strongly suspect no one would’ve given a fuck.

Oh' look, a fire. Here's some gasoline...

In a racially charged case like that, the President should not be taking sides. A responsible President would've called for calm and to let the system work it out.

Although, it's rather benign compared to what comes out of Democrats' mouths these days, like calling Jussie Smollette's case a "modern day lynching", or the fucking border czar calling agents racists who whip migrants, even though he knew it was a complete lie. Or shit, treating Jacob Blake like a victim. Perpetuating the "hands up, don't shoot" lie, and treating Mike Brown as a poster child for police brutality to this day...
“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," Biden said. "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

Reckless, unforgivable, literally not true, no direct acknowledgement of inaccuracy. We still haven't recovered on the issue, and this statement (along many others like it from him) is why. Most divisive I've seen in my lifetime and I don't think there's a close second when considering the impact and scope of the statements.
Wow, really?? That’s your #1, and you don’t think there’s a close second? I mean, it’s clear he went too far in his phrasing, but the data at the time showed that among vaccinated people, approximately 0.0033% were hospitalized and 0.00067% died.
Minuscule. I mean, how dare Biden imply it would be 0 when it’s actually 0.0033%?

You don’t find a President baselessly and falsely claiming that an entire election is rigged and being stolen, to be more divisive than that?? Literally wtf.
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This one was always super interesting to me. It really, reallly seemed to piss people off, and I have never grasped what the complaint was. Obama, like Bush, only had daughters. If the person in question had been white, and GWB said something like, “I am a father of two daughters, but if I had a son he might be about that age and look a lot like that boy” (or something similar), I strongly suspect no one would’ve given a fuck.
It set a terrible precedent, in multiple ways

Not only is the POTUS himself commenting and taking a side on a racially volatile situation, but he made it personal. As if to say "your ether with me or your against me". And the whole party and media followed suit
This one was always super interesting to me. It really, reallly seemed to piss people off, and I have never grasped what the complaint was. Obama, like Bush, only had daughters. If the person in question had been white, and GWB said something like, “I am a father of two daughters, but if I had a son he might be about that age and look a lot like that boy” (or something similar), I strongly suspect no one would’ve given a fuck.

Decent assessment. I would argue tho obama’s comment makes it all about race and ignores the context of the incident. So the counter is “while your kid might look like him, would you envision your son in that exact situation”.

Ignoring that context and making it all about race does cause division and stokes racial tensions.

I think Biden’s comment here much worse tho, along with some other of his comments
Oh' look, a fire. Here's some gasoline...

In a racially charged case like that, the President should not be taking sides. A responsible President would've called for calm and to let the system work it out.

Although, it's rather benign compared to what comes out of Democrats' mouths these days, like calling Jussie Smollette's case a "modern day lynching", or the fucking border czar calling agents racists who whip migrants, even though he knew it was a complete lie. Or shit, treating Jacob Blake like a victim. Perpetuating the "hands up, don't shoot" lie, and treating Mike Brown as a poster child for police brutality to this day...
Ah, but if the case wasn’t “racially charged” it’d have been fine? Regardless of how the encounter ended between Zimmerman and Trayvon, it’s abundantly clear—and was at the time—that Trayvon was being profiled, Zimmerman had been told not to follow him, and did so anyway. Obama’s remarks were perfectly fine, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with lamenting the fact that the incident ended in someone’s death, nor is there anything inaccurate in his empathizing as a father how that might feel to lose one’s own son.

This Politico article notes, “The president was careful not to comment too extensively on an active investigation on both the federal and state levels, noting that as head of the executive branch, the Department of Justice reports to him. Earlier this week, under intense public pressure, the FBI and the DOJ joined the investigation into the Martin case.”

His remark riled up the right because it forced them to look at a racially charged issue as a racially charged issue.
Decent assessment. I would argue tho obama’s comment makes it all about race and ignores the context of the incident. So the counter is “while your kid might look like him, would you envision your son in that exact situation”.

Ignoring that context and making it all about race does cause division and stokes racial tensions.

I think Biden’s comment here much worse tho, along with some other of his comments
It literally was about race though. Zimmerman’s assertions on the phone call to police that Trayvon was suspicious, on drugs and up to no good, was straight racial profiling. Trayvon, as we know now, had no major history of trouble, had every right and good reason to be where he was, and was not doing anything suspicious or illegal at all.
The case was very much about race.
It set a terrible precedent, in multiple ways

Not only is the POTUS himself commenting and taking a side on a racially volatile situation, but he made it personal. As if to say "your ether with me or your against me". And the whole party and media followed suit
Well to him it was personal on some level. He also mentioned that he could’ve been in that same position 35 years ago when he was younger. He’s right, and it’s personal.
Richard Nixon came right out and said Manson was guilty, but because Manson, the Manson Family, and the victims were all white, no one was up in arms about it.

The Republican Party has had a major race problem in their party for roughly 80 years. The Trayvon incident at the very least was a clear case of racial profiling, and actually tackling issues of race or even acknowledging them seems to be something that modern day conservatives are allergic to.
I always find it so curious what types of things conservatives find “divisive.” Like, we can’t all agree that Zimmerman profiled Trayvon? That he had no business doing the things he did? That point is one we should be united on—the fact that some people got defensive and felt divided tells me more about those people than it does about Obama’s remark, imho.
Wow, really?? That’s your #1, and you don’t think there’s a close second? I mean, it’s clear he went too far in his phrasing, but the data at the time showed that among vaccinated people, approximately 0.0033% were hospitalized and 0.00067% died.
Minuscule. I mean, how dare Biden imply it would be 0 when it’s actually 0.0033%?

You don’t find a President barely and falsely claiming that an entire election is rigged and being stolen, to be more divisive than that?? Literally wtf.

This whole thread is really stunning to me. Not only Trump's whole presidency apparently being forgotten but the kinds of minor things that set partisans off. Interesting look at people's mindsets.
This whole thread is really stunning to me. Not only Trump's whole presidency apparently being forgotten but the kinds of minor things that set partisans off. Interesting look at people's mindsets.
It’s absurd to the point of downright stupid. Trump can call immigrants’ homelands “shithole countries,” paint Mexicans as rapists and murderers, baselessly and falsely sow doubt in our entire election system— but it’s COVID remarks or “If I had a son” that has people divided? <45><Lmaoo>